Sean Strickland about to get into another street fight

Anyone know a person at work that is super cool and you want to be friends with, but at the bar wants to fight everyone and you feel conflicted weather to back him up or let him get his ass kicked?
Sean is that guy.
Obv he can back it up but that mentality is so fucking lame.


What makes you think Sean wants to fight everyone at the bar?
Somehow I believe those guys over Strickland. He gets 0 benefit of the doubt. Sean has shown time and time again he’s a bully. Nothing like threatening violence when you don’t get your way

They were literally collecting their stuff and leaving. The retarded gnomes stood there and talked shit the whole time. I think anyone would get annoyed by that. You already kicked them out, give them some space.
They were literally collecting their stuff and leaving. The retarded gnomes stood there and talked shit the whole time. I think anyone would get annoyed by that. You already kicked them out, give them some space.
Seems like they were talking shit on the way out. Which prompted the camera women to film. So that’s when the workers stood their ground.

Could be they were escorting them out and standing when they were grabbing their stuff. But I tend not to give Strickland any benefit of the doubt
And his brother was backing him up

How long until Sean Strickland crashes out?

This is such a bad look, and I was starting to like Strickland. But fuck him after this. Looks like a typical juice head that will rage at anyone who disagrees with him and cause conflict simply for the sake of causing conflict
Gonna be a sight to behold when he's retired and doesn't have fighting to fill that void anymore
Hopefully he fights for long enough to where he has settled down as a man.

If he ever becomes a proper adult, that is.
"Hold me back bro!"
"Now you hold me back bro"
Juste another episode of strickland's fake psycho persona
I'm a UFC Fighter - Jessie Sean Strickland Taylor
That dude got all pissed cuz his chick and Sean were hitting it off.

But if I heard that right, he said he was going to hit the guy that was with Sean, or Sean himself, for talking to his gal?

He must not have realized who Sean is. That would have ended badly for him had he threw the first punch.
Sometimes, right or wrong, you simply have to take the peaceful split in the road. One day somebody going to shoot this dude if he persists. Sean can put real fear into people and a scared person is a dangerous person.
Sean and his brother drunk?

Seems pretty petty, and for a girl LoL
Apparently that was a few years ago.. I think Sean has tendencies to look for conflict, but he is smart enough now to know that it is not worth it financially now that he has tasted the real money at the top.

I don't think you'd catch him doing something like this today.. unless you are an intruder on his property, where he would most certainly kill you and enjoy it.
Strickland is a bully. Notice he lives in LV and is constantly doing shit like this in his nice suburb... at paintball and rock climbing... in summerlin traffic. LV is a dump, and has large ghetto population relatively close to Sean that he never seems to go to or start shit near.

Not suggesting he wouldn't just an observation. If you really want have gun battles and street fight other adults there are alot of willing participants close by to him.