Media Michael jai white need a ego check

Aside from some folks giving credit to White in training sessions, I don't know of any evidence to suggest that he would do well competitively or in an unscripted fight for that matter. He is certainly physically gifted, but I don't really put much value into his words beyond being a solid choreographer/actor.
I'm closing in on 50 myself and I have to see it is embarrassing to see men my age talk nonsense. Don't drag yourself into a tough talk competition at this age. I'm sure as heck not going to as I've matured, gained humility, and realize the stupidity involved.
Didn’t Perry start the shit though? If not than he shouldn’t have started it but if Perry started it so what if he talks a little shit?
I wouldn’t be surprised if MJW smoked him in a standup fight. Perry really isn’t that good of a striker. I have sparred with MJW back in like 2010 he’s actually pretty good. Whereas I can say from personal experience Perry has bad technical striking, he is mediocre at best. Bjj is a different story Perry is actually a pretty good grappler he has decent takedowns and position control plus he’s pretty strong on the ground.
Didn’t Perry start the shit though? If not than he shouldn’t have started it but if Perry started it so what if he talks a little shit?

If done in good fun then talking some trash is fine. If it isn't in good fun then at my age and beyond a man should know better than to enter those type of debates. Unbecoming and reveals the little boy that still resides.
I'm 6'3 240 u fucking nobody

far from fat.

I've also trained under a pro boxer and been boxing / striking for over a decade.

Perry is shit. Plain and simple. There's nothing impressive about being able to beat him.

any decent boxing gym is full of fighters who provide an infinitely greater challenge them that dude.

I'm pretty easily one of the smarter people on this site. some clown who gets shit on in every single debate you've ever had with me has no business calling me dumb.

projection at its finest. You haven't said one intelligent thing in any post you've ever made.
Perry would embarrass you, you clown. And You are fat, stop lying.
Just coming in here to say that some of you need to stop believing that Bruce Lee could’ve won against a 2020 UFC fighter.
I think people who get incensed at something an actor says should stop letting themselves get emotionally manipulated.
If you want to see meldowns you have to check -guerrilla- melting down in the S&C and striking forum.

he is like Mescaline but even more delusional. But at least posted videos.

Now that I think about it..the two should fight.

He's a :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: too

Thinks freestyle wrestling is god
I doubt that will ever happen, there is something very off with that guy. He wants to prove himself so much and he talks with so much confidence about his alleged skills yet cant even provide a shed of proof, if he really was confident about his skills it would have never been put into a question.

I grapple, have tons of medals in prestigious judo and bjj tournaments all over. Rolled with a bunch of the grappling forum guys. I often extend an invitation to a roll with the Heavies posters who talk lots, but none ever accept.

I offered to box a guy from NYC while I was there at a convention who talked mad shit on this forum. He gave me his address, and said he would be home and we could go to his gym.

He never answered the door. I sent pics of me ringing his door buzzer, and he stopped posting on that account.
I'd love to see them spar or fight TBH. And there's no denying that MJW would beat Perry in pure standup. Perry probably subs MWJ in BJJ. Under MMA rules it's 50/50 to me.

Yeah MJW shits on Perry a bit too much but it was Perry who started it. And come on, it wasn't really about who can beat who but as MJW rightly mentioned, Perry has issues and is his own enemy.

Light tip-tap sparring, maybe, where Jai's reach and experience in freestyle point karate would be telling. In hard sparring or true competition I think Perry's experience and heart would come into play. Well, short of MJW landing a good solid shot that Perry walks into that turns out his lights, since White is a big powerful guy. I just don't think that's lightly.

In grappling, there's no "probably" about it IMO. Japanese Jujutsu was White's first art, but he never received a black belt (and the level of groundwork in the curriculum covers varies wildly from school to school anyway). Beyond that, from his own admission Michael only dabbles in BJJ from time to time and holds no official belt rank. Perry takes him down with ease, puts him in a compromising position, and lets MJW explode out of it with raw power. Rinse and repeat until White is loaded full of lactic acid and practically begging for Platinum to tap him out.

Full-on MMA, again short of a striker's chance for MJW I just think it's more likely to go Perry's way upwards of... I dunno, maybe 85% of the time or so? Too much going for him IMO. He can always take it to the ground again

I really don't like Perry mind you. I feel he's not a sterling competitor I've been critical of his skills and training regimen in the past, not to mention his personal baggage. But there is a vast gulf between professional fighters in a top-tier organization and hobbyist martial artists and at the end of the day, I believe that MJW is a hobbyist, albeit a particularly gifted and scary one. I like MJW far more than I ever will Platinum. As a person, as a professional, as a martial artist. Though I get a bit of "eh..." when I see MJW fanboys talking about how MJW would dominate any UFC fighter because X or Y. Or see the man himself walking up to Kimbo Slice and correcting Kimbo Slice's punching technique -- a man who at least had the balls to get in the cage and compete.
If done in good fun then talking some trash is fine. If it isn't in good fun then at my age and beyond a man should know better than to enter those type of debates. Unbecoming and reveals the little boy that still resides.
Yeah I guess, I sure wouldn’t if I was Michael.
BRB.. using my imagination since no footage or proof.

I have sparred arguably the #1 kickboxer in my weightclass in my country... I must be so badass right?
Nope.. I'm man enough to admit he went easy on me. I would not have lasted more than 60 seconds if he wanted to.

You have no idea what you are talking about and clearly have not sparred anybody.

No kidding. The guy's a fucking dumbass who doesn't know what proper kick mechanics looks like, probably because he's never trained in his life. You're talking about a clown who thinks Holly has better faster kicks than Zhang and Valentina.
A hollywood actor in his mid 50's would "smoke" a mid tier pro fighter in the prime of his life..? Because......karate?

Some of you fuckers are extremely delusional, stop watching movies and thinking they are real life.
It's wild that there is still this contingency of martial artists who don't put up and still won't shut up.
I saw a video of MJW and he seems bad ass. Dude was the youngest heavyweight boxing champ at like 21 and made millions. Seemed to have an anger problem and some mental health issues. But I think at this age he could beat perry.
Mjw has always been cocky af. Would love seeing him knocked stiff or hellbowed
Time Stamped

In the interview he mentions how he trained with his Youtube Assistant aka Alan Jouban....and how he trained with em for the preparation of the mike perry fight where he destroyed perry.

The dude pretty much did MMATH here....He clearly thinks that he gets the better of Alan Jourban or is at least on par with him thus in his mind he can beat Mike Perry...That's classic MMAth.

The guy clearly has an ego, that makes him think he can beat real fighters based on size alone(He's a HW).....Could he be right? Who knows, but he needs to actually fight or STFU about sparring with UFC fighters as he is on their level.