Ronny Markes - the epitome of whats wrong in MMA


Blue Belt
Jun 11, 2011
Reaction score
fights at 185, can weigh in at 185 but when he enters the cage he is 217lbs? this is according to Chael on the broadcast.

how can people even justify this being ok? to go into a fight and be heavier than Light heavyweight?

sorry but this is nonsense you should have to weigh in at 185(or whatever your weight division is) or less a couple hours before the fight. if you can't then get the fuck out of that weight class.
Everybody cuts weight. Everybody re-hydrates. Everybody plays by the same rules.

I don't know why you're singling out Ronny Markes.
I call BS on markes coming in at 217 lbs.. looked more like 197-202.. And even if he did, thats quite embarrassing that he cant do anything with that weight-advantage...
im fine with his weight, if he can make it, then go for it...
i think everyone has a problem with his fighting style, or lack there of
What's wrong in MMA is some guys not knowing how to stuff takedowns, especially when their opposition is a good wrestler. That's what is wrong with mixed martial arts.
Everybody cuts weight. Everybody re-hydrates. Everybody plays by the same rules.

I don't know why you're singling out Ronny Markes.

The stupid thing is, is "everybody" does it, then "everybody" should just move up to their natural weight. They would all still fight the same people they'd fight at their current weight class, and they wouldn't go through the hellish weight cutting ordeal.
he said himself on twitter once that he was back up to 217 for a fight.

What's wrong in MMA is some guys not knowing how to stuff takedowns, especially when their opposition is a good wrestler. That's what is wrong with mixed martial arts.


hopefully nick has learned this from watching nate being taken down at will.

or it might be a long night for mr. diaz.
The stupid thing is, is "everybody" does it, then "everybody" should just move up to their natural weight. They would all still fight the same people they'd fight at their current weight class, and they wouldn't go through the hellish weight cutting ordeal.

If you can cut the weight, more power to you. I have no issue with it. Your weight class is the weight you weigh in at.
Why single him out? A lot of fighters do this. If not most.
The stupid thing is, is "everybody" does it, then "everybody" should just move up to their natural weight. They would all still fight the same people they'd fight at their current weight class, and they wouldn't go through the hellish weight cutting ordeal.

Then you'd have to have same day weigh-ins. You'd still have guys cutting weight and trying to rehydrate before the fight, but without adequate time to rest, rehydrate and balance their electrolytes. That's a dangerous situation.
the best fighters don't worry nor need to cut a huge amount of weight to dispose of there opponents.. If your cutting that much weight, then you know you aren't that good
The stupid thing is, is "everybody" does it, then "everybody" should just move up to their natural weight. They would all still fight the same people they'd fight at their current weight class, and they wouldn't go through the hellish weight cutting ordeal.

This is how is should be then a guy would lose because he can't keep up skill wise so he cuts down to have a size advantage over more skilled fighters. Then the domino effect ensues and we're where we are today.
If anything, this fight exemplifies the better fighter for 15 minutes rather than the better fighter, period. The fact that Markes is able to cut as much weight as he does doesn't bother me in the slightest. There's pro and con's cutting that much weight and in the third round it almost cost him. Eventually it will cost him if he doesn't figure out how to keep his weight down so he doesn;t have to cut as much.
Chances are he cant cut that much and not affect his cardio, it balances out
What's wrong in MMA is some guys not knowing how to stuff takedowns, especially when their opposition is a good wrestler. That's what is wrong with mixed martial arts.

You're a damn fool.

Have you ever tried to "stuff" takedowns from a fighter that only wants to grapple with you? You either need to be a much better wrestler than them or one of the best fighters in the division, period.

Even if you don't get taken down, you can be lose rounds just because the other guy was trying to take you down and you were preventing that. Entire rounds get eaten up in the struggle and by default go to the guy going for takedowns.