Thoughts on the baby leash?

I wish I had this when I was a kid. My dad would make me and my 3 brothers hold on to his back pocket when we would go through the store or mall. It sucked.
My thoughts are be a less shitty parent.

This. The few times I've seen one of these baby leashes, the parent was always on the phone practically dragging the kid around. Disgusts me.
I have no problem with it. Children are crazy man they are liable to go off and do anything and this is kind of a funny way of holding them in line.

Its sorta cute lol
By the way, It's not a's a teather.

And there is a big difference.

A leash goes around an animals neck.
In a crazy busy mall around Christmas, I understand it.
Your first job as a parent is to protect them (most often from themselves) -it takes about 1 second for a child to dart off in traffic or step over a ledge -and it happens everyday.

Bad parent or not -kids are a danger to themselves -if you have a hyper active or curiously excited kid -I can understand this tactic.
Well if cint ever develops a bondage fetish the sales of these things will skyrocket
I have a daughter who's 11 years old. They weren't around when she was a toddler but if she was a hyperactive troublemaker instead of an artistic bookworm I probably would use it too. Especially if I had two or more hyperactive troublemakers like a few of my friends and family have.

The main responsibility you have to your child is safety. You don't have a responsibility to anyone else who may judge you. The kids never seem to be affected. Stop worrying about what they world thinks about how YOU raise your kids!

Edit: The alternative is probably worse but people tend to applaud it. When I was young my father would just yank me by the arm, collar, or even hair if I was about to break something or making a lot of noise. That's just as lazy and even more insulting but somehow considered the right way to parent.
I have a 3 year old boy. Would never leash him. I watch him like a hawk, hold his hand, carry him, stroller him or put him in the shopping cart.

Sure its not easy, but neither is parenting.

So you never give him any freedom to explore?
Usually against it. If the options are bad parent with kid running amok or bad parent with kid on a leash... Keep the leash. Probably add a ballgag while you're at it.
My kid is 2 1/2 I've never thought to put my kid on a leash. My wife and I give our child the illusion of choice and it keeps him in line fairly well. Even at 2, toddles are very perceptive.

Prior to any outing we lay down the simple ground rules for him. Good boys get a treat, bad boys do not. Even at 2 1/2 he knows that his actions determine the outcome. While we're out we give him several choices that are always something that mom and dad want anyways. By him making the choice, he is much happier about the end result. Like when we're out and about near roads or anything he can run out in front of, his choices are either being held or hold the hand of mom/dad.

We've had 1 meltdown in public due to grandpa getting letting him have his way and then pulling him away with no warning. But other than that he almost always behaves. He'll start to throw a fit from time to tim, but we remind him about being a good boy and if he wants a treat or not and he shapes right up.

So you're one of those parents training their children to expect to be rewarded for doing what they're supposed to do? Thanks for creating an entitled generation.
If my children ever ended up on a leash, my ex would end up in a shock collar