Reverse grip pull ups?



A couple of months ago i added regular pullups to my routine and saw very good results with my lats as far as taking a v shape. I've never been happy with my lats until i added them so i have to attribute my new shape to them. So i'm thinking about adding reverse grip pullups to hopefully blast my biceps and take them to the next level. Is this a good exercise to expect gains? If so, how wide should my grip be? Any other advise?
"V shape" and "blast to the next level" is the gayest shit ive ever heard.
A couple of months ago i added regular pullups to my routine and saw very good results with my lats as far as taking a v shape. I've never been happy with my lats until i added them so i have to attribute my new shape to them. So i'm thinking about adding reverse grip pullups to hopefully blast my biceps and take them to the next level. Is this a good exercise to expect gains? If so, how wide should my grip be? Any other advise?

Is this the beginning of a FLEX article or what?
They are called chin ups btw.
What a bunch of weak haters. The guy comes to the correct forum here on Sherdog and instead of answers he gets ridiculed. Get a fucking life, people.

To answer your question, yes chinups are a good biceps exercise, but if your intention is to get big biceps you need to include other exercises e.g. BB curl, preacher curl, hammer curls, etc.

Glad pullups worked for you, keep it up.
deadlyshaolin said:
What a bunch of weak haters. The guy comes to the correct forum here on Sherdog and instead of answers he gets ridiculed. Get a fucking life, people.
No, he came to a strength and power forum and asked for bodybuilding advice.
deadlyshaolin said:
What a bunch of weak haters. The guy comes to the correct forum here on Sherdog and instead of answers he gets ridiculed. Get a fucking life, people.

This isn't the bicep blasting forum.
deadlyshaolin said:
What a bunch of weak haters. The guy comes to the correct forum here on Sherdog and instead of answers he gets ridiculed. Get a fucking life, people.

To answer your question, yes chinups are a good biceps exercise, but if your intention is to get big biceps you need to include other exercises e.g. BB curl, preacher curl, hammer curls, etc.

Glad pullups worked for you, keep it up.
Yeah, i do a whole routine but sometimes it seems like i plateu and sice pullups worked so good for my back once i added them, i figuered maybe reverse would do the same for my biceps. Thanx for having my back. I have a child so i know how the children on this forum get a kick on bashing people. No biggie. When they turn 45 or so, they MIGHT grow up.
Yeah, i do a whole routine but sometimes it seems like i plateu and sice pullups worked so good for my back once i added them, i figuered maybe reverse would do the same for my biceps. Thanx for having my back. I have a child so i know how the children on this forum get a kick on bashing people. No biggie. When they turn 45 or so, they MIGHT grow up.

No offense, but you came in here with some kind of body building agenda. This is a strength and power forum. Fair or not, you're going to take heat for the dozens of other people that have come in here talking about "bicep peak" and "getting an awesome pump". If you stick around for a bit and get to know this forum better, you'll understand why. This forum is for the most part about strength and power, not body sculpting. If that is what you want, and that's fine, you would be better served at a body building site.
I don't think chins are solely for bodybuilding.

I use them and Im a fighter...not a bodybuilder.

So to answer the question:
Yes you should do them, I use the underhand grip far more than the overhand, you can pull more explosively. Shoulder width grip, nothing unnatural, just raise your arms up naturally and thats where you grab the bar.
I don't do the slow, controlled type. I blast it.
Add weight when you can.

Forget the haters, they should go train.

The "peak" is a bi-product of the movement.
Chad Hamilton said:
I don't think chins are solely for bodybuilding.

I use them and Im a fighter...not a bodybuilder.

So to answer the question:
Yes you should do them, I use the underhand grip far more than the overhand, you can pull more explosively. Shoulder width grip, nothing unnatural, just raise your arms up naturally and thats where you grab the bar.
I don't do the slow, controlled type. I blast it.
Add weight when you can.

Forget the haters, they should go train.

The "peak" is a bi-product of the movement.

I never said that they weren't good. His post was not strength oriented hense the hate. Anyone talking about "V shape" is not talking about strength and/or power gains.
Chad Hamilton said:
I don't think chins are solely for bodybuilding.

I use them and Im a fighter...not a bodybuilder.

So to answer the question:
Yes you should do them, I use the underhand grip far more than the overhand, you can pull more explosively. Shoulder width grip, nothing unnatural, just raise your arms up naturally and thats where you grab the bar.
I don't do the slow, controlled type. I blast it.
Add weight when you can.

Forget the haters, they should go train.

The "peak" is a bi-product of the movement.

no-one wished to rubbish chin-ups, hell i love them, it was the way the post was phrased which attracted detractors (side point i just typed that and then realised it sounds kinda cool... must use more often).

Anyway, moving back to the real subject and underhanded grip, by which i mean that your palms face you, is generally ( dependant on body type, other training, particular weaknesses etc.) considered to be easier, This method uses the biceps more, whereas an "overhand" or pronate grip (where the palms face away from you) place the bicep at a greater mechanical disadvantage and therfore require greater back strength and will also have a secondary affect on the forearm.

as far as grip width goes I just stick with slightly past shoulder width, some people argue for a very wide grip or to pull so that the bar passes behind the neck but I've seen several articles that have pointed to this as a source for shoulder injuries so if you find the normal grip to eas yjust chuck heavy stuff in a rucksack.
To be fair, you are warned about getting flamed coming into the forums.
I dont know, maybe it's me but when my back took a v shape it pretty much means it got stronger. So that could mean the strength part of this forum. I guess. Well anyway, i do lift to get stronger and i attribute regular pullups to getting me past a plataeu of strength that i was at and it also helped my back take a new shape. So i've decided to use reverse grip to hopefully do the same with my biceps. Thanx for the advise. As far as letting me know that this is the wrong forum or whatever, there are more intelligent ways to tell somebody than to make them feel like a moron. But it's really no biggie to me. I've been on this sight for 4 years and i hardly ever post because of reasons like this.
I dont know, maybe it's me but when my back took a v shape it pretty much means it got stronger. So that could mean the strength part of this forum. I guess. Well anyway, i do lift to get stronger and i attribute regular pullups to getting me past a plataeu of strength that i was at and it also helped my back take a new shape. So i've decided to use reverse grip to hopefully do the same with my biceps. Thanx for the advise. As far as letting me know that this is the wrong forum or whatever, there are more intelligent ways to tell somebody than to make them feel like a moron. But it's really no biggie to me. I've been on this sight for 4 years and i hardly ever post because of reasons like this.
There, let me play the violin for you.

~sad music starts playing as we see Sizzle chest slowly walking away into the darkness~