The Moment Gastelum Had Adesanya in Trouble (GIF)

WHy he shot for a takedown no idea
My guess is he didn't have a lot left in the tank. At that stage if your finish attempt dosen't pan out you're likely to get finished yourself out of exhaustion. And rd 4 kelvin was pulling himself back into the discussion for the end of fight decision so he wasn't at a stage of HAVING to go for broke yet. Perfect world yeah he just lays into him with an onslaught. Just don't know if he actually had it in him at that time 4 minutes deep into rd 4 so it seems he elected to try and control the remainder of the round to secure the points. Easy to judge in hindsight when we aren't in his shoes to know how bad the fatigue and damage was feeling.
Cardio. If I run real fast at the start of a race and am 'winning', but then slow down, would you say I lacked running IQ because I didn't keep running faster and faster?
I'm having deja vu...wasn't there another high profile fight where someone went for an infamous takedown like that when he had the opponent rocked?
Gastelum has Martin Kampmann level terrible fight IQ. The guy has so much raw talent but is so lazy and undisciplined that he will never become a champ IMHO. Israel also still has a lot to prove IMO
Gastellum why!? Why did you go for the takedown?
He doesn't have shit fight IQ. Usually he is known for great fight IQ.
The GIF really shows how close he was to winning there.

Gassed as shit.
We know Helwani's first question next time Kelvin is his guest.
That's some Dumble Johnson shit from Kelvin.
If Israel was captioning this gif he'd write:
"I didn't see no pop on his punches."

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