New Day's Resolution

Nutrition - no fasting today =(
Post Workout Meal - 8 oz rice w/ 8 oz chicken and vegetable stew w/ 2 L water & Juice
Snack - 16 oz snickers ice cream lolz
Snack - .5 L water, 2 cups of grapes
Dinner - 8 oz rice, 8 oz mixed vegetables, 2 piece fried chicken, .5 L juice
Snack - 8 oz ice cream
Complete Rest

Nutrition - No fasting =(
Lunch - Tuna footlong on herb&cheese with lettuce, tomato, onions and american cheese w/ .5 L water
Lunch 2 - Tuna six-inch " " w/ .5 L water
Snack - 8 oz frozen yogurt
Dinner - 8 oz chicken breast, 8 oz rice, 8 oz mixed vegetables w/ .5 L punch & .5 L water

I am cutting my program short. Tomorrow will be the last day. Next week I will embark on my new training program and hopefully it will be the last S&P program I need for sustained gains. See the first post of this thread for more details.
8.20.2010 - BW @ 178.8 (-1.0 lbs.)
Hip Squats
BW x 20
+225 x 8
+225 x 8
+225 x 8

BW x 20
145 x 2
145 x 2
145 x 2

BW x 8
+90 x 2
+90 x 2
+90 x 3 NEW 3-RM (several inches short on rep 4)

Muscle Up Burpees +Pull-up Burpees
2 + 1
0 + 3

Clapping Pull-ups + Quick Release Pull-ups
0 + 7
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DOH Deadlift
45 x 20
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 0 FAIL
275 x 3 w/ straps...
315 x 2
365 x 1
370 x 1

Power Clean
135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 1
185 x 1
205 x 0 FAIL
205 x 1 w/ straps...
210 x 1
215 x 1
225 x 1 - EQUAL PR

Seated DB Shoulder Press
30 x 12
60 x 5
90 x 3 NEW 3-RM
95 x 3 NEW 3-RM

100 x 0 FAIL unable to get into starting position
Also fails on two handed set-up for left and right hand.

Deadlift was weak sauce today. Power Cleans and DB Shoulder Press were surprisingly good.
Your chins and dips are just freakish, and the 95x3 db is pretty nuts too.

I might give negative dips a try. If anything, it will just be one more thing I do that the PTs complain about.
Thanks a lot BB. I'm getting newbish gains because I hadn't lifted in 7 months. I did do calisthenics though.

I'm relatively new to negatives and other supra-maximal techniques, I just follow Westside's theory on them. I think doing plyometrics or similar speed work is also very helpful. My chins are pretty quick. My dips which I didn't train dynamically are painfully slow.

Right now my plan is to rotate my exercises each session and attempt 1-RM on each exercise (3 per session).
Nice lifting.

Dont know if you do any specific grip work, but I would start including some to fix your grip troubles on DLs.
Thanks bro.

I use a pro hands gripper more for dexterity and endurance than for strength. Gripmaster Pro Hand Strengthening System, Extra-Heavy Tension (11 Pounds per Finger): Sports & Outdoors

I also have a PDA IGDA (Ivanko Gripper with knurled handle somewhere, I just can't find it). I'm going to incorporate plate pinch deadlifts and IM CoC and thick bar -namely farmer's walks maybe cleans and snatches too. I plan on buying them later this week.

Any recommendations for thick Olympic dumbbell handles? I think a pair of 2" and 3" handles with at least 5" loading space on each side. Also, need to get some climbing chalk asap.
Don't get any handles over 2" as its a waste of money and training.

For deadlifts, time holds, holding a tough gripper closed for time, bar hangs, farmer walks, should all help the cause.

You can put bits of tape on the deadlift bar where you grip it and add tape over time.
Thanks for the tips DS I'm going to try to incorporate at least one grip exercise on each training session. Also, I'm going to convert some standard dumbbells into Olympic dumbbells with 2 inch grip using duct tape.


ATG Low Bar Squat just above the 2nd pin
45 x 20
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
405 x 15 second *walkout only
315 x 0 FAIL weak sauce
405 x 5 partial to the 6th pin
405 x 5 partial to the 5th pin
405 x 0 FAIL to the 4th pin

Push Press from a racked position
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 1
190 x 1
195 x 1
200 x 1
205 x 0

Plyo Pull-ups, about 3 claps in each set
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 7

Dual Plate Pinch Deadlift w/ Hold
2x25s x 0 Fail on both hands
2x10s x 30s could have gone much longer
3x10s x 7s
3x10s x 11s visualized myself crunching the plates :icon_twis

Squat and grip need a lot of work. Push press is okay. Plyo Pull-ups are solid.

Power Clean w/ plenty of chalk, pinky on the ring, just outside shoulder width
45 x 20
135 x 5
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
230 x 1 +5 PR
235 x 1 +5 PR
240 x 0
240 x 0

Bench Press w/ plenty of chalk, pinky on the ring, just outside shoulder width, on balls of feet and toes, back arched, forgot to keep elbows tucked in
45 x 20
135 x 10
185 x 3
205 x 1
225 x 1
245 x 1
275 x 0 + 1 w/ spot, stuck 3 inches above chest

Plyo Pull-ups w/ at least 3 claps each set
BW x 8
BW x 8
Alternating from Pronated to Supinated
BW x 6

Plyo Dips rapidly loss speed and power in later sets and reps
BW x ~8
BW x ~8
BW x ~4

BW x 8 ea.
BW x 8 ea.
VJ Test
2 inches of backboard jump off left foot, same for right foot w/ Counter movement

Gym story
My main gym is very small. I do power cleans in a corner of the gym near the decline bench. I politely asked a guy to move a safe distance while he was resting so I could do a set safely. He moved. Later on a lady asks if I'm using the decline bench I say no one is using it. She does Barbell Decline Bench, Dumbbell Decline Bench and continues supersetting. I interrupt her after her third set and ask her to move a safe distance for a moment so I can do my set. She asks me to move the whole bench and I do. Then she continues super setting. I ask her to move again and she says that I'm using the whole gym and she needs to do her set. At the point I think to myself I don't give a fuck if she doesn't move I'm going to do my set. So I proceed to do my sets. She then immediately moves out of the way. Some folks are simply unreasonable. On a positive note, I also asked for and received good spots on bench press for 245 and 275.
After retesting the big 3, I've decided to focus on Squats on Deadlifts for the next 4 weeks. (1) MWF = S&P (2) TTSS = GPP. The numbers listed below are targets for each session. So my first session would be A-1, followed by B-1, then A-2 and so on. The numbers listed are ideal -here is to hoping that adding 100 lbs to my squat and deadlift in 4 weeks really is that simple.

#Warm-up Sets: 1-3
#Warm-up Reps: ~20
#Work Sets: 8
#Work Reps: 1-3
Interval: 3-5 minutes
Maximum Time / Session: 3 Hours

365/385/405/425/425/465 - Deadlift
205/215/225/235/245/255 - Power Clean
205/215/225/235/245/255 - & Push Press
Plate Pinch & Hold

275/295/315/335/355/375 - Squat
100/110/120/130/140/150 - Chin-up
145/155/165/175/185/190 - & Dip
Weighted Hangs

GPP w/ Heart Rate Monitor
20:00 Stairs @BW+100 lb vest
100 Burpees Timed

EDIT 8/30 -swapped squat and deadlift, changed pull-up burpees to burpees
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8.30.2010 - 9/10 Physical - 9/10 Psychological - 8/10 Mental

Deadlift w/ pinkys on the rings
20 x 45 DOH grip...
5 x 135
3 x 225 w/ chalk...
1 x 275
1 x 315 HOOK grip....
1 x 365
1 x 375
1 x 385
1 x 395
1 x 405 ALT grip... current max

Power Clean & Push Press w/ pinkys on the rings
5 x 135 w/ chalk
1 x 155
1 x 185
1 x 195
1 x 205
1 x 210 current max push press (max PC is 235)

BW x 8 Clapping Pull-ups NEW PR
BW x 6 Clapping Pull-ups
BW x 6 Alternating from Pronated to Supinated

BW x 8 Plyo Dips
BW x 10 Single/Double Clap Push-ups
BW x 6 Plyo Dips

Very good workout today. I was focused and did my thing in the gym. I trained near the incline bench. A few people worked in with me. And everything went smooth. I must admit I'm a chalk fiend. The difference in grip strength versus bare hands or straps is immensely favorable (at least for me). When you have a clumsy grip you won't even budge the weight off the floor. By the time I was done I had left my mark on the gym.

Training by yourself sucks for exercises like bench press and squat where a spotter can really push you (in addition to using a power rack). But on the flip side if you are focused on your own, you can get solid results. For now I'm happy training alone.

Lots of folks benching today. Its good to see them moving 225 and up on the flat. I saw a middle aged guy doing some moderate cheat curls with 45s on the preacher bar (standing). I got the urge to join him and work out the gunz for the girlz, but I quickly quenched the thirst for iron by chalking up for my deadlift singles.

I forgot to do specific grip training today, but I did a lot of pulling. I still haven't converted my standard db handles to thick olympic db handles. If I do it today I'll try them out later tonight for farmer's walks or lunges, plus some weighted hangs w/ my dip belt.
So you are planning on adding 100lbs to squat and dead in 4 weeks? That would be quite the bump. Looking at your log reminds me I am still lazy.

P.S. Nice clapping pullups. :)
Thanks a lot bro. I'm mostly trying to regain my strength and maintain technique on these two lifts. But if things go exceptionally well I wouldn't mind hitting new prs and exceeding the 100 mark on each lift.

beginning/current/old pr/goal
370/405/455/470 = deadlift... goal is +15 lb over pr
275/275/405/375 = squat... goal is -30 lb under pr

YouTube - 20 clapping pullups
^20 Clapping Pull-ups. Not me. But a good example of what it looks like.
8.31.2010 - 10/10 Physical - 10/10 Psychological - 10/10 Mental
Outdoors, 90s
4-0 Doubles Handball

9.1.2010 - 5/10 Physical - 6/10 Psychological - 10/10 Mental
Outdoors, 90s
45:02 - 40:27 (btwn 120-186) 179 Max / 148 Avg / HR
Circuit Training BW + 100 lb vest...3-4 minute interval, complete rest
20/20/20/20/20...Double Leg Hop to 8 inch step
3/3/3/3/3...Chin-up Partials

My back was too sore to do squats so I did hops instead. Depending on my recovery I'll do either deadlifts or squats on friday. Dips were solid even with sweaty hands. Was a bit disappointed with chin-ups, I expected to complete 1 or even 2 reps per set. Partials ranged from 1/2 to 7/8 a chin-up.
9.3.2010 - 6/10 Physical - 6/10 Psychological - 8/10 Mental

Powerclean & Push Press
45 x 20
135 x 5
155 x 1
185 x 1
205 x 1
210 x 1
215 x 0 Fail on Push Press

Deadlift - complete fail
405 x 0
405 x 0
405 x 0
315 x 0
315 x 0

Overall, this week has been a massive fail for S&P. Monday was solid, Wednesday was okay, Friday was garbage. The program was too intense, and I wasn't able to recover fast enough to do 1-2 days of deads and 1-2 days of squats per week. I need to go back to the drawing board.

90 second timed hang from smith bar.
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