Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course


Did you say this out loud in front of the mirror like Travis Bickle? Thanks for reminding me why I so rarely come in here.

Ah, makes sense.

I've been called a Trump supporter more in one evening in here than ever in my life...and prior to this evening, I'd never been called a Trump supporter 🤨

In the voting realm, I could never vote for him, or for a party so obsessed with religion. The right has always creeped me out in general, and Trump is just too much of a tool in particular. But as it's happened with a sizable portion of the population, the left has become so fucking insane that I've found myself pushed farther from the center than I ever thought possible. I'd still never call myself a republican, but I also wouldn't call myself a democrat. I'm in that uncomfortable George Carlin position of hating the whole fucking thing, and so I just don't participate.

Right there with you, brother. These guys just don't get it. In today's political debates, I so often find myself feeling like I'm in the The Bridge on the River Kwai.

Did you say this out loud in front of the mirror like Travis Bickle? Thanks for reminding me why I so rarely come in here.

Ah, makes sense.

I've been called a Trump supporter more in one evening in here than ever in my life...and prior to this evening, I'd never been called a Trump supporter 🤨

In the voting realm, I could never vote for him, or for a party so obsessed with religion. The right has always creeped me out in general, and Trump is just too much of a tool in particular. But as it's happened with a sizable portion of the population, the left has become so fucking insane that I've found myself pushed farther from the center than I ever thought possible. I'd still never call myself a republican, but I also wouldn't call myself a democrat. I'm in that uncomfortable George Carlin position of hating the whole fucking thing, and so I just don't participate.

The two party system is ass... Carlin nailed it of course. Pure genius.
You should know the "I'm not even a Trump supporter" (proceeds to gargle Trump's balls) shtick has been overdone in here more than Trump's steaks and does not make you appear more objective.
There’s a lot of those types that claim to be centrists but will conveniently pounce to Trump’s defense when anything negative flares up regarding him while simultaneously pouncing at whatever available to attack his opposition.

But there are also people that acknowledge Trump is a POS but are not sold on Kamala’s rhetoric. So they don't vote for either or they would bother only voting for someone that they genuinely believe is a game changer (can't say I blame them tbh, registering to vote and voting takes time). You won't see them rolling in the mud with the rest of us here though lol. A few come to mind like @RemyR , @rocketskates or @USA!USA! , I think they are being genuine about disliking Trump but not being sold on Kamala.
That’s the thing about Trump, he initially received the same treatment as other none establishment candidates (eg Bernie Sandals, Ron Paul, Ross Perot), namely ridicule and disrespect by the mainstream (although the DNC definitely took it to another level when they were caught rigging the primary against Bernie).

But Trump weathered the storm and went on the attack, and I don’t know that any other personality could do what he did. He basically gave an extreme middle finger to the established political class and thier MSM lapdogs. Unfortunately, the same personality traits that allowed him to navigate the rigged system (which his predecessors could never do) are also his biggest weaknesses when it comes to governing and diplomacy.

Obviously what I wrote above is only true if you consider Trump an honest actor, and I’m not so sure about that. My pet theory, is that Trump IS part of the establishment and doing exactly as he is told and creating division and whipping up an angry and vengeful left who are being used to sow chaos (not to mention angry vengeful folks on the right)… it’s no coincidence that the party once known for advocating for social liberties, anti war, and against big business are suddenly promoting reductions in basic liberties, war in Ukraine, and defending big business colluding with government.


That's some good Eddie Bravo shit... I like the deeper conspiracy. Trump is fully capable of that role. In the end, we never get real change and continue to creep into Authoritarian Marxism. All I know is that with the Democrats, we're fucked. I'm a California native. I know exactly how bad Democrat Party rule is and how the ensure they will maintain power indefinitely. We may have a shot with Trump.
It’s absolutely true that some uninformed folks make bad faith criticisms towards Trump and that this contributes to a wider noise about the man that makes it hard to separate what's valid and what's not. But Trumpers use this to try and undermine any criticism of Trump and because the average independent tends not to be politically plugged it can be easy for MAGA to pull the wool before their eyes and make it seem like Trump is no different from any other politician when that couldn't be further from the truth.
Yeah, Trump benefits from not having to answer for anything from his base. Any lie or exaggeration just becomes an easy new excuse for looking the other way when he’s a shitbag.
The opposition has to be almost perfect. An actual transgression, even a minor one, is really hard to overcome, and just spamming lies can be effective at casting doubt because they lack that blind loyalty.
Is there a Taylor Swift connection to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump?
She did say she was a 'childless cat lady' and would vote for Harris.
I think Ryan Routh was a 'swiftie.'


* Why would this idiot have the barrel of his weapon sticking out of a bush? No wonder the Ukrainian Army rejected him. An AK-47 assault rifle? That is not an accurate weapon even with a scope. Okay, these two idiots who tried to kill Trump need to learn that a bolt action rifle works better for this kind of job.
No telling a joke about a guy f****** a couch is not any kind of a serious attempt to dehumanize. In fact, it's no attempt at all. You've just heard that thrown against the right and are now just pretending you know what it means and turning it on the left.

Dehumanizing is the slander campaign going on right now with trump and vance saying the migrants are eating our cats and our pets.

also we know A LOT about the guy and couch fucker doesn't factor in. are you waiting for alex Jones to tell you what his motives were?

well, if it wasn't a "serious attempt" then nothing to worry about, I suppose. Except the various assassination attempts that immediately followed.
He was lying in wait to take the shot and was within 5-10 minutes of having that clear shot when the Secret Service noticed the barrel of the gun protruding from a chain link fence. He had put two basaltic plates and a go pro also on the fence to protect him and to record his kill. Here is a picture of what he left behind when the Secret Service took 4 shots at him and made him retreat.


Does that lessen the event for you that he didn't get shots off?
Crazy. Trump was on hole 5 and this guy was waiting 20 yards from the hole 6 green locked and loaded.

He narrowly avoided death again
In Vance's first public comment he claimed that Trump said he was on the 6th green about to hit a birdie putt. Can Vance be trusted?
The two diagrams I saw had Trump on 5th fairway for one and him putting out #5 for the second one.

That scenario is believable, he probably had a secret service group one hole ahead of him and when he was finishing fifth they were scoping out #6
I'm not suggesting anything. I'm stating a fact that they are not Nazi's. The Nazi's were a political party under Hitler in Germany in the 1930's. Maybe they are Nazi sympathizers who share some of the same ideology, but it is an objective fact that they are not Nazi's. Just because your cult wants to label anyone who they disagree with as Nazi's doesn't make it true. The fact that you think I would share their views because I simply educated you on an objective fact shows that you are too far brainwashed by your cult to understand objective reality.
So you actually have no clue what the term Neo-Nazi means lmao. Also I’m not in a cult, you are. Lefties asked Biden to step aside because he sounded terrible in the debate. Trump says unhinged shit everyday and there is nobody asking him to step aside. There’s a reason for that. Trump can do no wrong. Never question him. He’s always right. I’ve been here long enough to know that Trumpists never criticize him and always come to his defense no matter how disgusting his rhetoric is, kind of like how you’re defending everything he says right now and repeating that Haitians eat dogs and cats. You’re 100% projecting your insecurities onto the left. Everything you say applies to yourself much more than whatever imaginary opponent you created in that that low iq brain of yours
Crazy. Trump was on hole 5 and this guy was waiting 20 yards from the hole 6 green locked and loaded.

He narrowly avoided death again

The nutters are out. It's too bad the FBI / Homeland Security hide so much from us peons. It causes the CTs to take root.
The two diagrams I saw had Trump on 5th fairway for one and him putting out #5 for the second one.

That scenario is believable, he probably had a secret service group one hole ahead of him and when he was finishing fifth they were scoping out #6
Here is Vance saying he was on the 6th green. I'll admit that Vance's memory seems a little suspect because he gives two different ages for his son. Either way, this whole thing stinks to high heaven.
