Overrated movie you've ever seen?

Battle Royale. People rave about it. Its nowt special.
I'm about 30 minutes into Citizen Kane and it sucks horsecock

Maybe I just don't get old movies but it's so bad
Harry Potter. Too old for this shit, turned off after 30 mins
Nope, not going through all of the replies, i know my jimmies are about to get rustled.

That said, Black freakin' hawk down. One of the most stupid pieces of shit movies i've seen to this day.
Godfather 1 and 2, Drive, Blade Runner, Fury Road, Black Panther, Se7en, Lost in Translation, Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, The Departed, Scot Pilgrim, Shaun of the Dead, Gladiator, TDK, Inception, The Prestige and pretty much any Nolan movie really. All of the above are very much overrated imo.

I have to admit, I admire you your massive cojones for saying that in front of everyone. I even dislike (or find overrated) some of the movies you mentioned.

But... Godfather, Se7en?


Black Panther for sure. It was literally just another superhero movie to me. I mean it was good don't get me wrong but the absolute ONLY reason it got such high scores was, "All Black Cast." Not that there is anything wrong with that, it just can't be the only reason a movie is considered acclaimed. Lol

Nailed it. So much African american (not even sure if it's OK to say "black" anymore) propaganda for this, it was exhausting. They made the movie to be the next Malcom X (or whatever is the equivalent). Newsflash, it was not the first movie with an all black cast to be a hollywood blockbuster, it was not the first superhero movie with a black lead (as was repeatedly stated), nor was it anywhere above "good" as far as movie quality goes.
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Any Tarantino movie. Boring pretentious garbage.
Nailed it. So much African american (not even sure if it's OK to say "black" anymore) propaganda for this, it was exhausting. They made the movie to be the next Malcom X (or whatever is the equivalent). Newsflash, it was not the first movie with an all black cast to be a hollywood blockbuster, it was not the first superhero movie with a black lead (as was repeatedly stated), nor was it anywhere above "good" as far as movie quality goes.

Seriously they kept saying, "First African-American Superhero Movie!"

Have we forgotten about Blade? I will be the first to say I loved those movies, even when they got progressively suckier, they are still good fun to watch.

Or even Spawn before that.
Boondock Saints was seriously retarded. I felt like I lost IQ points just watching it.

Old school? I never got why Citizen Kane is considered such a classic. Blue Velvet was also retarded as F.
6. 2001 Space Odyssey - was fine but don't know why it's considered a legend

Because of the breathtaking visual effects (which still stand up to this day, despite being 50 years old), the realistic depiction of space travel (which was a new departure in cinema). Then you add to the realism/authenticity the philosophy of the film. No doubt most people (including me the first time I watched) either had no clue, or else only some vague sense of what it was ultimately about. But all of these things combine to make a film which is on such a grand scale, and which really taps into a sense of utter mysteriousness. Essentially it was a groundbreaking film at the time. To be honest, I can understand people that have watched it and absolutely hated it, but I struggle to identify with thinking that was merely "fine".