Loughnane vs Kamaka -
Clash of styles in striking way, my favourite type of fights. Both fighters will try to impose his rhythm and range of fighting. Kamaka needs to trade punches from kicking distance, Loughnane in pocket. Set of techniques are totally opposite, Loughnane in n out movements, bodywork, set up rear hand, long combos... Kamaka potshots, kicks, moving backward, counters. I think Loughnane in that way will be more successful cause of his speed.
Loughnane UD
Umalatov vs Gracie -
Gracie is a BJJ specialist he fights like old generation of fighters, accept bottom position and attacks sub from there. Spam leg locks, what giving momentum for GNP... Umalatov's best weapon on the ground. In stand up Neiman it's too predictable, move side to side and throw low kicks... Umalatov will eat the space and find him with any bomb.
Umalatov KO/TKO R1
Braga vs Khizriev -
Braga wants fight on the center of the cage. Elite striking defense, muay thai catch n counter style, he owns power to do damage with every shot, but Khizriev will impose his rhythm of fight, courage style, long combos, pull reaction and going into the takedown. Braga is passive into scrambles. I expect similar fight like Merab vs Yan or more precise Tsarukyan vs Ismagulov.
Khizriev UD
Musaev vs Ramazanov -
Musaev defends takedowns first fight on principe break grip and separate, Ramazanov didn't set up takedowns, he reads his shoots and pretend that. Ramazanov must change his approach and be more careful. I think on 3 rounds fight he can hold him on the ground and wires enough time for the win.
Ramazanov UD