Minor things that annoy you

That sounds fucking amazing

But how do they survive with those low low prices, sir???
Don't know, but not my problem ;)
I have been going there since they were doing it for 60 cents, so maybe Im grandfathered in...either way I'm not askin questions sir lol
I’m standing there gesturing to them like an italian speaks with his hands, cmon hurry tha fook up
Im Native, Portuguese and French and speak with my hands so much that when I start talkin my wife takes one step away depending on her distance to me lol
I absolutely hate having to do anything right after work. If my kids ask to spend the night by their cousins on Friday night, and I work Saturday, I dread it because I know I have to pick them up right after work. Or having to stop and do shopping right after work.. I just worked all day. I just want to go home and relax for an hour before having to do anything..
A recent edition to my annoyance list is work colleague's using AI to write their direct emails with the literacy fluff settings turned up to 1000.

I am not a fan of email's written entirely with AI, with every word being the most obscure version possible in an effort to support the point of view and make the user sound more educated then they really are. Doing this, looses an important part of what written communication is supposed to express. people choice of words is important.
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The KC Chiefs not getting a single Holding call in the last three Superbowls they were in, yet you can identify a dozen of infractions that aren't even a question.
When I was a kid, (long ago) it used to piss me off when my little brother would leave that godamn ring on the top of the milkjug.

Just throw the fkin thing away :mad:
People leaving their shopping carts in the parking space adjacent to where they were parked. Those cart corrals are typically within fifty feet of virtually any given spot in the big stores. Even when they aren’t, it doesn’t take much time and takes virtually minimal effort to go wheel the thing back to the store.

There are far worse infractions, even of the mundane kind, but any time I see one of those lingering in a parking space because someone just figured, “hey, someone else’s problem” I think of Costanza: “we’re living in a society here!”
Hope you never go to Michigan because you always get cunts doing that.

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