Crime Mitch McConnell has a brain collapse during a speech

It's not a good point unless you think a politician should get better treatment than the majority of the population. Call 911 if you see an oldster blank out and then mostly recover within a few minutes. They won't be rushed to any hospital unless they demand to be taken there.

Old turtle man was likely assessed by a specialist soon after instead of wasting time in an ER.
It's not a good point that the people around him just stood there and prompted him to continue the speech? If your grandma spaced like that making dinner, you would see to her immediately. I don't think this is the hill you want to stand on.
Mitch and Diane gotta go. The voters (and, frankly, the parties too) need to step up in CA and TN. Don’t want to lose the seat in the general? Find a primary opponent.
It's not a good point that the people around him just stood there and prompted him to continue the speech? If your grandma spaced like that making dinner, you would see to her immediately. I don't think this is the hill you want to stand on.
I will stand on this hill and I will even go so far as to die on this hill. If every oldster that blanked out for a minute was taken to the hospital then ERs would be overrun. Letting him continue his speech is just letting him talk. He's not an airline pilot, nobody's life was at risk letting him talk.

I'd be willing to bet that what happened to him is a symptom of something he was already diagnosed with or he was seen by a specialist soon after.
Why don’t you like him? He’s the single most successful politician at pushing conservative agendas through congress. He’s the real reason that the Supreme Court is stacked in their favor now. He’s slimy and I hate him, but he gets wins for the right wing no question
This. He’s in his mid 80’s (I think) and I dunno what was going on in that video, but he’s 100% one of the most effective politicians in recent years (unfortunately).
I will stand on this hill and I will even go so far as to die on this hill. If every oldster that blanked out for a minute was taken to the hospital then ERs would be overrun. Letting him continue his speech is just letting him talk. He's not an airline pilot, nobody's life was at risk letting him talk.

I'd be willing to bet that what happened to him is a symptom of something he was already diagnosed with or he was seen by a specialist soon after.
Could have just been some bad physical pain, and he was trying to hold it together on camera but couldn’t continue speaking. Who knows.
Doesn’t Biden have one of these weekly? Why is it news now that it happens to a Republican?
Mitch definitely snorts ground up children to stay alive


Democracy is theoretically the best system, but it's only as good as the voters and the information they have, and the people who do it for a living figured out a long time ago that the low information voters far outnumber the informed ones, so you can get most people to support or oppose just about anything by controlling information. This is why media is such a popular avenue for narcissistic billionaires. Bill Gates started MSNBC, Steve Jobs' widow owns the Atlantic, Bezos bought WaPo, tech giants have algorithms based on the fact that people respond more to emotion than enrichment, and define themselves by their opposition.

Politicians spend more time campaigning than actually doing the job, can't tell any hard truths, just make empty promises to bribe poor people, then when don't follow through, just say "it's the other team's fault I couldn't do it, but vote for me again and I'll do it next time". Rinse annd repeat decade after decade, and I promise voters will never catch on.

Mitch McConnell freezes AGAIN: Senate Minority Leader, 81, doesn't respond to questions for 30 seconds in another worrying episode

Mitch McConnell froze again while answering questions from reporters in Kentucky.

The 81-year-old Senate Minority leader didn't respond for 30 seconds when he bizarrely stopped in scenes eerily similar to Capitol Hill press conference last month.

He did it again. There needs to be discussions on age and mental competency for people in government positions.
He began his tenure in ancient Rome.

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