Crime Ohio Haitian Migrants eating Local Geese, Ducks and Family Pets

I don't care about defending Haitians, I care about the facts of the matter. If there was actually a confirmed case of a Haitian eating someone's cat and Trump mentioned it I might still think its crude and unbecoming of a presidential candidate but it being real would make all the difference.

What's deeply disturbing about this episode is how Trump could casually make such a baseless claim about a specific community of immigrants in this country and get away with it. Not just immigrants in general, he said something untrue about a specific community in a specific town which has lead to harassment of said community. And this guy is still a serious candidate for president? Remember when this got you disqualified in a presidential race?

Oh how times have changed.

I already quoted enough relevant excerpts to make the case but you could also read your own article and find out for yourself.

I got over being flabbergasted by Trump being able to say crazy shit and get away with it in 2016. This is part of why I say things to the effect that you are insulated from how angry the common man is, and how they will adjust their "moral slider" when in such a state. And I don't say it or mean it in a condescending or negative way although I do know it comes off that way sometimes and I'm sorry about that.

But "lower class" people are... we're angry in a way that anyone not at this rung of society just couldn't understand. I don't mind admitting that. And that's across party lines.
I have a cat cuddling on me as I type this to the point the keyboard is barely accessible FFS

No one is saying you have to like Haitians or approve of their unorthodox Christmas dinner. The point is that it reflects poorly on Trump that he would share such unsubstantial rumors on a national stage. To single out a specific community in a specific town which leads to harassment of said community is ugly isn't it? Why is that so hard to admit for some people?
No clue if they eat cats but they sure do practice voodoo and a hybrid version of Christian voodoo and practice blood sacrifice and divination on smaller animals. Graham Greene wrote about how they'd kill anything they could get their hands on for Marduk or whatever demon they worship. Anyway, kinda wanna watch Predator 2 now.
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No one is saying you have to like Haitians or approve of their unorthodox Christmas dinner. The point is that it reflects poorly on Trump that he would share such unsubstantial rumors on a national stage. To single out a specific community in a specific town which leads to harassment of said community is ugly isn't it? Why is that so hard to admit for some people?
Dude I admit all of that. It's like invasion of the body snatchers.

All I said is bolding a section talking about "not eating that many cats tho when you think about the big picture" is not an argument that would ever win the hearts and minds of the American people. It's like I'm talking to Doctor Manhattan sometimes.

I got over being flabbergasted by Trump being able to say crazy shit and get away with it in 2016. This is part of why I say things to the effect that you are insulated from how angry the common man is, and how they will adjust their "moral slider" when in such a state. And I don't say it or mean it in a condescending or negative way although I do know it comes off that way sometimes and I'm sorry about that.

But "lower class" people are... we're angry in a way that anyone not at this rung of society just couldn't understand. I don't mind admitting that. And that's across party lines.
What are you even talking about here? The common man is angry so who cares if Trump magnifies a false claim and generates a minor harassment campaign against an immigrant community? Populists like you claim to represent the common man but more often than not you're the ones who are out of touch.
Dude I admit all of that. It's like invasion of the body snatchers.

All I said is bolding a section talking about "not eating that many cats tho when you think about the big picture" is not an argument that would ever win the hearts and minds of the American people. It's like I'm talking to Doctor Manhattan sometimes.

I'm not trying to win the hearts and minds of the American people for the sake of Haitians. You guys can like or dislike Haitians as you please but if you're going to amplify bold claims against a specific community I'm going to want to see some compelling evidence to justify that and if I don't see it and I think its fair to hold those responsible accountable.

But as usual people throw their hands in the air and act incredulous if you suggest trying to hold Trump accountable for this kind of egregious gaffe which in normal times would've ended the career of any normal politician.
What are you even talking about here? The common man is angry so who cares if Trump magnifies a false claim and generates a minor harassment campaign against an immigrant community? Populists like you claim to represent the common man but more often than not you're the ones who are out of touch.
No dude I'm saying it's easy to spin this kind of thing in a way that will rile people up because the lower and middle class are like Bruce Banner these days. Always pissed or ready to be pissed. Easy to weaponize. I don't know why I'm forced to only talk the most concise and narrow way possible or be seemingly willfully misinterpreted. As others said it feels like either an intentional tactic or just being woefully tone deaf.

I fuckin hate Trump and have always been super up front about that. I shouldn't have to goddamn word everything I say in a way that makes it clear I'm not supporting trump and riding his knob with every breath I take my guy.

No dude I'm saying it's easy to spin this kind of thing in a way that will rile people up because the lower and middle class are like Bruce Banner these days. Always pissed or ready to be pissed. Easy to weaponize. I don't know why I'm forced to only talk the most concise and narrow way possible or be seemingly willfully misinterpreted. As others said it feels like either an intentional tactic or just being woefully tone deaf.

I fuckin hate Trump and have always been super up front about that. I shouldn't have to goddamn word everything I say in a way that makes it clear I'm not supporting trump and riding his knob with every breath I take my guy.

The pearl clutching is rich here, I'm addressing the central claim that started the thread and in response I get condescended to by Mikey here about the common man's woes. Then I respond and now he's indignant? Come on now.

I don't accept this excuse that every time Trump fucks up I have to consider the common man who supports him and try to mine some truth from Trumps insane statements. Maybe Trump's a terminally online asshole and knows that naked bigotry against immigrants plays to his base? Why do we always have to overthink it?
The pearl clutching is rich here, I'm addressing the central claim that started the thread and in response I get condescended to by Mikey here about the common man's woes. Then I respond and now he's indignant? Come on now.

I don't accept this excuse that every time Trump fucks up I have to consider the common man who supports him and try to mine some truth from Trumps insane statements. Maybe Trump's a terminally online asshole and knows that naked bigotry against immigrants plays to his base? Why do we always have to overthink it?
Oh come on man. We have been having a larger conversation beyond the scope of the thread title and op for many pages now. And now you're gonna start talking to me in a condescending way shielded behind the fact that if I respond I'll be punished because you're a mod and I am not.

Bye. Lost a lot of respect for you today. Tag me or quote me or don't or whatever I'm not replying to this thread anymore. I'm smarter than that. Not gonna rile me up and intentionally get me banned or carded. I just won't play that game with you.

No clue if they eat cats but they sure do practice voodoo and a hybrid version of Christian voodoo and practice blood sacrifice and divination on smaller animals. Graham Greene wrote about how they'd kill anything they could get their hands on for Marduk or whatever demon they worship. Anyway, kinda wanna watch Predatot 2 now.
Iirc, that was the Jamaican Voodoo Posse.

Which makes no sense and has me questioning my memory.
I got over being flabbergasted by Trump being able to say crazy shit and get away with it in 2016. This is part of why I say things to the effect that you are insulated from how angry the common man is, and how they will adjust their "moral slider" when in such a state. And I don't say it or mean it in a condescending or negative way although I do know it comes off that way sometimes and I'm sorry about that.

But "lower class" people are... we're angry in a way that anyone not at this rung of society just couldn't understand. I don't mind admitting that. And that's across party lines.
man I was raised in this exact mindset. I mean that exactly. I was raised by trump. but the anger is no ones fault but our own man... it cannot and should not be hoisted upon any particular group. I mean.. I know its going to be but.... that's the low path, and it only hurts the person who is angry and makes them easy to manipulate.

personally I blame the democratic more than the republicans because the dems are the ones that should give a shit about the working class but they have long since abandoned them but the republicans? they never gave a shit about the working class man. they just lie and pretend to.

but still.. to allow that anger to put people in a position to be manipulated by cunts like trump is totally the fault of the working class man or woman who has not taken a higher path of transformation. they should have been growing spiritually and rising above the bs but instead they were at home watching TV. its spirituality or education of both if you want a higher path. the blue collar man should be in church (or some suitable alternative) and taking it seriously. they would not be so easily manipulated if they were.

it breaks my heart to see otherwise good people totally manipulated and controlled by cunts on the right.
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Did you read the article? Some relevant portions of the piece:

Lol at Asians catching strays. Anyway, here are some more relevant excerpts.

I don't think this suffices as evidence for the claim that Haitians are eating people's cats and dogs in Springfield Ohio.

I get a little concerned when I click the contact

Since I got an error..
I get a 404 error.

When you cant see who is behind it and it lacks contact information, its a red flag for me.
He would be labelled a deep state globalist socialist communist by today's insane Trump cult GOP
Different decades have different challenges and he wanted to end AA making everything more hunky dory for everyone.

Do Dems still talk like they are in the 80s?

Why do Haitians eat cats?​

Contrary to popular belief, Haitians don't eat cats because they are poor and hungry. They eat cats because it's a tradition.

Sherdog's intellectual elite want us to believe all 20k Haitians just abandoned their traditions.
I can accept Haitians in the countryside eat cat for Christmas. It’s not too far fetched.

It also has this article
- Haven't seen you in a year or more. I even entered your profile, and you havent logged in months. Good to see you back bro.

To un-gay a little my post. I will put Paolla Oliveira here. Please pretend that you guys believe i am straight!

Thanks, I take breaks , the breaks keep getting longer , one day maybe I can quit for good lol