International Russia vs Ukraine Combat Megathread vol 4

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its tinfoil hat shit.
What if we locked all the Russian Nazis and the Ukrainians Nazis in a big room together and made them fight to the death?

I like it. We can add every legitimate nazi as well from around the world
Quote anyone saying any of that

The first was that crazy bitch Maria Butina

The second some of you have been saying in numerous way here .

It looks pretty empty. But according to Zelensky, a habitual liar, there are dozens of women and children dead there, so who am I to doubt this story?
You would think people would take pictures or videos of such serious war crimes.
That's your commentary and take, but Marx was a raging racist, not that it matters to his view of socialism. Per your metric, Socialism has zero limits to citizenship or affiliation, which has never ever ever ever been the case. All socialist countries have very defined borders, which would contradict your point totally.

There was a huge gap in wealth between Stalin and Bolsheviks and the proletariat. Great gap in wealth between Castro and 90% of Cuban citizens. You hold only Nazism to this standard because you don't want them to be socialist in philosophy, but they 100% were.

(Is something no credible historian has ever said)
I'm starting to get ads like these before youtube videos.

Fuck off Google, you're not guilt tripping me into wanting WW3.

I gave you Marx's definition, The aim of socialism is to provide an environment whereby individuals are free to express their genuine interests, creative freedom and desires unhindered by forms of social control. As soon as you make one race more important than another you are immediately putting the needs of one group of individuals over.
And even if you want to ignore that for your convenience Hitler did not consider all Germans equal either. In socialism it doesn't matter if you are a business owner or worker but Hitler said
'Our great heads of industry are not concerned with the accumulation of wealth and the good life, rather they are concerned with responsibility and power. They have acquired this right by natural selection'
There was a huge gap in wealth between the workers and the rich industrialists in what you are calling 'Socialist' Germany and Hitler did nothing to address that balance, in fact he encouraged it. Yeah Hitler was obviously a true socialist lol

marx didn't come up with socialism...

alexandre vinet claims he did and according to him socialism is opposite of individualism, which is similar to nazis definition of socialism.
I'm starting to get ads like these before youtube videos.

Fuck off Google, you're not guilt tripping me into wanting WW3.

A lot of people will make money with Ukraine. Charity is serious business.
Putin already has plans to take Moldova which is not part of NATO. I'm not sure that he will, seeing how badly things are going in the Ukraine and how it is affecting Russia. Russia's economy is currently on par with North Korea or getting there. The Russian people are beginning to go hungry. Three (3) major problems for Putin: The West, Ukraine, and Russia.
damn it thats where me and my bimmer homies get our copyrighted ecu chips burned to blanks
As a former Red Cross worker, I find this despicable. Every time something like this happens, actual REAL Red Cross vehicles are more likely to be targeted by warring parties, when they are only there to help.

That said, I've never known the Red Cross to drive armored vehicles before. Can't have fooled many people.

Do a google search. There's a lot of armored Red Cross vehicles actually.. I was surprised
Do a google search. There's a lot of armored Red Cross vehicles actually.. I was surprised
Yeah thats not the unusual part, but once you mark a vehicle with Red Cross you are only allowed to use it for medical purposes. In turn the enemy won't target you

Using it to move ammo/equipment is seen as a violation (ofcourse)
How can public ownership not be democratic, I don't actually understand what you mean?

You've heard the argument that 'democratic socialism' is a redundant term, and that socialism IS a pure form of democracy?

What's the argument against that, I'm interested to read it as in my understanding it's an absolute lock.

if you force it on people who don't want it?

why you think people were fleeing socialists countries?

also democratic can mean tyranny of the majority. hitler did came to power through a democratic process, which means majority of germans supported his ideas and views.
Well they would be stupid not to use this as a massive opportunity. As a wise man said 'Chaos is ladder'
Oh I know. Why skip out on a sale?
But with all western corporations leaving due to it looking bad for them to stay in Russia, while China is rolling in, what does that say about China?
tbf, the same people are posting the same shit my way over and over and over.
I've posted plenty of times Russia is rife with Propaganda. And my number for NATO was 80%. If you don't agree, that's fine.

If you know there's a ton of propaganda, why do you hold it against me for pointing it out? I haven't posted Russia state media bc it's a waste of time. I'm responding to people posting Ukrainian state media, who are equally unreliable.

And dude, don't play the "mod for a friend" stuff here lol
I have received more infraction-worthy behavior and comments my way than i have dished out by a massive metric. Very little if any namecalling, insults or general venom from me and you're acting like I'm in here just spitting fire at people. And you want to talk about "Dishonest Takes".

Sorry I brought up Syria, didn't know it was a thread derail to talk about current events in a country both the US and Russia are in currently.
True, but most of them aren't as intelligent as you.

I don't have to be told 1000 times water is wet. Those who do not understand the concept of propaganda will never get it.

lol indeed.

You knew exactly what you were doing. Anyway, why do you believe it happened?

Haven’t watched this yet, just saw this in the twatter feed. Figured I’d share tho since Nuland has been mentioned multiple times in the last week or so, about the labs, about meddling in ukraines affairs like trying to get vitali out of politics, among other things.

it is about the color revolution the US has conducted in Ukraine over the last 2 decades, removing a democratically elected president, etc

If google removes it, I assume there is some validity to it. Gonna watch it in a few hours.

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