PWD 469: The Graves Family

Your Favorite Outsider

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I have to say, Carmella is growing on me recently. I really liked her promo and this storyline has huge potential if she wins again. I also like the "last person picked in the draft" backstory...
IM a huge fan. Like her promo work and ditzy yet gives no F character. She's my favorite on smackdown. Her ring work needs a lot of improvement so I hope it gets there.
That was the first thing I thought. I hope he doesn't die, but he put that book out years ago and someone from sherdog made a thread of all the fucked up things in his life and holy shit what a sick dude. What comes around goes around.
Link to thread or a tldr? I thought he was one of dem good ol god fearing country boys
The Outsiders were over.
Bruno is on Talk is Jericho and its really good.
Is @deezy in here using an alt account. Is @Good Ole Stannis's BBQ in fact @deezy?
Link to thread or a tldr? I thought he was one of dem good ol god fearing country boys
It was years ago, someone made a cliffs thread of all the shitty things he said he did in his book.
Tell us, I'll protect you.
Although the reveal itself will be undewhelming the results will shatter and change the pwd forever . Alliances will be broken. Plus I might be completely wrong Lolz I'm just a fool who watched figure it out all night.

I'll leave it for the person who's done the crime.
Although the reveal itself will be undewhelming the results will shatter and change the pwd forever . Alliances will be broken. Plus I might be completely wrong Lolz I'm just a fool who watched figure it out all night.

I'll leave it for the person who's done the crime.
Wholly shit I've been watching figure it out and I figured it out!!!!!!!! It's like I was training all last week by watching Amanda Byrnes and Lori both Denver digure shut out. Then it came to me.
Simmer sanders : Yes or no questions
Lakers sran45: @deezy do you ride a ubicle in ur dreams while drinking voolaid
Although the reveal itself will be undewhelming the results will shatter and change the pwd forever . Alliances will be broken. Plus I might be completely wrong Lolz I'm just a fool who watched figure it out all night.

I'll leave it for the person who's done the crime.
What the hell is this shit? Tell your tale boy or I'll have Rex cream pie you.

Wait, you know who it is but won't tell? That's some Deezy level shit right there.

Although the reveal itself will be undewhelming the results will shatter and change the pwd forever . Alliances will be broken. Plus I might be completely wrong Lolz I'm just a fool who watched figure it out all night.

I'll leave it for the person who's done the crime.

Listen to me, Sardo. And you listen good, you will tell us who is the Higher Power and you forever change the landscape of the PWD FOREVER!!!

Too sweet me, hootski

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