Elections Mrs South Carolina aint got nothing on Joe Biden


RIP Gregolian, BWR
Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2009
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“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.” ` Joe Biden

The video hasn't hit Youtube yet but here you go

Did he top Mrs. South Carolina???? You darn tootin
Oh no he fumbled over his words! Something his opponent never does!

My Lord..... That's embarrassing.
Not really much more you can say for that.
I agree, Biden sucks. We should elect a guy like Donald Trump who speaks so eloquently.

For every one Biden gaffe trump has 50
Is this what my grandfather would refer to as malarkey or no malarkey?

A senile old man vs an old man with dementia.

You know, that seems pretty normal given the shit show 2020 had been so far.
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His brain is fried. Dems better find a better candidate. Trump will murk senile Joe.
Misquote, TS

He said, “our democracy SNAKES second fiddle”

It’s a dog whistle to his base of musicians in Slytherin.
Oh no he fumbled over his words! Something his opponent never does!

No doubt. Common place for all POTUS. I mean, it was only 49 consecutive words jarbled together into complete incoherent nonsense. Happens all the time
In before hard lefties say its normal..

Wait NM
Let’s do some pushups right now you lying dog faced pony soldier jack!
We aren’t going to hopscotch around this outcrop of Shanghai Shivers. I’ve examined the symptoms and people infected are going all out batty-fang. That gal-sneaker Donald Trump says I’m flabbergasted but it is him who needs to mind the grease. Enough with his gobbledygook and enough lollygagging around. Take the words straight from my sauce box and go right to the bank.
His brain is fried. Dems better find a better candidate. Trump will murk senile Joe.

Listen hear Jack! You like Push ups? How bout Push up pops? No malarkey man, I used to eat a push up pop every summer day at the White House. Being president was hard Jack! But with my wife Melania and trusty butler Brock Osama by my side. Well Bub, we kicked some ass. My son Hunter Texas Ranger cleaned up over there in Yugoslavia. Man Jack , that's where Dracula is from. That's no malarkey
Oh no he fumbled over his words! Something his opponent never does!

He keeps.. Doing it. Badly. I'm interested in seeing another debate, to be honest.
We gotta you know never before have we, in all our time on sherdog for any reason had any inclination to make it, before because it’s not the give and takae that does you in, like I said it’s give and take but we have to as never before be committed
Oh no he fumbled over his words! Something his opponent never does!

Fumbled over his words. Umm, ok, that's what happened.
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