Overrated movie you've ever seen?

I don't get all the Batman and Nolan Hate. Inception was cool as hell though a ridiculous premise.

But the Nolan Batman's....TDKR is my favorite movie of all time.

I will say for hate mine goes to Burton's Batman's. Corny as shit and that is heresy on the highest level I know.
This film has aged miserably.

The problem really is that some hype it like the Godfather or Once Upon A Time In America when really it was never intended to be, its a deliberately over the top bit of pulp cinema closer to John Carpenter's work than the Godfather.
Pulp Fiction. I saw it way after everyone started blowing their loads over the movie. It was a good movie but not anything special, imo
Changed the game, if you never had the urge to watch it, I'm guessing you're a straight, that's my experience anyway.
Any of the movies from the transformer franchise.
Blair Witch Project wasn't remotely scary at all. It was downright boring. It was like watching an hour and a half of my parents argue about directions before GPS.
I wasn't aware that being curious and asking questions was a sign of anger. So what about there being high stakes? They need high stakes to overcome hence why they're superheroes. They're not run-of-the-mill heroes or barely heroes. They're basically larger than life heroes. And what do you mean nothing is at risk?

Cap went down with the ship and was encased in ice for decades, and awoke in an alien world where the woman he loved, Peggy Carter, was old, had a family, and ended up dying. QS died. Why do you think Black Panther was so pissed off in Civil War? No risk my ass. Thor was stripped of his power and booted out of Asgard for a time. Loki turned against Thor and became a villain. Hawkeye was mindraped into helping the other side. Groot sacrificed himself, but he has regen powers. Stark has nearly died a number of times. He's also pushed Pepper Potts away. Coulson 'died' in a movie. There's the Superhuman Registration Act which divided the team and caused them to come to blows. Bucky was brainwashed and turned into a villain and later disappeared for some time. Hulk is away. Thousands have died in the movies and it's caused hatred/mistrust of the superheroes. They've gone through hell and have had to make a number of sacrifices over the course of the movies.

It's an extended story told over a multitude of movies where the point isn't as much about whether they'll survive in the early movies as it about so many other things that you should actually be focusing on instead if half of the superheroes die at the beginning of their superhero career. To me, it's a strange thing to be so fixated on.

It's been well-established that Stark is super-genius that designs things very, very well. It's not some sort of rinky-dink armor. Regular humans have survived falls where they reached terminal velocity, but someone in a badass suit of armor can't?

I'm on board with the other guy and i will say my reason. In ironman the bad guys kidnap stark because he's a genius and basically give him everything he needs to make a weapon for them. They then leave him alone and only have a camera in there that he can hide behind and all of them go approximately a mile away. So fucking stupid. What a surprise the genius makes a weapon to blast himself out lol.
I'm on board with the other guy and i will say my reason. In ironman the bad guys kidnap stark because he's a genius and basically give him everything he needs to make a weapon for them. They then leave him alone and only have a camera in there that he can hide behind and all of them go approximately a mile away. So fucking stupid. What a surprise the genius makes a weapon to blast himself out lol.
You guys seem to think highly of the intelligence of former goat herders and cousin fucking terrorists that live in caves
Godfather 1 and 2, Drive, Blade Runner, Fury Road, Black Panther, Se7en, Lost in Translation, Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, The Departed, Scot Pilgrim, Shaun of the Dead, Gladiator, TDK, Inception, The Prestige and pretty much any Nolan movie really. All of the above are very much overrated imo.

Alot of those u agree with and some i havent seen se7en, the departed, tdk, gladiator and inception are all dope. Your taste in movies is likely trash.
You guys seem to think highly of the intelligence of former goat herders and cousin fucking terrorists that live in caves

You really going to defend that part of the movie? Im from missouri and my cousin fucking uncle whos on meth wouldn't be that fucking stupid.
You really going to defend that part of the movie? Im from missouri and my cousin fucking uncle whos on meth wouldn't be that fucking stupid.

Honestly though its just the nature of the film for me, some suspension of disbelief is relatively easy when the whole thing is presented in that kind of elevated reality ala classic James Bond.

If this were some kind of spy thriller aiming for obvious realism then yes it would be an issue but its a superhero film, what matters a lot more I'd say for these kinds of films is do the sceens make dramatic sense and are they entertaining? in both cases here I think the answer is yes.

For all the focus in nitpicks to analysis the difference between Marvel and DC films for me that's really what it comes down to, Marvel films generally make sense dramatically, DC films very often do not.
You really going to defend that part of the movie? Im from missouri and my cousin fucking uncle whos on meth wouldn't be that fucking stupid.
Lol i get what you're saying, but, I didn't see that as really that egregious of a scene.

Terrorists in some bumfuck desert kidnap a billionaire genius...I don't really have an issue with believing they're dumbasses. Or, that they simply underestimated the rich nerd.
How would they ever had guessed he could make a suit of armor? Who would guess that? They wanted him to make a weapon, but one for mass destruction --it's not like he could make a tiny nuke that would only kill the bad guys. And even if he made some handheld weapon, where the hell was he going to go? He's in the desert
The guy was building a weapon from scratch using the plans they gave him, thats not something that takes a few hours. So a camera seemed pretty sufficient. They weren't worried about 2 nerd prisoners
Speed comes immediately to mind. I never understood why people thought it was such a great movie.
Shit i gotta agree that movie was not anything memorable.

Recently, for me.

The Revenant
Its a very pretty movie but the long nature scenes with no dialogue and Leo just sceaming for 2 hours had me sherdogging in the theater
Enternal Sunshine
Blade Runner 2049, fuckin terrblible

The Dark Knight. 3 hour Batman movie? Lol. The first hour and a half are really special but it just drags. Ive tried to watch that shit 50 times and i always lose interest.

Rouge One.

Never been able to finish it. I can never even get close. That movie blows


I tend to like most of the classic greats,

Ill name a few i dont get
Taxi Driver
Schiendlers list

You didn't like Locke? @CrimsonFan


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