Crime beau of the fifth column a human trafficker?

Am I vouching for his character? Or am I suggesting that people who want to assassinate his character because of what they already thought merely feel they have the reason to do so. I dont know the guy, personally, and yet I was tagged in one of the first replies in this thread, because partisan politics lol

I dont know what he thought. What I'm saying is this particular kind of trafficking isnt always as cut-and-dry as it might seem, and in case you didnt realize I'm not relegating that to political parties. I'm inclined to think that if someone makes economic and social heirarchies part of their political identity, then exploitation is just absolutely going to happen and be tolerated. However that's not always the case, because there is a such thing as people who do this kind of trafficking without actually exploiting the immigrants. I dont know what he thought, you dont, no one in this thread does...which is why I also considered the worst, that he WAS knowingly selling cheap labor with zero regard for what happens to them.

Terrapin is suggesting he isnt on his channel because he is in MORE legal trouble because he just is still that guy, which also implicates his wife (she is lying about saying he is burned out). If that proves not to be true, and he has NEVER had any legal trouble since 2007, and has been doing more like what he's doing now for nearly 2 decades, that's just digging into someone's History and finding a reason to justify the level of disdain you always carried. Which says more about the person digging than it does about Beau

I did speculate that maybe he was in legal trouble or maybe he is ill too in the same sentence. I don't buy that he is burned out. he doesn't work very hard so I suspect that he is ill of health or there are some other problems, possibly legal ones that have come up. there could I suppose be MANY other reasons but I do not buy the burn out angle.

In any case, it would be disingenuous and uncharitable to pretend I'm assassinating his character in any way.
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It is obviously NOT OK, and that is precisely why he went to jail, unlike the "labor" used to construct Donald's golf oasis in Dubai (or most things in Dubai tbh).
Dude did his time..... does any of that detract from the points he makes on his channel? Does his past make his commentary any more or less valid?
Well, I haven't speculated on whether it makes his points more or less valid. What I've said is that this is important information for everyone to know who listens to him and they should all weigh it however they do.

I've also already stated directly in this thread that if somebody weighs that evidence and trusts him, that is completely acceptable but that I already had a red flag kind of distrustful feeling about him. Something already felt off for me which is why I had already stopped listening to him and then I came across this information independently and it just cemented that take.

It's amazing that such an open-minded position that allows for many opinions can be so castigated on here by people that can only see their perspective and are defensive and pretending that I'm the one demonizing somebody.
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Unless RFK "disagrees" with you, then doing drugs 45 years ago is completely relevant to his political endorsement.

Some 80 year old hoarder nutjob says someone you "disagree with" touched her boob in a department store 30-35 years ago(she doesn't actually know what year it was)? No evidence necessary.

Some youtube grifter who does "agree" with you trafficked girls to use as slave labor by threatening them and stealing from them far more recently? Meh, let bygones be bygones.

It's very clear that this thread that I started cannot be taken by either side on face value, but must be seen in the larger context of a war between Trump and Kamala in the country.

I'm so innocent that was just interested in truth and just wanted to post this for everyone's information. I thought everybody would be really happy to learn it from either side and discuss it. I had NO notion that people would be so angry and defensive about it.

Butt alas people on my side are being so cruel and disingenuous and rude and mean and pedantic all because they see me as taking points away from their/our side.

It's pathetic and disappointing to me to watch truth itself be put aside for war instead. The war on truth is real but both sides practice it
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Yeah, it’s tough to make videos when you’re hauling people in the back of a panel van.

Serious question though. Is he like a sovereign citizen (lite) militia type or far left?
part of the mystery with him is he keeps a really low profile when not online. beau is not his real name and his background is quite questionable. I wondered the same thing about him when first starting to listen to his channel but could not find any reliable info about him.

I will say though that I'm not very good at looking into people and did miss his whole criminal background when i first started to have doubts or questions or red flags about him. however the article I linked suggested that he keeps a really low profile because of his desire to not make the message about himself.

I really don't know but I've learned that all I need is a red flag about a person for me to not trust them. a red flag type hunch is NOT proof that a person is a bad person. it is not proof of anything. BUT it is all I need to keep a person at arms length until I get more information about a person. I had already done that and then came across this info recently and it just landed for me. he could be completely genuine. its totally possible that he is. but I would need to know more to believe that.

that is NOT to say that I think he is still involved in human trafficking. I do not think that at all in fact. I would be shocked to find that out... at the very least the massive amount of money his channel brings in would make that seem VERY unlikely. I just still feel like we don't have the full story about this guy.

but thats not even the main reason I made this thread. I made it because I thought people would really want to know.
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Well, I haven't speculated on whether it makes his points more or less valid. What I've said is that this is important information for everyone to know who listens to him and they should all weigh it however they do.

I've also already stated directly in this thread that if somebody weighs that evidence and trusts him, that is completely acceptable but that I already had a red flag kind of distrustful feeling about him. Something already felt off for me which is why I had already stopped listening to him and then I came across this information independently and it just cemented that take.

It's amazing that such an open-minded position that allows for many opinions can be so castigated on here by people that can only see their perspective and are defensive and pretending that I'm the one demonizing somebody.
Pointing out when you post something inane isn't the same as attacking you personally, bud.

Strawman Bad.
Pointing out when you post something inane isn't the same as attacking you personally, bud.

Strawman Bad.
Go on. be specific about my position and then explain what specifically is inane about it.
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Lmao. Like I always say. Woke guys ALWAYS have skeletons in their closets. ALWAYS
what? Ive never heard that man. its right wing christians that go against gays that always have skeletons in their closet isn't it?
Holy shit the more you read the funnier it gets. Fake name, fake accent, fake backstory. Tied up with Russian human traffickers lmao.

Of fucking course the two biggest dipshits on the entire site worship this piece of shit lmao
I did speculate that maybe he was in legal trouble or maybe he is ill too in the same sentence. I don't buy that he is burned out. he doesn't work very hard so I suspect that he is ill of health or there are some other problems, possibly legal ones that have come up. there could I suppose be MANY other reasons but I do not buy the burn out angle.

In any case, it would be disingenuous and uncharitable to pretend I'm assassinating his character in any way.

Welcome to the far right, bro.
You questioned one of the left's false idols. You're far right now. Thst's how it works.
I'm glad I asked man. sorry for assuming. they wont think I'm far right(I'm far left and they know it) but dang it has gotten pretty hot in here for me just for wanting to be open and honest about him. I honestly must be totally naive. I really though everyone would be interested.
I'm glad I asked man. sorry for assuming. they wont think I'm far right(I'm far left and they know it) but dang it has gotten pretty hot in here for me just for wanting to be open and honest about him. I honestly must be totally naive. I really though everyone would be interested.

I'm interested. I hadn't heard this stuff and it's very clear from comments on his channel that they are deleting all negative comments also his channel is still being heavily pushed by the yt algorithm despite it all.

Then you got far left posters ITT excusing a guy working with Russians (lol) to traffic vulnerable women.

Very interesting and not at all surprising.
beau says that his accent is real but that he hid it in the past to make him seem more intelligent. I have no idea what is true there but thought you would want to know that.
Whichever way he misrepresented himself. That's all good though.
He's a pathological liar.
hard to say man. it is possible he is a reformed grifter but for me personally as someone who is far left.... it just doesn't sit well at all. I mean... human trafficking man and credit card fraud.