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Elections Official Sherdawg Presidential debate round 1 PbP

Who won the debate

  • I plan to vote Biden, and think Biden won

    Votes: 10 6.2%
  • I’m (honestly) undecided, and think Biden won

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I plan to vote Trump, and think Biden won

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I plan to vote Trump, and think Trump won

    Votes: 89 54.9%
  • I’m (honestly) undecided, and think Trump won

    Votes: 36 22.2%
  • I plan to vote Biden, and think Trump won

    Votes: 23 14.2%

  • Total voters
Well, Pres. Obama humped the bunk during his first debate with Romney. I'm not going to throw in the towel on one debate.

Whomever that was on his debate prep team needs to be fired.

I mean the Obama/ Mitt debate wasn't bad for either and was in the line of what we expect from a debate. This debate was called by team biden specifically to show the world the public image of him is false. He blundered the one thing they were trying to show. There's a reason why steadfast liberals and supportive MSM are flooding the wires today basically begging him to drop out.

This is the equivalent of Shaq calling on national media to prove he can hit a free throw and then airballing 10 in a row
His good days usually involve a teleprompter filled with gigantic words that he can read and repeat. And even then, he still fucks up and goes full Ron Burgendy 50% of the time. This guy has ended off statements with descriptors like "end of line" countless times.

You're correct, but even then when was his last good day because now he looks like an extra on The Walking Dead and sounds about as intelligent.
Trump looked at him like he felt sorry for Dementia Joe for a second. Biden looked lost and confused when Trump started talking. I thought he was going to start crying.

Trump should have used his time to call out the democrats for running someone who is clearly unfit for the job. Shame on the democrats. This man should be home with his wife.

I mean the Obama/ Mitt debate wasn't bad for either and was in the line of what we expect from a debate. This debate was called by team biden specifically to show the world the public image of him is false. He blundered the one thing they were trying to show. There's a reason why steadfast liberals and supportive MSM are flooding the wires today basically begging him to drop out.

This is the equivalent of Shaq calling on national media to prove he can hit a free throw and then airballing 10 in a row

Let me be real with you. I'm still voting for Pres. Biden and it wouldn't matter if his head was in a jar like Futurama because I know he'd put professionals and experts around him. Trump would only put in loyalists who swore an oath to him only.

That being said, Pres. Biden humped the bunk! If there was ANY sniff that he wasn't at SOTU level last night, they should've rescheduled the debate.


They did him NO FAVORS by pressing forward. The only silver lining out of this is that Trump didn't win any moderates as he lied throughout the entire debate AND Pres. Biden still has time to correct that drekshow last night.

It's a long time until November.

Thank goodness.
In a country which is turning to shit on a range of different fronts, to make this issue which affects a tiny percentage of aborted babies (we're talking points of 1 percent here) and blowing it up into a massive issue to pull on heart strings - is very disingenuous.

He's using it as a way to get all the conspiracy theorists and nut jobs on side, talking about dems like they're Satanists and baby murderers.

They are legit baby murderers... abortion is murder.

Leftism is a cult/religion.

Also, all the conspiracy theories are true now.

Trump literally has hundreds of millions in foreign loans because American banks won't lend to him.

Yeah, from before he got into politics, and they're neither interest free or forgivable.

Come on, haven't seen you around the Warroom much lately but you used to be better than this.

I'm glad you've gotten out of your everything i don't like is marxism phase though.

At least marxists have principles. Corrupt politicians don't give a damn about the country or the people, they care about getting rich and staying in power to get richer while everything gets worse for everyone but them.

Marxists at least want to destroy the country for the impossible fantasy of a communist utopia being built from its ashes.

At least ya'll have dreams.
Let me be real with you. I'm still voting for Pres. Biden and it wouldn't matter if his head was in a jar like Futurama because I know he'd put professionals and experts around him. Trump would only put in loyalists who swore an oath to him only.

That being said, Pres. Biden humped the bunk! If there was ANY sniff that he wasn't at SOTU level last night, they should've rescheduled the debate.


They did him NO FAVORS by pressing forward. The only silver lining out of this is that Trump didn't win any moderates as he lied throughout the entire debate AND Pres. Biden still has time to correct that drekshow last night.

It's a long time until November.

Thank goodness.

Dude, US politics is like baseball. Every team wins 50, every team loses 50, it's that remaining 60ish that matter. I dont think anyone who had their minds made up change them. The fact that majority of polls on who won are showing Trump killing Joe is scary. The fact that Biden came into this already down in head to head, 5 way, battleground and favorability polling is horrible. He definitely lost people on the fence.

New York Time Editorial Board: Biden....GET THE FUCK OUT

"...At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence...

...As it stands, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble. There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency. There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden. It’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes...

...But the president’s performance cannot be written off as a bad night or blamed on a supposed cold, because it affirmed concerns that have been mounting for months or even years. Even when Mr. Biden tried to lay out his policy proposals, he stumbled. It cannot be outweighed by other public appearances because he has limited and carefully controlled his public appearances.

It should be remembered that Mr. Biden challenged Mr. Trump to this verbal duel. He set the rules, and he insisted on a date months earlier than any previous general election debate. He understood that he needed to address longstanding public concerns about his mental acuity and that he needed to do so as soon as possible.

The truth Mr. Biden needs to confront now is that he failed his own test."

Read more here:

That's how you know the switch is basically set. They aren't going to dirty up their candidate if that's who they were actually running. They likely have to offer something to Kamala Harris to boot her off. Be on the lookout for positive stories involving Big Mike or Patrick Bateman to see which one is getting tagged in

I'm curious to see polling after this to see if Biden is even ahead of RFK.
Let me be real with you. I'm still voting for Pres. Biden and it wouldn't matter if his head was in a jar like Futurama because I know he'd put professionals and experts around him. Trump would only put in loyalists who swore an oath to him only.

That being said, Pres. Biden humped the bunk! If there was ANY sniff that he wasn't at SOTU level last night, they should've rescheduled the debate.


They did him NO FAVORS by pressing forward. The only silver lining out of this is that Trump didn't win any moderates as he lied throughout the entire debate AND Pres. Biden still has time to correct that drekshow last night.

It's a long time until November.

Thank goodness.
An old, barely functioning man needs more time? To what? Die?
Let me be real with you. I'm still voting for Pres. Biden and it wouldn't matter if his head was in a jar like Futurama because I know he'd put professionals and experts around him. Trump would only put in loyalists who swore an oath to him only.

This is probably something that flies under the radar, but has tremendous importance. It definitely happens in the Corporate world not infrequently where someone takes over and causes tremendous talent under them to flounder and/or exit much to the detriment of the organization. An outstanding quality of leadership isn't about what you as an individual can do on your own (though that is important) but instead getting the best out of the talent around you. A leader can increase their personal output 25% but that is meaningless in comparison to attracting the best talent available, or getting just 2% more out of everyone under them.

A poor leader can result in the number 2, 3, and 4 person etc under them all leaving or operating in complete frustration. To make another pro sports analogy, you're basically at that point having a manager playing in the big leagues but operating with AAA or AA level players because they're the manager's friends or only ones that will put up with the manager.

From the article:

“President Joe Biden needs to end his campaign. The first presidential debate, held last night, was a disaster. It was clear from the outset that Biden looked old, sounded old, and yes, is in fact very, very old. To everyone but Hack V Savage from the Sherdog website.”

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