Social Rush Limbaugh has been Diagnosed with Advanced Lung Cancer

Imagine for a moment if everyone in the country was like you and thought that way.
What a beautiful thing if hundreds of millions of people would dedicate their lives to practicing the dharma, surrendering their aggression, and realizing 99.99% of worldly goals are delusions. We would be a model of humanity
What a beautiful thing if hundreds of millions of people would dedicate their lives to practicing the dharma, surrendering their aggression, and realizing 99.99% of worldly goals are delusions. We would be a model of humanity
Reality is going to slap you hard when you get your first paycheck. Lets see how generous you are then.
What a beautiful thing if hundreds of millions of people would dedicate their lives to practicing the dharma, surrendering their aggression, and realizing 99.99% of worldly goals are delusions. We would be a model of humanity

Your post is self centered and myopic.

Diversity in thought is how our species advances.
Mega trump donor ron Mercer's back taxes could pay for every homeless person in america to have a 1BR apartment for a year. It's funny how the parasite/leech terminology is selectively applied to people who are TaKiNg FrOm LeGaLs

Best of luck with your poverty mentality
Sounds like you're the one with poverty mentality. Worried about rich peoples money and all. If you're poor, get a new job, work harder... Don't blame others because you're lazy and didn't work as hard.