Media Matt Serra States That Only a Small Percentage of Fighters Do Not Use PED's

Generalities don't expose anyone. Naming names exposes people.

Exposing everyone

"Me and BJ Penn are in that small percentage that don’t do (expletive). There’s a lot of guys that are considered legends, and they’re doing the [H]GH and doing this and that, and it’s obvious, it’s freaking obvious,” Serra adamantly stated.

It should be obvious to everyone. The level of honesty needs to change.

But dude is on test now.

He started after he retired???
This should pretty much be common knowledge to anyone over 10 years old. When you stop believing in Santa you should stop believing any athlete in any serious level of competitive sport is clean.

Can’t wait for the GSP fanboys to show up and add him to the “clean list” with their shit reasoning.

Its crazy.
There is another post where people are discrediting Royce as if steroids were introduced post USADA.
Or that specific Pride fighters were natty.

The forum is shockingly naive about ped usage, living in a fantasy world
Look at Josh Barnett or Anderson. Not the typical roider look.

That is a good point to some degree but look at there performances when busted u can really see how they had a lot more strength and cardio. Maybe BJ used I never count anyone out, but u could see in all his fights his cardio never improved. He got the job done early or got beat up it finished if he didn’t majority of time. He was fat at higher weights and looked like a meth head at 45. Maybe he took a diuretic he just didn’t seem to have shown the benefits that PEDs show. He had early explosiveness so maybe he did use something I can’t say one way or another and it wouldn’t shock me but he doesn’t display the effects that I can tell. But again I’m not an expert I’ve never taken and of these substances.
Generalities don't expose anyone. Naming names exposes people.
I am a huge fan of Matt Serra,but his behavior and statements comes across as hypocritical and self serving. He was really bent out of shape for TJ testing positive,and now he is saying that this whole time,he and BJ were among the FEW guys NOT using? then why the outrage at TJ then?
This. GSP was on every single PED under the sun and that's a fact.

What is funny about George is that he did not hang around long post Usada. He made a big deal about drug testing vs Hendricks bc I think he knew Jonny was using and that he personally was scared to get caught. I don’t remember him anytime b4 that making such a fuss about it or putting shade on an opponent. After Johnny it seems to me at least he realized what he was up against wo PEDS (I think he was clean that fight) and so he left for 4 years. I also think a lot of what lingered his return was cycling on and on till he felt he had made the significant gains in size and to fight an athlete he believed was clean hence why he wanted bisbing and not Woodley and that after winning he quickly relinquished the belt and left the pool only to then tease a return at 155 after being out the pool and possibly able to use a diuretic or other things.i believe that what we must consider is that preUsada everyone was using to some degree just some used in small hard to detect amounts while some others with little to loose were using to a much greater degree. I think all that positioning w GSP was him being careful as to try and keep up with the pack yet wo tarnishing his goat status. When Bisbing accused him at presser look at his face and the expression is very similar to the expressionTJ had on his face when accused. I could be 1000% wrong but it seems at that level using is almost mandatory and u can’t come out and say u are it’s career suicide and ur opened up to law suits so deny deny deny and try to create a good public perception.
Innocent until proven guilty. We all know the reality but this mindset of "they all cheat so the ones that get caught shouldnt be punished" is absolutely retarded.
If you get caught cheating you get punished, if you dont get caught you are innocent until proven otherwise.
Cheaters cant be GOAT only PEDGOAT or picoGOAT.

IMO thats the way it should be unless they legalize everything.
What a surprise.. You would think it's hard to make a good living and that people would do what it takes to make it, even if that includes breaking the rules.
That’s just something average fighters say to justify not achieving more.

You beat GSP, Serra. Don’t be mad.
GSP is extremely worried about his long term health, which would argue against him using something with long term consequences (most steroids taken at the levels and duration used by athletes). Fedor is religious, which would argue against him breaking one of the commandments by lying -- he'd admit it if he was using. Same for Khabib, religious so wouldn't lie. And you can go through almost every fighter and find philosophical reasons why they wouldn't take PED's.

People believe the fighters they like are the exception, and always find a rationalization for that belief. But then never believe the rationalizations for fighters they don't like. Almost all of people's opinions are biased (including mine of course) -- visual inspection doesn't work (its why not a single sport or testing organization on the planet accept visual signs as evidence), philosophical arguments don't work (people can rationalize anything), religious arguments do't work (people break their religious vows all the time). We're left with biased gut feelings about who is and isn't using.

My bias is that Nick, GSP, Fedor, Khabib, and everyone else at the UFC level is using. Some are using more than the test-safe amount, and test positive. Nick, GSP, Fedor and Khabib in my opinion are sticking to test-safe dosages and so pass tests. Other fighters took a risk went over the test-safe dosages to get an advantage over the fighters who limited themselves to test-safe, and got caught. In that sense Nick, GSP, Fedor and Khabib are among the better ones -- they never used more than the
'allowable' limit.
Although you may have made some good points I stopped reading at" religious ppl don't lie"

Although you may have made some good points I stopped reading at" religious ppl don't lie"


I was being ironic. Read the whole thing -- I'm saying that believing that any of them wouldn't take PED's for philosophical or religious reasons is an example of people making rationalizations for why a fighter they like wouldn't used PED's, and that anyone can make such a rationalization for any fighter.

Someone likes Nick so they believe he'd never put that stuff in his body. Someone likes Fedor so they believe he's too religious to lie about it ... and the same for any fighter.

Me, I think they're all using. The difference is between the ones testing positive and the ones who never tested positive -- the ones who tested positive either have IQ's in the 70 range, or are using more than the recommended test-safe dosages trying to get an advantage.

Guys like Nick, GSP and Fedor use in my opinion, but limit their use to test safe dosages. Guys like TJ who get caught are using higher dosages.
The only UFC champion that I may believe hasn't cheated in his career was Bisping.

Other than that, everyone is on steroids. Khabib, Conor, Max, Dustin, Usman, Woodley, Askren, Whitaker, Gastelum, Whitaker, DC, Jones, it's a shit show. You can't compete at the highest level with just genetics.
I was being ironic. Read the whole thing -- I'm saying that believing that any of them wouldn't take PED's for philosophical or religious reasons is an example of people making rationalizations for why a fighter they like wouldn't used PED's, and that anyone can make such a rationalization for any fighter.

Someone likes Nick so they believe he'd never put that stuff in his body. Someone likes Fedor so they believe he's too religious to lie about it ... and the same for any fighter.

Me, I think they're all using. The difference is between the ones testing positive and the ones who never tested positive -- the ones who tested positive either have IQ's in the 70 range, or are using more than the recommended test-safe dosages trying to get an advantage.

Guys like Nick, GSP and Fedor use in my opinion, but limit their use to test safe dosages. Guys like TJ who get caught are using higher dosages.
Fair enough irony is one of those things that doesn't always come across in text.

Ya if you failed before usada your where either on heavy levels of gear , didn't do your homework at all or just plain dumb.

With how wide the ban substance list is now I agree pretty much every fighter has used what would be a ban aubssubst at some point in their career.
I don't care if your name is Matt Serra, BJ Penn or GSP, they probably have all taken PEDS at one time or another.

The thing is you can't always tell if someone is on PEDS. But I think it's safe to say people who are very muscular and have well conditioned bodies, who tend to stand out with their physiques are likely on drugs. It goes with the mind set of being the best, performing the best..etc. Being in great shape is a huge physical advantage.
Nate Diaz said a few years ago “everyone is on ‘em.”

Documentaries have been done on athletes and bodybuilders at the highest levels.

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