PWD 1183: *Mudvayne Opens for Fall*

Well, I'll be dipped in shit, this Oreo Coke Zero aint bad, its kinda like Vanilla Coke only not disgusting like Vanilla Coke but it has a sweet peppery after taste, surprisingly much better than I expected
It will never replace my beloved Coke Zero, I may never ever buy it again, but its worth checking out for the curiosity

@RollSonnenRoll @Based God @moonwolf


She earns her keep around here, Pete. And I'll just leave it at that.

This might be good for a Redbox Saturday night during the upcoming horror season(ugh)

That fat Luchador LoL

@Based God

I like it, it looks fun. That could be a really fun movie with some budget behind ti for CGI and bigger cast.

No one better throw a water ballon at him though! <lmao>
Scrappy McGowan is the senior referee for W.O.W., havent heard that name in a long time
Damn, Jessika Havok was actually slim and cute-ish when she started out in the rasslin bidness, but that was a long time ago...
I wonder why W.O.W. isn't covered by none of the rasslin journalism, it's a good promotion with good wrestlerettes that work good matches, it's not a novelty gimmick like GLOW or a garbage group like GCW
Seems like dang near every female in the major promotions worked here at least once or twice
I wonder why they aren't taken seriously by us IWC marks
They should sign Jordan Blu, she'll get them the respect and attention they so richly desire