Social Qanon Megathread V1

Just when you thought Lyin Tucker Carlson couldn't reach any lower. He's now stating that Qanon doesn't exist because "we spent all day trying to find it" and "it's not even a website".

He goes on to say that people shouldn't tell you what to think and if they do, you are a slave. Does anyone see the issue with that statement? Here is a guy, lying to you and saying not to believe the truth because then you are a slave while telling you to believe him, a guy who had to state in court that his show is not credible. This is the same thing Lyin Donald Trump said to his followers. That only Trump should be believed. How did that turn out? Apparently, when you believe a liar, you get lied to.

I’ve never seen a single thing from Qanon, and as is right more than not, Tucker’s opinion is correct.. People should think for themselves.

He’s by far thee most important talking head on tv right now.
Tucker is saying Qanon doesn’t exist. No one said Antifa wasn’t a thing. Saying ANTIFA is an idea is nothing the same as saying Qanon doesn’t exist. Tucker doesn’t even acknowledge that Qanon is an idea.
Don't ruin their moment bro. Now that daddy is gone this is all they got. Well, this and tears.
I’ve never seen a single thing from Qanon, and as is right more than not, Tucker is right that people should think for themselves.

He’s by far thee most important talking head on tv right now.

Hes lying to you saying to believe him while spouting about thinking for yourself.
I actually don't really get what Qanon is. I hear it brought up a lot of course, but what it actually is, I have no idea.
Politicians, Captains of Industry and the Social Elite of Entertainment (Of a Liberal bent) belong to a cabal of :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes that engage not only in the trafficking of minors but also in their sacrificial murders. It should be noted that not every Liberal in those circles is being painted with the Q brush by the Q-Berts. They also believed by some Q-Berts that much of the troublesome social engineering going on in US society finds its roots from their ranks. I believe there is also a claim of NWO-esque ambitions regarding One World Government, etc.

So think secretive cabal of devil-worshipping :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile murders and sex-traffickers looking to destabilize society and engender a one world government they share control in.
That is not the same as saying Qanon doesn’t exist which is my point. Tucker won’t even acknowledge it’s existence.

he said he didnt find it...

maybe you should show him where all the q ppl are hiding?
They stormed the Capitol, how much bigger do you want them to be? They spread the election was stolen lie.

It’s a fringe group with two very visible Congress members. Where’s the Antifa house members?
Kamala was promoting a bail fund for their members. And she is vp.

That's a closer link that you can link anybody to qanon from Congress.
so is q new white supremacy?

an umbrella term for anybody that strays away from msm/lefty approved talking points?
It's generally an umbrella term for the MILLIONS of dummies in America who will look you dead in the eyes and insist Donald Trump is an honest man.

As I said, it's not some fringe group on the right, there are literally multiple Q subscribers in congress.
he said he didnt find it...

maybe you should show him where all the q ppl are hiding?

It’s funny how you all become naive little children when a Conservative is lying to you. He said he couldn’t find it which he is inferring it doesn’t exist. You are being purposely gullible here.
Politicians, Captains of Industry and the Social Elite of Entertainment (Of a Liberal bent) belong to a cabal of :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes that engage not only in the trafficking of minors but also in their sacrificial murders. It should be noted that not every Liberal in those circles is being painted with the Q brush by the Q-Berts. They also believed by some Q-Berts that much of the troublesome social engineering going on in US society finds its roots from their ranks. I believe there is also a claim of NWO-esque ambitions regarding One World Government, etc.

So think secretive cabal of devil-worshipping :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile murders and sex-traffickers looking to destabilize society and engender a one world government they share control in.

so alex jones type conspiracies that have been around for long time, but instead of illumiati they use different name?

how about lizard ppl?

you know you desperate when thats your main focus