Economy The [Wall / Government Shutdown] Megathread

Would you approve of Trump using emergency powers to build his wall?

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Real talk: That Rose Garden fiasco was so far beyond the realm of coherency and adequately developed human cognitive function that the only possible response is this

Trump keep talking about wall would keep the drugs out, but my question is, how does this wall solve the most pressing drug problem facing Americans right now, the opioid crisis.

it doesn't solve anything

the opioids come from big Pharma and China
and most of the heroin comes from Afghanistan
Just woke up and just wanted to make sure I understood.

So our military is now paying now for a useless wall that Trump promised Mexico was going to pay for. Is this winning and Maga?
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Just woke up and just wantes to make sure I understood.

So our military is now paying now for a useless wall that Trump promised Mexico was going to pay for. Is this winning and Maga?

Have any of his followers realised their mistake yet?
It's not that they are dumb, though. At least not exclusively. The glue that holds it together is that they are shameless, selfish, and unprincipled. Just look at the higher-end Trump supporters here: they know that he's a moron, they don't even attempt to defend his policies on their merit (@kpt018's thread on the GOP Tax Scam had fucking tumbleweeds), and they know he's lying and that his actions and policies don't have any actual justifications. But it doesn't matter. It's about their side. There is literally nothing that he could do that would get them to vote for the other side.


Ya I would agree that not ALL Trump supporters are stupid but a huge swath of them have almost no intelligence, curiosity, or ability to think for themselves. They may have the capacity but they have no desire. And that leads them to eat up anything and everything Trump says, echo his position and then not want to retract or admit they are wrong and thus cling to it irrationality no matter how wrong they see it is after.

That makes them dumb imo. If you have a capacity to learn but choose not to you are dumb or stupid.

and you see that constantly on this forum with many of the main Trumptards. They jump quickly on any Trump rationalizations as a gotcha thinking they have nailed others because they believed the surface argument Trump put forth. But then as the debate unfolds, they see, as it almost happens, that the Trump argument is specious and without legs. But they cling to regardless as they would rather not admit they were wrong.

(Edit : see my post 2 below as to how eagerly @COTUR1@43 would destroy the Constitution and the Separation of Powers just to back Trump)
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He is trying to say most of the wall is already built. That's also where the "finish the wall" thing came from.
So he is now admitting that administrations prior to his DID build the wall and almost completed it?

Another nail in his coffin that this is an 'emergency' if true as he is stating the building of the wall has always been going on.
From an article in The Atlantic (not exactly a conservative publication)...I don't see any reference to "time must be of the essence!" He has the power as POTUS (granted by Congress in the Act!!!) just don't like it because it is President Trump.

Aiming to rein in this proliferation, Congress passed the National Emergencies Act in 1976. Under this law, the president still has complete discretion to issue an emergency declaration—but he must specify in the declaration which powers he intends to use, issue public updates if he decides to invoke additional powers, and report to Congress on the government’s emergency-related expenditures every six months. The state of emergency expires after a year unless the president renews it, and the Senate and the House must meet every six months while the emergency is in effect “to consider a vote” on termination.

By any objective measure, the law has failed. Thirty states of emergency are in effect today—several times more than when the act was passed. Most have been renewed for years on end. And during the 40 years the law has been in place, Congress has not met even once, let alone every six months, to vote on whether to end them.

As a result, the president has access to emergency powers contained in 123 statutory provisions, as recently calculated by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, where I work. These laws address a broad range of matters, from military composition to agricultural exports to public contracts. For the most part, the president is free to use any of them; the National Emergencies Act doesn’t require that the powers invoked relate to the nature of the emergency.
You'll have to excerpt and quote the part that shows an 'emergency' can be defined by an issue the POTUS sent to Congress, it got debated, and simply failed to get support for in a vote.

No one is debating that the POTUS has tremendous powers and latitude under an Emergency Declaration. but the Constitution contemplated it being used when the 'emergency' presented a time challenge and the POTUS needed to act in the best interest of the country.

What you are saying, AND WHAT IS UNDENIABLE, is that if the POTUS and COngress disagree on a matter that requires significant funding, the POTUS can send it to COngress to debate but there is only one acceptable answer. COngress MUST agree with the POTUS. IF they do not the POTUS can simply go around them and take the money anyway.

That DESTROYS the separation of powers. The Congress then has no power. They either agree always on important matters or they simply get bypassed. The Constitution set out to ensure that COULD NOT happen by enshrining the separation of powers. And no amount of Trumptard spin and rationalization because they want Dear Leader to succeed even at the destruction of the Constitution will change that.
Trump keep talking about wall would keep the drugs out, but my question is, how does this wall solve the most pressing drug problem facing Americans right now, the opioid crisis.

Do opiods get smuggled into the U.S.?

Not being a dick. Just seriously asking as I'm not that familiar with how they just show up in the States.
Real talk: That Rose Garden fiasco was so far beyond the realm of coherency and adequately developed human cognitive function that the only possible response is this


It was more like this :


Didn’t come up with anything other than a search engine.

What’s trump doing to fix the opioid problem?

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