Media Sean Brady calls out Ian Garry after his win over Burns

Who wins if they fight?

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If Brady is a journeyman what is Ian? LOL he is hardly on another level than him if at all. He nearly got flash KOd by Song Kenan FFS.

His best win is Geoff Neal in a split many thought he lost. Otherwise he's beaten 37yo journeyman MVP in a razor close fight he won with a TD when he got oustruck and washed up gatekeeper Magny. Ian and Chiesa are the only fighters who beat Magny and didnt finish him too.

Neither of em have done anything to suggest they're on a different level from the other. It makes perfect sense.
Neither are journeymen, by definition. People throw that word around and don't even know what it means.
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Why are sherdog polls so bad? Had 40% taking Burns over Brady. Mvps ground game almost stumped Garry, Brady should win easy
Legit this one is free money. If you wanna match me 1-1 i'd be down to match just lmk what you wanna lose.
I hope the fight happens, it would be interesting to see who's right since we're so far on opposite ends.
I hope the fight happens, it would be interesting to see who's right since we're so far on opposite ends.
Seeing as your a porier fan it makes sense why you're a garry fan. He was the original Ian Garry.
You mean the current champion of the division ?
the only finish he has in like 5 years
If you fight at a sprinters pace you either break people or you get broken. It's so weird that people trash talk the champion of the WW division who also has the longest unbeaten streak...

but belal is known to have the lowest finishing rate of any ufc champion and brady is the only person to be finished by belal in his current run. only other finishes in the UFC are agusto motano (2016) and takashi soto (2019)

Losing to Belal? Optically, it's not so bad. Getting finished by Belal? Whole different ball game.
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How are Usman and Colby still top 5

They're avoiding everybody calling them out and haven't won a fight for years
You mean the current champion of the division ?

If you fight at a sprinters pace you either break people or you get broken. It's so weird that people trash talk the champion of the WW division who also has the longest unbeaten streak...
Whatever his names has the lowest finish rate of any champ and probably of any current UFC fighter, it's not shitting on him being a winner it's shitting on anyone who actually gets finished by him bc he doesn't even try to do that.
Whatever his names has the lowest finish rate of any champ and probably of any current UFC fighter, it's not shitting on him being a winner it's shitting on anyone who actually gets finished by him bc he doesn't even try to do that.
Brady fights at a sprinters pace and Belal decided to as well. When two fighters do that someone breaks. Belal fought for the finish when he fought Brady.