Update on the sandwich deli girl

That's a lot of words to answer @Brampton_Boy question...only to really say you don't know anything about this chick...other than she's hot.
idk bro not going to a concert in august and knowing that she possibly likes brownies alot, is some solid ass info. mayeb she doesnt like august because in her small town on a tucked away irish isle sacrifices an outsider by burning them inside an effigy.

seriously @Slothbroth this is making me cringe, but you gotta do what you think is right this seems liek the hardest path to choose bro good luck
idk bro not going to a concert in august and knowing that she possibly likes brownies alot, is some solid ass info. mayeb she doesnt like august because in her small town on a tucked away irish isle sacrifices an outsider by burning them inside an effigy.

seriously @Slothbroth this is making me cringe, but you gotta do what you think is right this seems liek the hardest path to choose bro good luck
Sometimes you just have to follow your heart bro. It doesn't always make sense other than you know you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it work if she'll have you. She's just perfect.
"I'm really young" is a polite way of saying no, or fuck off...or whatever word you personally want to use for no.

Im not being an asshole here, I being honest with you sir.

Ask @shunyata if Im wrong.

Yo if you nearly 40 and reading "i'm really young" as flirting we got bigger problems.
Yo if you nearly 40 and reading "i'm really young" as flirting we got bigger problems.
On Sunday she said "hi Slothbroth" and then did this stare without breaking eye contact for a solid 2 seconds while she walked by me. 2 seconds is a very long time when a woman is staring you directly in the eye and smiling like this.

It might have even been 3 seconds
Damn, this hit me hard. When I was 25 I got with a chick that used to hangout with my friend group from time to time. Super hot. 5'9" and swam at a pretty high level through a lot of her life so her body was on point. But man, it's like you needed a hazmat suit to get into her honey pot. Not that I'm a lady's man by any means, but I've never come across a pussy that smelled like that....maybe I was lucky up until that point. But after that I was pretty picky about the hygiene of the girls I dated and even turned away a few girls after the first night we were intimate.
Too bad the pool water didn’t wash it off. Gross lol. I did competitive swimming when I was a kid / early teen and I was pretty good at it but the others on the team were absolute weirdos. Like the weirdest kids ever. Then I got older and hockey got serious so I gave it up. Anecdotal evidence but maybe she was just a weirdo too.
I wouldn't get to far into it. Sounds like you are getting a bit borderline. Casually hit her up again in a way that isn't to direct and allows her an easy out. You will know. Or let it go before it becomes freaky obessesion shit. Don't worry about @elreece dont think he has ever been laid anyway.
Hi, Borderline Man checking in. From my expert pov, we have surpassed "a bit" and have very much reached "full blown and undiagnosed for many years" at this point.
Women get hit on all the time at work. It's the cringiest place to hit on them because they are basically held captive and it's almost a guarantee you'll make them uncomfortable. If you shot your shot and missed, you need to move on. It sounds like you have an unhealthy parasocial thing going on where you think there's more there than there is. For hers and your sake, find a new deli. And get on a damn dating app.
This has to be a troll thread?? I'm sorry. I just can't get my head around this one. You're joking, right?
Women get hit on all the time at work. It's the cringiest place to hit on them because they are basically held captive and it's almost a guarantee you'll make them uncomfortable. If you shot your shot and missed, you need to move on. It sounds like you have an unhealthy parasocial thing going on where you think there's more there than there is. For hers and your sake, find a new deli. And get on a damn dating app.
I would be on board for this but

1. This is my favorite lunch spot and everyone greets me by name like I'm family or something. It's like being in a real life Cheers tv series.
So I will continue eating here regardless of whether anything develops with the young lady.

2. She did the lady in the red dress stare smile for 2-3 seconds on Sunday. This is a very long time for a chick to stare you in the eyes smiling. Women don't greet by name and then lock eyes and smile at men who make them uncomfortable.
smile at men who make them uncomfortable.