Social Rashida Tlaib to be sworn in to Congress with a Quran

Don’t think we have one but I’m positive there are quite a few in there. And of course we are ready
I for one am looking forward to someone being sworn in over a bowl of spaghetti! Would be a masterful troll job!


How was that ^ not the first reply?
Texts wrote by brilliant people that led to modern society, and law. I know far lefties worship pop-culture and the media, but the book of that would be embarrassing and useless. These books give wisdom and meaning to human life, even though they do not give concrete facts about the natural world. Think deeper.

Thanks for that Doctor Peterson

For those that don't know, this^


Is where THIS^ comes from. :)

He has shamelessly weaponized a particular religious belief and has used it to his political advantage as he cobbled together his base, that goes well beyond honestly arguing that a divinity doesn't exist.

Can you imaging being of strong faith and not only not being insulted by this blatant disrespectful and patronizing approach, but then supporting him and every word that comes out of his mouth? I personally cannot imagine being that stupid or dishonest
I don’t agree with it, but my disagreement won’t change shit so

Can you imaging being of strong faith and not only not being insulted by this blatant disrespectful and patronizing approach, but then supporting him and every word that comes out of his mouth? I personally cannot imagine being that stupid or dishonest
ha, to @Ripskater's credit, he now admits Trump isn't a Christian. But one wonders why God would choose to work through an intermediary who defines sleaze and immorality.
The Quran is like the Mein Kampf of religious fairy tales though..

I have spent very little time in the Quran. But I have heard a number of secular defenders of the book claim that the really violent and intolerant stuff is actually contained in the Hadith.
Myoto “The Dmagon” Rashida

...sorry couldn’t resist...
How about keep all religious symbols and beliefs out of a secular governing body? Be a person of faith on your own time, and be secular while you're representing a secular organization.
This line of thinking doesn't get past the first two sentences of America. You might say that the United States is non-sectarian organization, but hardly a secular one.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Like it or not, theism is written into the very justification of America as a political entity. I'm not saying that's the way it should be, but that's the way it is. Folks should either accept it or endeavor to change it, imo.
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I have spent very little time in the Quran. But I have heard a number of secular defenders of the book claim that the really violent and intolerant stuff is actually contained in the Hadith.
Which the majority of Moslems believes takes precedence over what is written in the Quran.
The Quran is like the Old Testament. Where Christianity got the New Testament and a modernization of the faith, Islam got the hadiths which transformed it into a death cult that approves of child marriages, sex slaves and murder of nonbelievers.
Which the majority of Moslems believes takes precedence over what is written in the Quran.
The Quran is like the Old Testament. Where Christianity got the New Testament and a modernization of the faith, Islam got the hadiths which transformed it into a death cult that approves of child marriages, sex slaves and murder of nonbelievers.

A better analogy would probably be the difference between the Torah and the Talmud.
The foundation of modern law is roman law
Yeah the law itself teaches where it originated, thanks. I can't remember the name, but there is something that predates both that is cited to.
Well shit, now she doesn't risk bursting into flames if she lies.