Jesus prayed to John? Get outta here.
And if venerating humans was such a big part of the early church then why was Justin Martyr not venerated until the 1800s?
FTR, the earliest parts of the NT (Paul's letters) have been traced to 50AD. No part of the NT is dated no later than 120AD. And the earliest pronouncement of sainthood is after the year 900.
A pope declaring that a human person is a saint and can be prayed to is not scriptural - and is borderline blasphemous. An infallible Pope is not scriptual and is damn sure not taught by Christ.
I never said every person named a saint was made a saint by a
-protector. I just pointed out that the very last Saint was named so by a
If that hurts you feelings, I'd say you need to look ar that infalliblility of the Pope little harder.
And for the last time being spiritually close to God is not the determining factor in becoming venerated, which has been shown to you by multiple posters.
Also for the last time... Make a thread on the subject. Tag me; I'll happily join the convo, but quit derailing this thread with your mental gymnastics of how one becomes a saint.