Scale of 1-10, how concerned are you about NATO/Russia situation of late?

I know I wouldn't take arms myself against Russia for nothing. Hopefully Europe feels the same. I could actually see a problem for NATO if it misjudged the feelings of it's "constituents."

I would say 3..?
They've been testing Canada's borders for years, the shit in crimea. To be honest it was easier when I was a kid, we knew they were the enemy. Now the waters are pretty muddied. I'll go with a 4.

It's only slightly concerning if you live in the Baltics. Even if NATO disappeared the Russians will not attack western Europe because they would get their asses kicked and both the UK and France have nukes. Not to mention the USA would help, NATO or not.

The same goes for NATO, they are not going to attack Russia because of nukes.

Putin is a smart man, he wont get into a fist fight he knows he cant win.

Im more concerned about chinese territorial aggressions.
Where is the German Army. This should be a none issue if Germany would be up for it and its European partners. Why do we have the worlds 3rd and 4th biggest economies
not fighting in the middle east? Thas is a war against all of us, we need to help the US Military.
7 ish. NATO's future is being openly questioned by a strong faction of its critical member, and the situation in the EU may deteriorate. I can't think of a more important thing happening in the world right now, and the insanity in the middle east can only complicate matters.
lol at the people giving a low number. You have no idea what is going on in the world today. These are terrifying times.

It's only slightly concerning if you live in the Baltics. Even if NATO disappeared the Russians will not attack western Europe because they would get their asses kicked and both the UK and France have nukes. Not to mention the USA would help, NATO or not.

The same goes for NATO, they are not going to attack Russia because of nukes.

Oh yes I forgot Russia doesn't have nukes.
If Clinton gets elected: 4
If Trump gets elected: 20

ISIS and Islamists are the true enemy. NATO is out of date and needs to be restructured.
If I were in the Baltics, 8.

Here in America, 5 or 6. Not concerned due to military action but a possible overhaul. I could see Turkey exiting (or being forced out) in the next few years which would be a big deal and have negative consequences for US power. I could also see Georgia finally giving up on their pipe dream of NATO membership if NATO is weakened and they elect another pro-Russian leader. That would pretty much mean they're resigning themselves to Russian domination again.

I think it's more concerning in a chess game sort of way, not a violence way. The only place I'd be worried about potential violence would be the Baltics, and even then it'd likely be a quick loss of territory followed by a stalemate where neither side is willing to cross a line and start fighting again. Troubling days ahead for Estonia and Latvia.
Where is the German Army. This should be a none issue if Germany would be up for it and its European partners. Why do we have the worlds 3rd and 4th biggest economies
not fighting in the middle east? Thas is a war against all of us, we need to help the US Military.
Well you see, there was this one time when Germany had an army and they kind of rubbed people the wrong way with it.

I agree you should have a real military again. But please, try to keep the holocausts to a minimum this time.
Delusional. It's the other way around.

Explain yourself. We either have someone who is going to keep things as is with NATO or someone who want to dump it. Trump isn't even elected and our NATO allies have major concerns. He said he wouldn't honor our commitment to the treaty. Completely insane and would cause havoc. Trumps foreign policy (well not really policy but crazy rants) is incredibly dangerous.