The Big Picture: America, The Shining City on the Hill

I did address your point; I immediately gave it as much attention as it deserved: sarcastic dismissal. Can't you retain more than a single line of text at a time?

Dude, you started blathering about the Middle East as if that had some relevance to the discussion, which was how lend/lease won WWII. But sure. It was sarcastic dismissal and stuff.
I have a better idea: How about you shove your America hating bullshit right up your fucking ass? Bend the knee to the greatest country in history. You only wish you could live in our beautiful land.



This should really be the national anthem.

People don't like Americans, generally, because you're loud, fat, obnoxious, arrogant and you're involved in almost every major conflict in the world. You're genocidal and stupid. That's the perception, not "oh my god these guys are so awesome I'm jealouuus".

You literally just described every single European tourist I've ever met. You aren't meeting every day Americans, you're meeting obnoxious wealthy tourists.
You include military but not healthcare? More Yanks will die to corona then anyone else. Exceptional indeed.
Though American healthcare is deeply flawed in terms of access we still have some of the best medical facilities in the entire planet due to our top tier research institutions.
Wrong. Lol at best healthcare, social mobility and access to higher education.

The us ranks like 27th on the social mobility index.
You have millions without healthcare insurance.
The best schools cost 100s of thousands of dollars.

I hope your post was sarcasm

Though American healthcare is deeply flawed in terms of access we still have some of the best medical facilities in the entire planet due to our top tier research institutions.

Yeah, I can see that.
Who do you consider to be the modern world and which countries do you think have handled covid in a good way?

Australia and New Zealand. I can name more but not sure if you would be able to point them out on a map <45><45><45>

Again, Canadian leaders, European leaders (Berlusconi at the Cleveland Clinic I remember clearly years back), wealthy people from the Middle East, Russia and everywhere else on the planet come here when they're ill. Always have. No where else. Isn't that odd? Pack up suitcases full of cash and come to where the best doctors and HC are. Right here in the good ol' USA.
Maybe you can just tell me where in the world there is better healthcare? Via proof and what you know to be true, not some stupid leftard "study" or list compiled by like-thinkers. Tell me where more wealthy people go for treatment than the US when they are ill. I'll give you a little hint: it's still here. The US. Nowhere else. Always will be. Because our HC is the best on the fucking planet, bar none. THAT'S why all the people with the means to do so come here. So now you know. The US in fact does have the very best health care available on the planet. Thus, everyone who can afford to comes here---to The Cleveland Clinic, The Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, etc.
But by all means, just ignorantly claim it's not true because Nigeria or Cuba is better on some goofy ranking of global HC or whatever. I'm sure you'll have plenty that join you in your Corky Bandwagon, as it were. Carry on.

Wrong. Lol at best healthcare, social mobility and access to higher education.

The us ranks like 27th on the social mobility index.
You have millions without healthcare insurance.
The best schools cost 100s of thousands of dollars.

I hope your post was sarcasm

GTFO with your anti-US made-up "stats". Again, nowhere else is the social mobility better. No where. Name it, please. Examples you know of personally? Thanks in advance.

No where else is there better HC. Do you know what it means to not have HC insurance here? First off, if you're actually poor, you get medicaid. Free, no-deductible medical, dental and vision coverage. That takes care of that, no? So all of our poor get the best HC on the planet, no co-pay, no-deductible, no bill of any kind. No worries. And they use the shit out of it. Call ambulances for toothaches.
Even the bums who CHOOSE not to have HC because they "can't afford it" (they can afford houses/condos, expensive clothes/shoes, cars, boats, phones, vacations, etc.---you get my drift, I've seen it for decades), as well as illegal aliens. What do you think happens to them if they're in an accident or walk into an emergency room? Well, I'll tell you since you don't seem to know. They are treated without concern for their ability to pay and availed the best healthcare and HC service providers anywhere on the planet. So again, US #1. Thanks.

You last comment on schools is just as dumb as the first two, to be honest. No offense. But very few schools cost that much and why do you have to go to that particular school? We let anyone into the university system (even legit illiterate people who can't read/write or articulate a sentence properly and had a 1.0 GPA in HS). I'm not sure why they don't steer them to the trades, I guess just to push loans on them? I don't know.
In any event, even people who have no business near a university have access to "higher education". They take out loans, goof off and take trips with the money for a couple/few years and then walk away without their degree in liberal arts, black studies, theater, art history or music and with a stack of debt they expect someone else to service/pay off. It's the American way. And I've seen it a million times. Unfortunately for several people I know, they co-signed on that shit and are paying $500/month or more while their 27 year-old dipshit kid serves hotdogs at Dodger stadium and pays none. Shit like that.
If they legit belong and can't afford it (and many can't), there are many different avenues to cover the cost of education without incurring any debt. I have a senior who signed up for the Army National Guard. Leaves this summer (corona-tentative, I guess). She'll go to basic, then off to training, then she'll be back early next year and start school. Tuition is 100% paid for at any state school. She also will draw a paycheck, which has already started (just for her weekends now, but will jump after basic and then again after training). Her plan is to attend nursing school while she does the one weekend a month and two weeks each summer over the next several years and hopefully, she will eventually be an RN with no debt whatsoever incurred. It's not some kind of exclusive program. Anyone can do it. And plenty of smart kids with smart parents do.
Or they investigate other ways to make it happen. Oh, and she picked a "needed" occupation which gave her a $20,000 cash bonus. $10,000 cash after basic, $5000 cash after the training ends early next year and the other $5000 just bumps up her monthly pay over the life of her enlistment. I think that was how it was spread out, I'm not looking at the paperwork. She plans on buying a $10,000 used car to get her through college and working part-time at the hospital which, combined with her military pay of $800ish a month (for one weekend a month---which she enjoys and is really Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon) should have her quite comfortable---even while she's a "poor" college student. And that's just one avenue to a free education here. There are plenty of options besides loans. Anyone taking out loans who isn't going into the STEM fields shouldn't be allowed to take out loans to begin with. Because they're clearly not smart enough to ever pay them back---or they wouldn't be picking whatever field of study they're picking. Facts are facts. But don't let them get in the way of a good ol' bash the US narrative.

I sure hope that your belief in American exceptionalism doesn't rest on these laurels. Only one is true.

You are #1 at blowing up other countries, letting pandemics spread wildly, and getting shot at school though.

Now we're getting somewhere. One, huh?
Which one is true? I mean in your eyes. I already know all three are true, but just curious as to which one you're giving us credit for.
"Letting pandemics spread wildly", huh? OK, then. Never mind on the other. I'm out...

Apologies to @Madmick as this kind of veered off-topic of the OP. Thanks for the vids/links, BTW. Pretty stunning way to lay out German and Soviet losses, as well as the relative world peace we have enjoyed since WWII---thanks to the US.
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Australia and New Zealand. I can name more but not sure if you would be able to point them out on a map <45><45><45>

Can you see any geographical advantage Australia, New Zealand or even Japan would have had? On your map, I mean? Look closely.
It depends what you mean by "shining city on a hill". It's incorrect if you mean a nation all others try to emulate, as the USA is behind plenty of developed countries in overall quality of life areas. But the influence the US has had since WW2 has been fantastic for the western countries (and at large the developed world). The US being a democratic superpower has brought alot of stability and has enabled the countries under its umbrella to put more focus on improving the situation of its citizens.
Can you see any geographical advantage Australia, New Zealand or even Japan would have had? On your map, I mean? Look closely.

You mean closer to China?

You don’t mean to say they are islands do you? Because the US crisis was caused by people crossing the land borders right? Now that would be an embarrassment.
You mean closer to China?

You don’t mean to say they are islands do you? Because the US crisis was caused by people crossing the land borders right? Now that would be an embarrassment.

I have been to both New Zealand and Australia, and both were VERY particular about a lot of things before I could fly in. Extremely particular. 30 years ago. So,...

Maybe an island with a very strict system of who can enter the country would give them an advantage there? No?
Again, Canadian leaders, European leaders (Berlusconi at the Cleveland Clinic I remember clearly years back), wealthy people from the Middle East, Russia and everywhere else on the planet come here when they're ill. Always have. No where else. Isn't that odd? Pack up suitcases full of cash and come to where the best doctors and HC are. Right here in the good ol' USA.

Your entire post completely ignores one obvious fact. You equate our whole health care system with the extremely expensive, specialized, world class care that is available from the best doctors at the best hospitals in the US. You know very well that that has nothing to do with 99.99% of the patients or the health care in the US, but you 'd rather wave the flag and declare the US to have the greatest health care in the world. That's an unfunny joke.
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Your entire post completely ignores one obvious fact. You equate our whole health care system with the specialized, world class care that is available at the best hospitals in the US. You know very well that that has nothing to do with 99.99% of the patients or the health care in the US, but you 'd rather wave the flag and declare the US to have the greatest health care in the world. That's an unfunny joke.
You're an unfunny joke. 99.99% of US HC is shitty? Go elsewhere for your care, then. They'll take care of you.
I have been to both New Zealand and Australia, and both were VERY particular about a lot of things before I could fly in. Extremely particular. 30 years ago. So,...

Maybe an island with a very strict system of who can enter the country would give them an advantage there? No?

Again, the US could implement all the same measures but you’re too incompetent.

Coronavirus isn’t spreading because Mexicans are sneaking across the border.
Nobody has suggested such a thing. Aside from you, I mean.

You have insinuated something along those lines by referring to the fact that Australia and New Zealand’s success are due to the fact they are islands, meaning the US cannot replicate their success due to it’s land borders.
Yeah, I can see that.
You seem annoyed by the idea of "American exceptionalism", I'm not advocating the idea because I think we're inherently better but rather because I think its a fact for better or worse.
Your entire post completely ignores one obvious fact. You equate our whole health care system with the specialized, world class care that is available at the best hospitals in the US. You know very well that that has nothing to do with 99.99% of the patients or the health care in the US, but you 'd rather wave the flag and declare the US to have the greatest health care in the world. That's an unfunny joke.
You're overall point is right but I think you're exaggerating a bit too much here. I had surgery at a world class institution and while it required jumping through some hoops and dropping a chunk of change I was still able it get it and it was life changing. But yes access should be far better than it is in America and the point about world leaders coming here for care doesn't mean much if many Americans can't afford necessary services.
Who do you consider to be the modern world and which countries do you think have handled covid in a good way?
Australia would be a good counter point