Sage Northcutt is back in the gym.....lifting heavy weights

I wonder if Sage gets more money from supplement sponsors than from the UFC.
It's just an ad spot, buddy. Calm down.

Seems like this guy doesn't give a fuck about fighting. Dude shows zero grappling in his last fight and then he goes back to gym and lifts fucking weights FOR WHAT? He is already muscular and strong. He should be grinding jiu jitsu 24/7. I'm a nerd Sherdogger and why am I giving advice to a "professional fighter?" I do it because I'm a Sage fan but his attitude makes me angry. Seriously he should be doing something else than fighting.

He is a salesman...thats what he does...thats all he does...look under the Christmas tree!!
If Sage looked like everyone else he wouldnt be making more then most eceryone else thus it makes since to keep doing what is making him the most money.
he should get the sister a nose job, usually the girl gets the looks but that shnozz has gotta go
Sage is cashing in. He doesn't give a fuck about anything else. He's at the gym lifting because of his sponsors.
Currently, Sage is not a fighter. He might become one in the future, but right now, it seems he has other interests, and that is primarily body-sculpting.

Body-scultping isn't going to do much to lead to success in MMA, and it takes away from other things he should be working on.

While I'm sure he's training other things, he really seems to be into his own brand, and not really dedicated to doing whatever it takes to succeed in MMA.

He's not ready, and maybe he needs to live a little first before he commits himself fully.

Finally, there just seems to be something unnatural about him and his family, and I'm not talking about steroids. Someone needs to tell him that constant smiling is a sign of insanity. It makes you come across as a less balanced, relatable human being. You need to to express disappointment, and doubt, and all of those things that come with motivating yourself to try harder. At this point, losing to him seems as gratifying as winning.

The sun isn't always shining, and it's okay to express that.

He really is a show pony. The doubters were right.
The guy is a walking billboard. He might aswell carry a jar of Whey protein around while he takes pictures with fans.
Kid needs to stop lifting, lose the useless muscle, drop down a weight class and become relevant.

The kid needs to go back to college and back some sluts instead of competing in this dumb pseudo sport.
He's a young guy trying to decide whether he wants to be a bodybuilder, fighter, engineer, or fitness model when he grows up. Right now he's making hundreds of thousands of dollars (half a mil from the UFC alone in just over a year) dabbling in all of it while he figures it out.

He does not need your advice, TS.