The Moon Landing was a Hoax... or was it?

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Purple Belt
Dec 7, 2010
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Here's an interesting video explaining the [film/camera] technology needed to hoax the Apollo 11 mission in '69.

***EDIT*** since most of you won't actually WATCH the video.. S.G. Collins is saying that it WAS NOT POSSIBLE to hoax the moon landing.
I am also aware that Neil Degrasse Tyson was on the rogan podcast. Rogan ruined it with all the moon talk.


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I don't get how someone would believe the moon landing was a hoax.
Yeh but dis guy iz paid of by teh eval goverment man!!!!!!!!
I dont believe it was a hoax, I think we landed on the moon. Even if the film footage was faked, we still landed on the moon and they simply filmed the footage in a studio to get the due credit.
Someone might want to link this thread to the dumbest conspiracy theories thread
I don't get how someone would believe the moon landing was a hoax.

neither do I man, but there are people out there who do.
and I'm sure there's a bunch of them lurking on here.
Neil degrasse Tyson was on the rogan podcast like a week ago giving pretty concise answers regarding the moon landing hoax. I would recommend watching it.
the one thing that doesnt make sence is how they couldnt get a chimp to survive the radiation belts, so they went for it anyway and had no problems?
I dont believe it was a hoax, I think we landed on the moon. Even if the film footage was faked, we still landed on the moon and they simply filmed the footage in a studio to get the due credit.

The video explains that we didn't have the technology that it would have required to fake it.
There are five or six observations with the moon landing that are interpreted as to give rise to the hoax theory. It's the common conspiracy pattern. Negatively attack the established account and cause doubt without ever establishing the alternative - just cause doubt. Then the people who are susceptible to believing the conspiracy follow their anti-establishment tendencies.

In the case of the moon landing hoax, all of the supposed "problems" with the conventional account have been debunked. It's fair to say that some of the "problems" are interesting and seem counter to common sense. That's why believing the moon landing was a hoax is possible.
Incidentally, Oswald shot Kennedy. Whether he was acting on some entity's behalf I don't know, but the shots were easy for him with that rifle (that's why he chose that rifle...he could have had any rifle he wanted)
Neil degrasse Tyson was on the rogan podcast like a week ago giving pretty concise answers regarding the moon landing hoax. I would recommend watching it.

is neil for or against the moon landing being real?
neither do I man, but there are people out there who do.
and I'm sure there's a bunch of them lurking on here.

Som people thin everything's a conspiracy,the biggest one is how Cain got the decision over JDS,just to sell UFC in Mexico,a complete robbery.
the one thing that doesnt make sence is how they couldnt get a chimp to survive the radiation belts, so they went for it anyway and had no problems?

Never heard of this. I actually shook hands with one of the space chimps. I suppose they could switch chimps pretty easily. I was alive at the time and we got to watch most of the launches, especially the manned launches. A solar flare while outside Earths magnetic field could have been a disaster but the odds were good that it wouldn't happen during a short mission. I'm not aware of any of the flights involving chimps leaving Earth orbit.
A thread about something that may or may not have happened back in '69.

No but really, it wasn't a hoax. They needed to make it happen so that they had at least one notable achievement in the space-race, and it worked. Most of the western world believes USA won it, simply because of it.

Getting caught faking something like this has negative effects beyond the positives, they wouldn't have took the risk IMO.
Mythbusters debunked a load of the hoax theories.

Several shows have looked at it. The waving flag, and shadows, etc. all seem damning but they all are explained and demonstrated.

The fact that people involved in the moon projects are still alive and are credible people makes no difference to the conspiracy believers. I always find this interesting because the same people, when considering ancient events, with seize on the relatively scant historical documentation surrounding ancient events - as if all that they would need is more credible testimony.
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