MMA media needs to ask Conor McGregor about sexual assault investigations

But you do understand that being investigated has zero correlation to being guilty, if someone walks into a police station and accuses you of being a peado today you better believe you'll be investigated, and if innocent you'll be hoping they do a fucking good job of it, in the mean time hopefully nobody tells everyone you know that you are a peado, coz mud sticks.

If there's 10 people in a house one turns up dead with a knife in the back they will all be investigated even if only one was responsible, you're out of order and you know it, if this same scenario was going on with a fighter you liked and not one you have openly admitted to being a hater of you'd be singing a very different tune, and I expect that when it comes to regular mma drama, but this is simply too serious an accusation to treated that way.

You believe whatever you want

I can have my own opinions and I will voice them just like you

Do I know if he done it?


Do you?


If I was a betting man were would I put my money?

I think I would place it on guilty

This is my opinion and I'm entitled to it, just like you are entitled to yours

Also I hope you appreciate I haven't called you a :eek::eek::eek::eek:, as I am not that emotionally invested in Conor to get angry over him
Withdraw rape accusations? There are two problems with that. Actually three.

1. It doesn't stop the investigation. The investigation only stops when the police conclude that they don't have enough to continue. The physical evidence, if such exists, doesn't magically go away because you withdraw your accusations.
2. Falsely accusing somebody is a crime.
3. Why would the accused buy off the accuser, acknowledging guilt, if innocent?

1. Rape is an incredibly difficult crime to get a conviction in, if the accuser stops cooperating or changes the story the chance of a conviction shrinks to almost zero, especially if the accused admits to having sex with the accuser.

2. Even if the police decided to charge the accuser for making a false allegation, it's likely the punishment would be well worth the payoff that so many people are speculating about.

3. You are also very naive if you don't think innocent people have paid off accusers because in a she said he said situation even if you win in court you have to live with the baggage of the allegation, and these payoffs do not come with an acknowledgement of guilt, they all happen behind closed doors and include ironclad NDA's like the Ronaldo story from last year.
You believe whatever you want

I can have my own opinions and I will voice them just like you

Do I know if he done it?


Do you?


If I was a betting man were would I put my money?

I think I would place it on guilty

This is my opinion and I'm entitled to it, just like you are entitled to yours

Also I hope you appreciate I haven't called you a :eek::eek::eek::eek:, as I am not that emotionally invested in Conor to get angry over him
Ah, but there's a big difference between a guy on sherdog voicing his opinion and a professional journalist opening up and can of worms on a potentially innocent man in front of millions of people, and I think you know fine well I didn't really call you a peado, I was merely making a point about how anyone can make an accusation, but without clear proof that leads to charges being filed it is ridiculous to treat Conor or anyone else like a guilty man.

Charges have not been brought, if they do my opinions will differ greatly, until that point it simply didn't happen from my point of view.
Ah, but there's a big difference between a guy on sherdog voicing his opinion and a professional journalist opening up and can of worms on a potentially innocent man in front of millions of people, and I think you know fine well I didn't really call you a peado, I was merely making a point about how anyone can make an accusation, but without clear proof that leads to charges being filed it is ridiculous to treat Conor or anyone else like a guilty man.

Charges have not been brought, if they do my opinions will differ greatly, until that point it simply didn't happen from my point of view.

Fair enough

Good post I can acknowledge that
How is some whore making up fake stories about Conor relevant to MMA in any way?
We do know someone was raped. The question is by who and the media used to be about finding out the truth. Because Conor is seen as the face of mma it is well within reason to ask about these allegations. You see world leaders asked about allegations, other sports stars, even everyday people. What makes Conor so special?
Eh, no we don't, we just know an allegation was made, we have no idea what did or did not happen.
Luke thomas should ask him. If he doesnt he ia a hypocritical pussy. He was grilling Ali on all kinds of russian politics so lets see if he grills conor too or is he just happy to be there
Yeah agreed. I fully expect him to, so does Dana, which poses a problem. They won't give him a chance to ask anything. It's bizarre, asking uncomfortable questions is their job at the end of the day. They're not supposed to fighters' friends. They're not fwends.
This article was just to get attention and get pats on the back from his peers. If he really wanted the question asked there is an open press conference Wednesday where he can ask the question
Whoever blindly belieaves rape accusations with no charges deserves to have their teeth knocked in, skull smashed into pieces and all their limbs cut off.
Scum like that dont deserve to breath
But Conor can't comment on ongoing legal investigation. Surely, ask him, and if he is any smart he either stays silent or tells you to talk to his legal representatives.
But you do understand that being investigated has zero correlation to being guilty, if someone walks into a police station and accuses you of being a peado today you better believe you'll be investigated, and if innocent you'll be hoping they do a fucking good job of it, in the mean time hopefully nobody tells everyone you know that you are a peado, coz mud sticks.

If there's 10 people in a house one turns up dead with a knife in the back they will all be investigated even if only one was responsible, you're out of order and you know it, if this same scenario was going on with a fighter you liked and not one you have openly admitted to being a hater of you'd be singing a very different tune, and I expect that when it comes to regular mma drama, but this is simply too serious an accusation to treated that way.
Let me ask you a question. If he was formally charged would you still be a fan? If he was found guilty, would you be a fan?
Let me ask you a question. If he was formally charged would you still be a fan? If he was found guilty, would you be a fan?
I barely fit the description of a fan now never mind after that, he's a guy I love to watch fight though and I also enjoy the buzz he creates, and I'd like him to win too coz I love seeing a stand-up guy with his skillset reach the top, but the incident with the old man was completely out of order and changed the way I view him, I'd need to see some real changes in his behaviour going forward before I would call myself a fan again by my definition, I think he was a good man who let himself become everything he said he wouldn't, but I also think he may have recognised this now and what happens over the next few years will determine my opinion on him overall.

If I'm on here debating Conor with guys it's not coz I love him, it's coz I disagree with the points being made, simple as that.

As for how I'd feel if charges were brought, I'd still try to reserve judgement coz well innocent until proven guilty, but my gut feeling would go from it's no more than rumours and speculation to they must have enough evidence to think he really did it and then I'd be hoping for the harshest possible sentence if found guilty.
Yeah, famous brave MMA journalists who always ask hard questions

In the case in the Dublin hotel in December 2018 the physical evidence confirmed that the victim had been raped and seriously assaulted.

It is frankly stretching credulity to suggest that this woman decided in the immediate aftermath of such a horrific experience to calculatingly accuse Conor to profit from it BUT we don’t know.

Either way something horrendous happened to someone and Conor was closely enough tied to it to be investigated, it is clearly a subject that demands reporting on.
1. Rape is an incredibly difficult crime to get a conviction in, if the accuser stops cooperating or changes the story the chance of a conviction shrinks to almost zero, especially if the accused admits to having sex with the accuser.

2. Even if the police decided to charge the accuser for making a false allegation, it's likely the punishment would be well worth the payoff that so many people are speculating about.

3. You are also very naive if you don't think innocent people have paid off accusers because in a she said he said situation even if you win in court you have to live with the baggage of the allegation, and these payoffs do not come with an acknowledgement of guilt, they all happen behind closed doors and include ironclad NDA's like the Ronaldo story from last year.
1. It is indeed difficult. The point is that it is a crime and will be investigated regardless.
2. Perjury is a felony. You'll do both time and pay fines. Of course, the other party could also do time for bribery.
3. You cannot have an NDA on a crime. Try invoke an NDA in the court saying, I can't witness against the defendant because I signed an NDA. Contracts are not valid unless they comply with the law. That's why EULAs are basically worthless. The EULA has to comply with the law for the agreement to mean something and the law is there regardless of the agreement. I can't go around selling pirated Windows 10 discs saying, I didn't sign the EULA. Hollywood wants you to believe laws are like magic spells. If not spoken out loud, the law doesn't have any effect. It's not how it works.
In the case in the Dublin hotel in December 2018 the physical evidence confirmed that the victim had been raped and seriously assaulted.

It is frankly stretching credulity to suggest that this woman decided in the immediate aftermath of such a horrific experience to calculatingly accuse Conor to profit from it BUT we don’t know.

Either way something horrendous happened to someone and Conor was closely enough tied to it to be investigated, it is clearly a subject that demands reporting on.
Sorry but it's not confirmed she was raped, that's rediculous, it's only confirmed she said she was raped and has injuries consistent with that, these injuries could be caused by rape, they could be self inflicted, they could be caused by consentual rough sex, if it was confirmed she was raped someone would be in jail.
1. It is indeed difficult. The point is that it is a crime and will be investigated regardless.
2. Perjury is a felony. You'll do both time and pay fines. Of course, the other party could also do time for bribery.
3. You cannot have an NDA on a crime. Try invoke an NDA in the court saying, I can't witness against the defendant because I signed an NDA. Contracts are not valid unless they comply with the law. That's why EULAs are basically worthless. The EULA has to comply with the law for the agreement to mean something and the law is there regardless of the agreement. I can't go around selling pirated Windows 10 discs saying, I didn't sign the EULA. Hollywood wants you to believe laws are like magic spells. If not spoken out loud, the law doesn't have any effect. It's not how it works.

Ok, but I'm not disputing any of that?
Except we don't know that yet do we

Police reports show she was heavily assaulted and the manlet allegedly was the guy that committed the crime

Innocent men shouldn't be offering hush money in the millions
Nobody knows the facts, it's all speculation.

Look at what happen with the Clodah situation. Everybody condemned him without any proof and he's not the father.

If he's guilty then I hope he's castrated. To condemn him off some media reports and an unconfirmed allegation is ridiculous and downright fucked up, but it's Conor so it's alright.

To many men have their careers derailed or completely ruined due to the public getting emotional and jumping to conclusions.

Also punching an old guy and throwing a dolly at a bus is MUCH different then brutally raping a woman.
This article was just to get attention and get pats on the back from his peers. If he really wanted the question asked there is an open press conference Wednesday where he can ask the question
This, any journalist who would ask questions about it at the presser, knowing full well that they are not going to get anything close to a meaningful answer is just grandstanding and making the story about themselves. It is sad that this needs to be pointed out to people in that profession.
Dude, they said blood was everywhere and she had internal and external injuries including strangulation marks. Conor brutally assaulted this woman and I hope the Irish Criminal Justice system has the guts to prosecute him

Virgin alert