The Way of Pain: JRT6's war training log

Saturday I got 3x8 of 2in rope chins while wearing a 30lb vest. 100 ab wheel burpies in 8:31.

Rolling went well for once and I bagged my first blue belt by anaconda choke. This guy is very good and would be a purple but he has other priorities now. He was a skinny little gumby who would manipulate my moves but when i caught him in the turtle my weight advantage was an assest for only time we were rolling.(He tapped me two other times).

This focusing on BJJ isn't going to last, the literal torquing on my elbows is getting to be too much and i'm getting really depressed about it. I can drill all day but a couple rolls and I'm popping celebrex and hitting the ice. Maybe the much less frequency I was getting doing mma was better after all. I really want to get my blue first though I will try to solve the problem.
Slow week. BJJ went well, no MT this week (again). Flexability is noticably improved but I'm really sore with my back acting up. I'm taking the weekend off.
I made a lifting schedule change. I've been doing all upper body days to give my joints a break but in the end I just did that day too freuqently so I'm back to two upper body days a week. Push/pull with only one upper day every three to four days. So today was bench, the standard 280lbs floor press for 2x15 with 30 seconds rest strictly. Legs flat on the ground. Just maintance with bench as usual. Blast strap pushups with 30lb vest and red mini band 20 reps, 10 rep., Seated one arm corner press 70lbs 15, 10 reps. Some RC stuff and stretching.

An observation that my wife made is that now that I'm focusing on BJJ I don't wake her up when I move around in bed. I've gone from flopping my 250lb ass ( I lost 8lbs yehhhhhy, I lost 8lbs...!) around to being smooth and subtle with my hips. Now if I only had a big dick...:icon_twis
I find that upper body needs more frequent workouts than lower body to make progress or maintain.

Can you do weighted dips leaning forward?
what about push ups where you touch chest to the floor?
Dips are a big no-no and I only discovered that after spending $55- on dip bars for my rack. I do the blast strap pushups lower than chest level and they are fine because I can move my hands more neutral grip and of course the resistance is a lot less compared to benching and floor pressing.

My doctor wants me to workout as infrequently as possible and still maintain an acceptable level of strength. It's not the weight per se that gets me it's the time under load. So since I really don't want to increase the weight, working out more frequently out of boredom and desire to lift was not and is not going to result in anthing good.
The blast strap pushups are probably the most pain free thing do for upper body. My shoulders properly postured, my elbows are up against my body and my wrists are not bent using the handles. I read on that shoulder savers thread on t-nation that pushups are great for shoulders and they really are. Using a weight vest and bands keeps things interesting.
I was reading on another forum yesterday about guys with wrecked backs and it scared the shit out of me. Especially considering my back has 22years plue on it. My squat weight is starting to creep back up again and I need to check it and instead work in some other things like slip squat that will be somehting to improve on and also be teh evil "functional" for sports.
Squat 2x15x340, RDL 20X2X250.

2 sessions of stretching.
Did quick snatch single legs (slow snatch in my case) and damn good guard techniques in BJJ today. I couldn't roll after 50 armbar drills as it was too much. Still a good day and I think I'm going to get a stripe or two when David Adiv comes to do a seminar on the 19th.

Put on a ltlle zercher DL clinic. Finally something I know more about than anyone else in the room.
I performed poorly rolling today. Got choked so hard by a forum member here I threw up. However, I'm a note taking motherfucker now and I will not make the same mistakes again or at least not lay there stumped while getting an armbar worked on me. I hate being embarrased. Fucking hate it. I will learn from my mistakes.
I performed poorly rolling today. Got choked so hard by a forum member here I threw up. However, I'm a note taking motherfucker now and I will not make the same mistakes again or at least not lay there stumped while getting an armbar worked on me. I hate being embarrased. Fucking hate it. I will learn from my mistakes.

That guy sounds like a jerk. What kind of choke was it? I'm assuming it was an air choke rather than a blood choke since it sounds like he was applying pressure to the front of your throat. But regardless that was shittily done by him.
No the choke was cool, it was a guiitine(sp) but with with an armbar on the throat and I was defending it pretty well until the guy sat back and it suddenly sank hard. I have a strong gag relfex too. This guy is a no-gi fighter who used an attack style I've never encountered before and it really threw me into sit and don't do shit mode. Although I did escape his Darce attempt.

Upon reflextion my transitions were non existant. I drill techniques hard to learn them but I'm not spending enough time putting it together rolling. A problem is that I'm so worried about getting armbared and injured that I'm not thinking during rolling sometimes. I need to spend a lot more time on open rolling less than 100% but right now I'm on day shift which means getting up at 5am and open roll starts at 11pm. Next month I'll have more time because I'll be on midnights.
I joined grapplersguide today. I'm hoping that the work sheets etc will help make my notes better and get my self directed training much more organized and effective.
My elbow spazzed on four seperate reps floor pressing today. Floor pressing is just too hard on it. I don't regular bench becuase of my shoulders.

So: today was the last time i will ever bench

I get a good workout with the weighted blast strap pushups without all the agonizing mental stress. Any exercise isn't worth this, particuarly benching. Wow no benching for the first time in 22 years.
I'm still not benching and suprisingly I'm excited at that decision still. I ordered an expensive 50lb short weight vest to go with the 50lb long vest I already have because using the light band is too hard on my joints on the lockout. Otherwise I'm diggin the blast strap pushups big time. I needed more vest weight for chins and inverted rows anyway so I will use the vest everytime I train. It'll be good for lunges too.

BJJ has gone well but MT is on hold.
MT is back on and my focus right now is footwork. I lost a lot of punching conditioning but I need to work my footwork as the priority.
No stripes yet as I wasn't promoted last week. I can make some semi-legit excuses but the fact is I looked like shit at the mini seminar although I did manage to tap out another white belt during a roll off. Still he gave more trouble than he should of and the fact is I'm still thinking rather than reacting. I have just started working on transitions for each position like guard. If I go at less experienced guys with a bunch of chained techniques in a row I should be able to start making things happen.

Grapplersguide has some nice flow charts to use.
I'm not supposed to dip but I did one set today anyway and it went pretty darn good. The guy who designed the dip position on my rack must have been one narrow dude because the handle holes are really close together. I have to hold the handles on the very end and it's a very tricep intensive workout. That being said I did 30 reps w/ only one feet down pause. I'll take that every once in a while. Had some sound effects from the joints but no pain. I think these will be ok every few workouts for a rep out set.

MT and rolling today.