Social Mom showers with 19 year old daughter daily as its 'the best way to start the day" (with video)

I for one welcome our liberal progressive future. As a malei can’t wait to receive stipends from the government to stay indoors from the latest “pandemic” and freely give them all my information. I can also enjoy a he community cuck shed as my wife will be “respected” and “empowered” by an endless line of immigrants that my reparation taxes will pay for.

Your conservetard Gran Torino’s should reconsider your allegiances before you go the way of tastefully done black face sketches
I find all the incest porn disturbing too. Where did that became a thing? Who the fuck watches that?

Must be more people than we think that are into it, seeing as if you want to watch a particular girl these days at least half the results seem to be some form of incest porn.

That's what the mute button is for I guess.
I find all the incest porn disturbing too. Where did that became a thing? Who the fuck watches that?

Tell me you haven't seen Jordi banging his stepmom while she's cleaning the house.

Edit Yes I'm aware that I need help
Tell me you haven't seen Jordi banging his stepmom while she's cleaning the house.
Honestly.. I don't watch much porn these days.

But I'm familiar with Jordi because an article about him in a news site I read (non pron). That dude is making noise huh? I guess being a 3 legged manlet with a babyface works in the industry.
this sounded so much hotter before i saw the photos
I find all the incest porn disturbing too. Where did that became a thing? Who the fuck watches that?

Yeah used to be you'd type in MILF and find videos about banging your friend's moms.

These days they're all about banging your own mom. Wtf?
Yeah used to be you'd type in MILF and find videos about banging your friend's moms.

These days they're all about banging your own mom. Wtf?

Honesty.. If I open a pr0n site these days I get turned off immediatly with that kind of crap.
What do you say Sherborgs? Do you condone such daily morning activities? Wholesome? Shocking? The end of western civilisation?

"However one mother has revealed she never stopped washing her daughter, who is now 19 years old, reports The Daily Star.

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Mary and Brittani live together in Jensen Beach, Florida and they say that their joint showers are the "best way to start the day".


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VIDEO: The Daily Star reports - TLC Channel Mom snd daughter showering together is "the best way to start the day

"Other episodes saw another young woman take her mother on a date with her.
Similarly, a woman named Kathy and her daughter Christine showed off their relationship in which they have no boundaries and were quite happy to gossip about the size of their lovers' penises and share tips on how to spice things up in the bedroom"


How would you feel about your girl discussing your size with her mom? is this what liberal degens have done to our society?


Or is it just a sign of a close family bond?


What say you?!
Death by 1,000 cuts.

Liberals, Teh Ghey Mafia, etc., keep pumping out this type of programming in a concerted effort to desensitize society to this type of disgusting behavior, with a well-known, more sinister objective.
No it isn’t. Bringing your first cousin to the prom is a conservative thing though.
At least it's a girl cousin.

You guys will always take it to the next level and have two boy cousins show up to prom and call it #superduperprogressive.
Abnormal, disgusting, freakish ...but I nearly injured a finger clicking the shit out of this thread title.
What do you say Sherborgs? Do you condone such daily morning activities? Wholesome? Shocking? The end of western civilisation?

How would you feel about your girl discussing your size with her mom? is this what liberal degens have done to our society?

What say you?!

Nothing shocking about this at all. Women bathe together sometimes or are coming in and out while someone else is.

Yeah... having worked with alot of Women before in a woman dominated environment they are weird about there boundaries.

Seen how open they are with each other. Like when they joked around about dick sizes they hated and would randomly ass slap each other or talk about sex. I used to get dragged into there conversations too. Unwillingly... hahaha jk I enjoyed them too.

For most part it was a cool job but with all the fun came drama too so that’s downside to working in woman dominated environment.
I took a shower once when I was like 4 years old with my dad. Showed me how to properly wash myself and that was the end of that. This is just disgusting