So Flynn was indeed setup.

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It's all dropping now, Comey and Co. done goofed.

DOJ notifying the court it has more documents pertaining to the situation.


People will be going to jail over this, and it won't be Flynn. Could you imagine the meltdown if Trump replaces Wray with Flynn?

This is IT!
In Brackis case, he just 100% shit posts. He has no clue what is going on.

Many liberals don’t have a clue as they only process what they see and hear on their tv screens, and the few liberals that are aware of the facts tend to mislead and misinform knowing damn well they know the truth.
Did Joe Biden type this shit out? How fucking rustled are you right now? Do we need to call a suicide hotline?
Once again, total nobody reply. Want to try to discuss the case you're so proud of, or gonna just retreat to another "omg triggered!" at the first sign of intellectual pushback?
You are to discourse what Ronda Rousey is to shadow boxing.

I'll bring it back cause you were so excited about it a few seconds ago:
Does meeting with the FBI without a lawyer make a plea deal that was later signed under legal counsel invalid?
Best of luck trying to form more than 1 sentence before hitting submit. This will be your 10th post in the thread and you've still said zilch besides attacking people.
Predicted this long ago. But it's even worse than anyone thought

These were straight up crooked agents looking to ruin a general. These agents(we know who they are) are like Villians from a Tom Clancy novel or Bourne movie.

Judge will throw out the plea and DOJ will toss the case. God, I hope Trump brings Flynn back into the WH

Takes a certain kind of person to blame law enforcement for discovering and punishing corruption. Instead of, ya know, the guy who engaged in corruption and lied to the country's highest investigators.

Takes an even certain-er type of person to wish that that demonstrably corrupt official be inserted back into government as a a way to spite said law enforcement. Especially when said corrupt official was an incompetent maniac even before slipping up.
Flynn should be in prison for the rest of his life. The cult of Trump remains completely deranged.

Wait. What? What? You think Flynn should be in prison for the rest of his life for what exactly? What's his crime that merits that?

And then after taking such an absurdly extreme position, you call the rest of us deranged? Homer, you're heading for another meltdown.
Once again, total nobody reply. Want to try to discuss the case you're so proud of, or gonna just retreat to another "omg triggered!" at the first sign of intellectual pushback?
You are to discourse what Ronda Rousey is to shadow boxing.

I'll bring it back cause you were so excited about it a few seconds ago:
Does meeting with the FBI without a lawyer make a plea deal that was later signed under legal counsel invalid?
Best of luck trying to form more than 1 sentence before hitting submit. This will be your 10th post in the thread and you've still said zilch besides attacking people.

Lol. You post nothing but shit and lecture others on discussions. Do you ever get tired of being laughed at?
Wait. What? What? You think Flynn should be in prison for the rest of his life for what exactly? What's his crime that merits that?

And then after taking such an absurdly extreme position, you call the rest of us deranged? Homer, you're heading for another meltdown.
Acting as an agent for a foreign government while director of the NSA.
Takes a certain kind of person to blame law enforcement for discovering and punishing corruption. Instead of, ya know, the guy who engaged in corruption and lied to the country's highest investigators.

Takes an even certain-er type of person to wish that that demonstrably corrupt official be inserted back into government as a a way to spite said law enforcement. Especially when said corrupt official was an incompetent maniac even before slipping up.

But the FBI agents believed he did not lie

And I will not be lectured to by a man who wanted Kavanauh crucified but is in the Biden thread defending him over his allegations. I tune out blatant hypocrites
All these right wingers love criminals. The entire Republican Party is nothing but mafia lite criminals these days.

They cheered for Rod Blagojevich too. Another proven criminal. They also want trump to pardon all the other criminals they sent to prison like the crook Roger Stone.

Notice the only one they don’t want released is Michael Cohen, because he told the truth about what a scum bag criminal trump has always been.
Takes a certain kind of person to blame law enforcement for discovering and punishing corruption. Instead of, ya know, the guy who engaged in corruption and lied to the country's highest investigators.

Takes an even certain-er type of person to wish that that demonstrably corrupt official be inserted back into government as a a way to spite said law enforcement. Especially when said corrupt official was an incompetent maniac even before slipping up.

That's the thing. Flynn wasn't corrupt. Stupid, perhaps, to trust the FBI, but not corrupt. He was railroaded because the FBI was corrupt.
Lol. You post nothing but shit and lecture others on discussions. Do you ever get tired of being laughed at?

I'll bring it back cause you were so excited about it a few seconds ago:
Does meeting with the FBI without a lawyer make a plea deal that was later signed under legal counsel invalid?
Best of luck trying to form more than 1 sentence before hitting submit. This will be your 10th post in the thread and you've still said zilch besides attacking people.
Does meeting with the FBI without a lawyer make a plea deal that was later signed under legal counsel invalid?

His legal counsel that was trying to help the prosecutors? You do realize once he realized he was duped, he tried to withdraw his plea deal upon new evidence and was rejected. Seems fair.
But the FBI agents said he did not lie

You guys really have no clue to the facts of this case, do you?

It's panic. Mueller's entire investigation is being undercut as the misbehavior of the FBI, from systematically lying on FISA warrants to laying perjury traps to withholding evidence all comes out.

There's a scandal here, but it's not the one they are looking for so they can't see it.
That's the thing. Flynn wasn't corrupt. Stupid, perhaps, to trust the FBI, but not corrupt. He was railroaded because the FBI was corrupt.
So you'll be sympathetic to all "wrong place wrong time" pleas for the rest of time, or just when it's a stained general your political handlers encouraged you to defend online through twitter dogwhistles?
Liberals be panic wrestling in here.
It's panic. Mueller's entire investigation is being undercut as the misbehavior of the FBI, from systematically lying on FISA warrants to laying perjury traps to withholding evidence all comes out.

There's a scandal here, but it's not the one they are looking for so they can't see it.

That's the thing. As bad as this looks. It was the Mueller team that really screwed up. They are the ones who actually railroaded Flynn
Is it unethical to put a needle in front of a recovering addict and saying, "Let's party"? What about handing car keys to someone who just had 10 drinks? Where (if anywhere) do you draw the line on the morality of placing stumbling blocks in front of people?

you mean the things police and the FBI do all the time to bring in criminals, gang members, drug kingpins, and all mafia types.

Why should Flynn, the American traitor, be removed from that list of criminals? He himself is a criminal.
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