Crime School shooting in Georgia

Here's what the man actually said. The implication that he's saying we just need to accept it and move on is incorrect, but the Harris campaign is pushing exactly that.

No, he said it. He is framing it as if it's purely a security issue and Republicans have been framing it this way since Columbine, and its bullsh*t. It's not a f*ckin' "fact of life" rhat psychos sit around planning school shootings because they're soft targets. That's just the most egregiously horsesh*t logic to do anything other than better or better-enforced gun legislation. CHILDREN aren't targeting schools because they're f*ckin "soft targets." Because many times they're not. Armed personnel are either on-site or nearby, so much so that more than once they've failed to act. And adult psychos who are mature and do think tactically arent even targeting schools. For every "soft target" mass shooting I can show you one where armed Cops were present and a shooting still happened anyway.

Vance framed the prevalence of school shootings as "a part of life" from behind a bulletproof barrier because he doesnt give a single solitary f*ck about it, and would only propose to maybe militarize schools in response. And particularly after teacher's unions are crushed and most schools are pushing right wing narratives, grinding out milquetoast worker drones programmed with Nationalist babysat by armed agents of the State.
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LOL, nobody wanted to talk about this one, and the media didn't want to tag it a "mass shooting" in headlines. Despite that the same number of people were killed.

Four people killed in shooting on Chicago train – reports

So very very odd. Called it.
How did I know you'd be coming in talking about Chicago. Every time. Every thread.

LMFAO. Point me to the last thread before this one or last week's shooting in Chicago (that I linked in here) where I talk about Chicago shootings, Chief.

How to retire someone from a thread in one post.
Here's what the man actually said. The implication that he's saying we just need to accept it and move on is incorrect, but the Harris campaign is pushing exactly that.


Sad part is these radical cult-leftists that aren't smart enough, nor care about the context. They just pray for a few words in any string to be said to print propaganda fodder for their sheep...
No, he said it. He is framing it as if it's purely a security issue and Republicans have been framing it this way since Columbine, and its bullsh*t. It's not a f*ckin' "fact of life" rhat psychos sit around planning school shootings because they're soft targets. That's just the most egregiously horsesh*t logic to do anything other than better or better-enforced gun legislation. CHILDREN aren't targeting schools because they're f*ckin "soft targets." Because many times they're not. Armed personnel are either on-site or nearby, so much so that more than once they've failed to act. And adult psychos who are mature and do think tactically arent even targeting schools. For every "soft target" mass shooting I can show you one where armed Cops were present and a shooting stuck happened anyway.

Vance framed the prevalence of school shootings as "a part of life" from behind a bulletproof barrier because he doesnt give a single solitary f*ck about it, and would only propose to maybe militarize schools in response. And particularly after teacher's unions are crushed and most schools are pushing right wing narratives, grinding out milquetoast worker drones programmed with Nationalist babysat by armed agents of the State.

Rambling nonsense because your attempt at pushing propaganda failed.

How to retire someone from a thread in one post.
Congratulations, you have won the internet posting award for the day. Enjoy your trophy for your devastating gotcha.

I jump on when I can in the evening down here, sorry for not being on at your beck and call and time zone.

Apologies if it's not you, I always get you and nhbear confused. But one of you in pretty much every gun control/school shooting/mass shooting thread is always bringing up Chicago gang shootings as some sort of comparison or excuse. But either way, it's completely irrelevant to any discussion on how to deal with the incredible epidemic of school shootings that you suffer from.
Sad but another day another school shooting doesn't matter who's in office the President will say a few words people will have a church service but then week later will be forgotten. Wash/rinse and repeat. Welcome to what one worldwide government body says "The US is just behind some 3rd world countries for travelers safety. " Though now Turkey not a fan of US travelers as they put bags over the heads of Marines yesterday. The Marines are OK and the guys who did it are in jail welcome to a new America.
Yeah what was that all about Turks garassing US marines? Where the marines being abnoxious?
Congratulations, you have won the internet posting award for the day. Enjoy your trophy for your devastating gotcha.

I jump on when I can in the evening down here, sorry for not being on at your beck and call and time zone.

Apologies if it's not you, I always get you and nhbear confused. But one of you in pretty much every gun control/school shooting/mass shooting thread is always bringing up Chicago gang shootings as some sort of comparison or excuse. But either way, it's completely irrelevant to any discussion on how to deal with the incredible epidemic of school shootings that you suffer from.
Concession accepted.
No, he said it. He is framing it as if it's purely a security issue and Republicans have been framing it this way since Columbine, and its bullsh*t. It's not a f*ckin' "fact of life" rhat psychos sit around planning school shootings because they're soft targets. That's just the most egregiously horsesh*t logic to do anything other than better or better-enforced gun legislation. CHILDREN aren't targeting schools because they're f*ckin "soft targets." Because many times they're not. Armed personnel are either on-site or nearby, so much so that more than once they've failed to act. And adult psychos who are mature and do think tactically arent even targeting schools. For every "soft target" mass shooting I can show you one where armed Cops were present and a shooting still happened anyway.

Vance framed the prevalence of school shootings as "a part of life" from behind a bulletproof barrier because he doesnt give a single solitary f*ck about it, and would only propose to maybe militarize schools in response. And particularly after teacher's unions are crushed and most schools are pushing right wing narratives, grinding out milquetoast worker drones programmed with Nationalist babysat by armed agents of the State.
Wow. Nothing but excuses to not improve school security. Like I said, pathetic.
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Come on bro, you can't lock kids behind several feet of concrete and steel in an airtight vault requiring many levels of authentication to unlock.
Wait. Is this another one of your attempts to add humor or something? Or are you taking my recommendations literally? I'm very aware that kids can't be in an airtight vault. I never said they needed to be.
It would be extremely heartless to actually want kids in schools to be protected like money in banks since banks are willingly to sacrifice all of the money in the bank at any given time before asking anyone to risk their life for it. It is just money and they are insured against those losses so they get it back. I don't think you really want to treat kids or teachers' lives the same way.
Oh crap. You are taking me literally.
I guess if there is one policy that I can relate to the intent of your comparison it would be the very effective procedure of locking down classrooms and securing the doors to prevent shooters from entering. There are reports of that saving lives in this case as well as previous cases.
Now apply that lock-down process to an entire building/campus. Expand keeping people out of a classroom to keeping them out of the building.
I've been in enough courthouses to see that it is nothing like a school. The nature of a courthouse creates a very high concentration of law enforcement officers in the building that does not happen in schools.
Dude. I understand that the population of a courthouse is different than a school. That isn't the point. The point is the physical security model is there and can be utilized in a school setting. Not that schools need a high concentration of police officers on site.
Everyone does not complain about that nor has it been determined in any version of reality that cops have no responsibility to protect us All SROs are dedicated to ONLY school security, that is the definition of the job. They are employed by the local PD or Sheriff's office.
What reality do you live in? Here is one such reality where it was determined.

In a 4–3 decision, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals affirmed the trial courts' dismissal of the complaints against the District of Columbia and individual members of the Metropolitan Police Department based on the public duty doctrine ruling that "the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists". The Court thus adopted the trial court's determination that no special relationship existed between the police and appellants, and therefore no specific legal duty existed between the police and the appellants.
From what I remember around the first time I heard the title SRO it was created because of the concerns around putting cops in schools. The biggest issue had to do with the psychological impact of their presence on the kids. The goal of the SRO was to carefully select and train cops to not be the scary guy with a gun in the school, but be very active fostering direct, positive relationships with the students. I know SROs are a thing in the south, but don't know how prevalent they actually are there or the rest of the nation.
People are concerned that SROs will target specific kids and harras them with threats of arrest or outright arrest. That's why I said they should be employees of the school and not cops on loan to the school.
I'm sure this thread is going great
In developing news, it sounds like the shooter's mother called the school to warn about the attack 30 minutes before it happened.
What do we think about charging the parents for negligent homicide?

And how did the kid even get the weapon? Was it not locked or secured? Or his dad let him do whatever he wanted with his Christmas present?
- The idiot dad gave the kid a gun. I think he is charged right!
Here's what the man actually said. The implication that he's saying we just need to accept it and move on is incorrect, but the Harris campaign is pushing exactly that.

These people will tell you gun violence is an American problem and in the same breath tell you it's not a fact of life in America. That's without leaving half his quote out. These are the absoloute shills your dealing with here.
Wow. Nothing but excuses to not improve school security. Like I said, pathetic.
Do the states not have any security measures at all? I mean , in canada , once you leave the school you can only buzz in from a few designated locations. And even then that buzzer had a camera on the front and a speaker as well.
I wonder how many kids have to be mass executed before we actually do anything?

or just concede; Fuck it, we failed American kids.
Do the states not have any security measures at all? I mean , in canada , once you leave the school you can only buzz in from a few designated locations. And even then that buzzer had a camera on the front and a speaker as well.
Democrats are against having armed guards in schools even though many of them send their kids to private schools that have armed guards.
Do the states not have any security measures at all? I mean , in canada , once you leave the school you can only buzz in from a few designated locations. And even then that buzzer had a camera on the front and a speaker as well.
Some schools have better security measures in place than others. Most probably try to limit access/entry points. The high school my daughters graduated from had the buzzer/camera system you mentioned.