America backing out of it's global security order, political instability in South Korea, NK getting new tech from Russia, China developing new weapons, etc.
This may embolden Xi and Kim to make moves. How is the US and the rest of the world going to react if China and NK start their wars at the same time while the west is focused on Ukraine/Russia and Europe?
I wonder if the new world order will be full of conventional wars with everybody threatening to use nukes like Putin but never actually using them.
Drones have proven to be the single most important development in this new era of warfare. They seem to be difficult to deal with even with air superiority, which Russia doesn't have and likely won't ever have in this conflict. It begs the question why isn't Russia owning the skies with their 5th gen fighters?
It makes me think the Su-57 is overhyped. It either isn't up to par with American 5th gen fighters, there aren't enough numbers of them or Russia doesn't have the capacity to operate such an advanced and expensive aircraft to the extent the west can.
Drones are new era now. Especially because these are different....not only specially produced military drones.
There are cheap civilian drones, they just change frequencies for guidance, often more and more are using frequency hoping etc also even civilian drones with fiber optic cables....AI will be soon more and more important.
Now we see from civilian stuff used in war:
things from small 300-500 $ doctored quadrocopters, cardboard drones, also even agricultural drones now used to drop ordnance, supplies and these more and more are using fiber optic..
Drones are used for getting video and thermal image, to carry different sensors for radioelectronic recon..., used as retranslators, in some cases as mothers hips for small drones, ofc also to drop ordnance etc..
Very interesting also are civilian small airplanes turned into drones...
Another stuff are balloons with attached figures from foam etc in order to annoy air defense radars networks....
After this also ofc are drones models specially designed to be used as military drones ........special military purpose drones.
Then video CVTV type stuff...these cameras....if well camouflaged and connected with is difficult to get where they are....
Again mined and different IEDs, sometimes IEDs are very simple, sometimes really complex stuff...Bobby traps....a lot of different solutions....
Again also hand grenades more and more often are used in order like some mine- IED....plain and simple stuff, actual 90+ years...nothing had changed with these seriously....
Radioelectronic warfare and damn a lot of different listening stations and pelengators...
Man portable small short range ground radars to detect troops, cars etc....
A lot of thermals if units are well equipped....