Crime Milwaukee Riot Thread

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They burned down a bank and beauty salon as well. Shouldn't destroying a bank bring federal charges?
The guy who police shot in the first place, had a stolen handgun... this man was not a martyr... this is all so pathetic.
I'm starting to wonder if there would be riots, if police shot a black suicide bomber, about to walk into an elementary school full of white kids.
Watching the Olympics and seeing the amazing Simone Biles and Simone Manuel....its clear when America gives its black people a real chance, they do amazing.

Agreed on that. They're tearing shit up.
What in the hell does that have to do with this situation.

Their success has more to do with their parents and their hard work then anything else.

Agreed, but don't take away from their accomplishment.

We should celebrate Americans kicking ass.
Can you imagine the outrage from the left if they were yelling "white power:"
Someone needs to step up and take my mantle. Life has gotten busier for me so my watch has ended. But I'd like to see someone post media links so I can read through the thread and see what happened in real time.
And people are afraid to confront it because "only whites can be racist" is what SJWs teach us

Don't they realize how ridiculous they sound? People really need to point out to these kids that "power + prejudice" isn't the definition of plain old "racism."
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