Day 1:
Shoulder presses you mean overhead presses right? I'm not trying to be an ass about this one I just want to make sure we're on the same page. Barbell or dumbell?
incline dumbell press
shoulder shrugs
-I don't really like these, and if you deadlifted heavy you wouldn't need them I say cut them
Seated incline dumbell curls
standing alternating curls
-pick one curl per week.
lying trisept extention
once again it's a matter of cutting things you don't need. you won't overtrain by doing these keeping shrugs, lying tricep extentions or two curls, but they're unneccessary and they don't contribute a lot. I say cut them out, stick to the basics
Day 2:
seated leg presses
-consider front squats
standing calf raises
-these have so little carry over to athletic applications it's obscene that they even get tossed into strength based routines. Drag a sled, push a car, grab a sandbag and sprint up a hill. I guarantee you will get better results for your sport and doing pussy calf raises.
lying leg curls
-shit isolation exercise, consider romanian deadlifts, Stiff legged deadlifts, good mornings, etc.
leg extention
-just get rid of this altogether.
Day 3:
Flat bench press
incline bench dumbell press
chin ups
one arm rows
to be honest, this day isn't so bad, but I don't like that you just tacked on deadlifts at the end, like you don't really think they're important. Also you need more posterior chain work to assist your deads. consider doing one of the following RDL, good mornings, or SLDL, pull throughs, etc. after deads. furthermore as a grappler deadlifts may be the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT LIFT that you perform. I'll say that again, as a grappler dealifts may be the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT LIFT you perform.
In the grand scheme of things you may or may not need another incline press, and if you do keep it, consider changing it to barbell instead of dumbell on this day. Shit who am I kidding, you're so wrapped up in the more is better mindset you'll keep the incline press here no matter what I say. so here, if you insist on another press consider clos grip bench for this day.
day 4: same as day1
day 5: same as day2
day 6; same as day 3
day 7: rest
I want you to listen and listen good. MORE IS NOT BETTER. CUT DOWN TO THREE DAYS A WEEK AND DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DEADLIFT THE DAY AFTER YOU SQUAT! THAT'S JUST PLAIN FUCKING WAITING FOR THE LEVIES TO BREAK IDIOCY! in fact your days should be day 2 or 3, then day 1 then day 2 or 3 that you didn't do the first time around. THREE days a week for you... Let me say that again, THREE DAYS A WEEK!!!! you're going to overtrain, burnout and/or get injured going at this rate. I PROMISE you these things will happen.
i do 3 sets of 5 rep. what do u think I think that my web page needs some updating. Your main lifts should be heavy, assistance lifts can be higher reps (8-10). For example, I do heavy military press then after I'm done with my sets on military press, I may go over to incline bench for 3 or 4 sets of 8. it is not neccessary to train heavy on everything. and some exercises (for some people) don't respond well to low reps. people often find pullups respond better to the 8-12 range, and calf raises (though be sure to mind my note earlier) to the 20 rep range. and abdominal training (interesting to note that you have NONE in here) to a variety of rep ranges and schemes.