Sage Northcutt is back in the gym.....lifting heavy weights


Seems like this guy doesn't give a fuck about fighting. Dude shows zero grappling in his last fight and then he goes back to gym and lifts fucking weights FOR WHAT? He is already muscular and strong. He should be grinding jiu jitsu 24/7. I'm a nerd Sherdogger and why am I giving advice to a "professional fighter?" I do it because I'm a Sage fan but his attitude makes me angry. Seriously he should be doing something else than fighting.

Come on bro he was just passing by my bench .. he's not benching over 300 lbs..
He is sponsored by supplement companies, that's how he makes money. He needs to look good or atleast take these advertising photos
i believe he can lift it. a friend of mine in school was 175 pounds benching 310. its possible. stop being haters
This kid should be training BJJ nonstop. I mean, he was submited by Barbarena.
Body-sculpting, power lifting, and even functional training are different strength building strategies. As displayed by his other photos, Sage is well into his body-building career. You focus on various different exercises in body-building, while in MMA strength building lifts are emphasized. These lifts don't usually result in specifically isolating certain muscle groups like biceps, chest, calves, traps, deltoids, and so on.

A body-builder has use for a decline bench to sculpt his lower pecs. For MMA, it's meaningless.

Personally, I think too much weight training, outside of compound lifts, can be detrimental to MMA training.

There's a reason why you don't see many body-sculptors like Sage in MMA: It's a waste of time, and it can sap your gas tank.
But sage does not lack athleticism, I don't think I've even is cardio slow either. He just lacks skill. And in the op it said why weightlift, it didn't say why bodybuild.

I would sort of agree that too much lifting outside of compound movement can be detrimental, but only in that it can put on unneeded weight which I've never turn is more taxing on your cardio
Yeah just because he is lifting weights that totally 100% means he's not working on anything else at all - only lifting!

Since when does a single photo represent what a person does in an entire day, week and month?

If I took a photo of myself taking a shit, would you assume my entire existence is spent on the shitter?
Judges entire life of a kid based off a photo of him training.

This thread is stupid and TS is probably a tub of lard who hasn't seen the inside of a gym in years.
How much can he really bench?

Being stronger than your opponent is helpful in fighting E.g Y. Romero. Brock for an example of more strength than skills, though Brock wrestling excellent.
Er, Romero's wrestling is 10 times bettere than Brock's. He won silver at the Olympics and gold at the worlds.
So he is far from relying foremost on strength. Just saying.