Only if Jones Beats Stipe, will Pereira Move Up to Heavyweight

Calling Aspinall a nobody means you don't care about this sport at all.
TS is posting on a karate forum from his mother's basement, with another man as his av, yet calls Aspinall (arguably the best fighter on the planet) a "nobody." Sounds legit.

Aspinall is arguably nothing but a hot prospect.

He has:
  • Never beaten a Champion;
  • Never become a Champion;
  • Never come back from adversity.
A "somebody" is a fighter that is known all over the world ... a "nobody" is a fighter whom no one else outside a very tight circle of fans has ever heard about.

Aspinall has 532K followers.

Stipe has 1.7 Million followers
Alex Pereira has 3.4 Million followers
Jones has 8.4 Million followers

Aspinall = Nobody in the fight world now.

He still has a lot to prove ... while Alex, Jon, and Stipe are time-proven.
Aspinall is arguably nothing but a hot prospect.

He has:
  • Never beaten a Champion;
  • Never become a Champion;
  • Never come back from adversity.
A "somebody" is a fighter that is known all over the world ... a "nobody" is a fighter whom no one else outside a very tight circle of fans has ever heard about.

Aspinall has 532K followers.

Stipe has 1.7 Million followers
Alex Pereira has 3.4 Million followers
Jones has 8.4 Million followers

Aspinall = Nobody in the fight world now.

He still has a lot to prove ... while Alex, Jon, and Stipe are time-proven.
Well you can't really get champions on your resume when the champion and only other former champion in the division are both ducking you....
Jones would of been considered a "nobody" according to your logic prior to the Shogun bout in 2011 since at that period he didn't beat any champions(former or current).

So would you also make excuses for Shogun if he turned down Jones as a replacement for Rashad just because he hasn't beaten any champions or has a big following at that time?
Jones has already expressed interest in fighting Pereira.

Mark my words, if Jones beats Stipe.
One fight of Jones takes at least 5 years it seems, so yes I am looking forward to see Jones fighting Pereira when they are around 50 years old.
Or vice versa: if Stipe beats Jones, Pereira would (not quite as) likely challenge as well.

Jones has already expressed interest in fighting Pereira.

At the end of the day, beating Pereira is a bigger deal for Jones, and beating Jones is a bigger deal for Pereira.

The bottom line is, Tom Aspinall is a nobody, who isn't the current lineal Champion, and who has never beaten any Champion.

If Alex is able to defend his LHW title twice more, and if Jones beats Stipe, then expect a mega-showdown between Alex Pereira and Jon Jones — at HW (for Alex's 3rd title in a 3rd weight class) — or even at LHW (with Jones possibly moving down, to prove he is still "The Lien" in his traditional weight class).

Mark my words, if Jones beats Stipe.
Aspinall is the Interim HW Champ, far from a “nobody.”
Tom has beaten as many HW Champions as Jones has, unless you want to count Cormier who wasnt a champion of any division when Jones fought him.
Who gives a shit what Jones wants. He is the HW champ, Tom is the Interim Champ; that’s the only fight to make.
Aspinall is arguably nothing but a hot prospect.

He has:
  • Never beaten a Champion;
  • Never become a Champion;
  • Never come back from adversity.
A "somebody" is a fighter that is known all over the world ... a "nobody" is a fighter whom no one else outside a very tight circle of fans has ever heard about.

Aspinall has 532K followers.

Stipe has 1.7 Million followers
Alex Pereira has 3.4 Million followers
Jones has 8.4 Million followers

Aspinall = Nobody in the fight world now.

He still has a lot to prove ... while Alex, Jon, and Stipe are time-proven.
This isn’t a popularity contest, genius. Tom is the Interim HW Champion. /Thread.

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