Crime School shooting in Georgia

The notion that guns are more dangerous than protective to an individual is misguided, for a number of reasons:

1) People are individuals not monoliths. The fact that some people commit suicide with a gun, doesn't mean that a gun presents any suicide risk at all to someone who is not of the small minority.

2) Recency bias.. if one looks at the current events of the last few years, than it would seem that a gun is not needed for protection, and that random gun crime presents a far greater danger. However, if one takes a more thorough look at history, the numbers of people murdered during massive civil unrest, or under the control of a tyrannical authority are FAR greater. An armed populous keeps these dangers at bay. When tyrants come to power it's typical to see 20% or more of the population decimated, in the US that would mean 70,000,000 dead, or 3500 years of gun homicide.
I disagree. The presence of a firearm makes the emotional and impulsive behaviors of individuals easu to act on to a catastrophic degree. And the irresponsibility of individuals in caring for their guns allows for the impulsive nature of others. There is no excuse for owning a deadly weapon, especially in the presence of troubled children, and not keeping it secured and out of their ability to access. While guns in of themselves aren't the problem, the fact that anyone can easily access such a dangerous tool with no education on how to handle them is a problem.

An armed populous IN THEORY is a good thing. But when that populous is greatly divided, turned against each other, and are told that anyone who isn't on their side wants to ruin their only leads to more violence.

And for the record, I am not anti gun. I am pro gun education. If we're going to arm the populous, we need to ensure they are educated on how to be a good owner
We have airline security because of 9-11 and the actual risk is pretty small, so, we all have to go through the hassle and wait because of that small risk. The school shootings are actually a pretty small percentage of all schools, turning schools into prisons for that is the answer? I don't know.
Well in addition to airline security we have extensive regulation for plane maintenance, flights, flight patterns and general air traffic stability

Making accidents and terrorirst attach relatively small infact negligible.

If you're asking should we have gun regulation similar to air travel, that can reduce the risks of kids getting shot or mass executed?

The answer to me; if you its an issue one cares about, is YES
The notion that guns are more dangerous than protective to an individual is misguided, for a number of reasons:

1) People are individuals not monoliths. The fact that some people commit suicide with a gun, doesn't mean that a gun presents any suicide risk at all to someone who is not of the small minority.

2) Recency bias.. if one looks at the current events of the last few years, than it would seem that a gun is not needed for protection, and that random gun crime presents a far greater danger. However, if one takes a more thorough look at history, the numbers of people murdered during massive civil unrest, or under the control of a tyrannical authority are FAR greater. An armed populous keeps these dangers at bay. When tyrants come to power it's typical to see 20% or more of the population decimated, in the US that would mean 70,000,000 dead, or 3500 years of gun homicide.

1) around 30% of adults report haveing been diagnosed with depression. Teens is closer to 35%. This number is raising rapidly. I don't agree that depressed people having access to a firearm is a risky that applies to a small minority.

2) can you reference an instance in the last century when any first world country has needed a heavily armed populace to fight off it's own tyrant in power attempting to decimate them? Seems this is a risk only present in much less developed countries.
Any other updates this week?

The shooter wrapped his weapon and rode the bus to school with it. Did his parents not lock the gun and ammo?
Any other updates this week?

The shooter wrapped his weapon and rode the bus to school with it. Did his parents not lock the gun and ammo?

No armed militiaman on the bus? That's insane! You have to wait to get to school to have a firefight with armed adults these days?

Guns in every school, every bus, every walkway, hell, every HOME.

That's how you trust a population with firearms. Stand over them with firearms.

- Republicans
1) around 30% of adults report haveing been diagnosed with depression. Teens is closer to 35%. This number is raising rapidly. I don't agree that depressed people having access to a firearm is a risky that applies to a small minority.
Only a fraction of people with a depression diagnosis experience suicidal ideation, much less become a risk to harm themselves,
No armed militiaman on the bus? That's insane! You have to wait to get to school to have a firefight with armed adults these days?

Guns in every school, every bus, every walkway, hell, every HOME.

That's how you trust a population with firearms. Stand over them with firearms.

- Republicans

You're so emotional. Like a woman.

Try showing some sympathy for the victims of illegal immigrant crimes due to Biden and Kamala inviting millions of them into America. You are real thoughtless.
You're so emotional. Like a woman.

Try showing some sympathy for the victims of illegal immigrant crimes due to Biden and Kamala inviting millions of them into America. You are real thoughtless.
I'm sorry I don't see the connection.

The shooter was not an illegal immigrant. The father was not an illegal immigrant.

Back on topic, I don't think we need to take away guns or militarize schools. But we should make people responsible for locking firearms and ammo. So I think it's encouraging we are seeing more prosecutors pressing negligent homicide charges on these extreme examples.