Elections Mass Deportation: What would it look like and the effect it would have?

Oh no, the poor billionaries will have to find a way to run their businesses without exploiting an underclass of illegals. Thats terrible.
You've never worked in construction before have you?
It's empty bullshit. In order to deport any of these people, they would still have to go through their hearings (rule of law and all that jazz). In order for that to happen, we'd need massively more immigration judges, public defenders, etc. so we can handle the backlog in a timely fashion.

To fund that, Congress would have to add it to the budget.

Well, Congress has refused to do it for quite a while now...I don't think anything is going to change there. Mostly because the "just deport them" crowd doesn't want to do anything that isn't full of empty shock value.
But if you look closely, it says that all of those criminals are "noncitizens" not "undocumented." These two are not the same thing.

Noncitizens also include legal people on work and student visas, on all forms of asylum, and permanent residents, aka green card holders. Sure, we can assume that most are undocumented but we don't know how many. If we say that 2/3 of these are undocumented, then that brings that 435k number to about 287k.

So right wingers are fantasizing about all the 40 million (according to them) illegals being expelled but that number can only realistically be a few hundred thousand.
The quiet part they don't like to say out loud is that they're also against all those categories of immigrants as well.
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There would be a line of Democrats waiting to take in these migrants

if they weren't complete hypocrites
60 Minutes had a great segment on this exact issue last night.

One estimate is that it'd cost $88 billion to deport 1 million per year. So multiply that by 20 or 30 or whatever massive number right wingers think are in the country and you got your figure.

TL/DW: It's 10,000% not happening. Republicans are running on a proposal that isn't even halfway feasible.
Oh no, the poor billionaries will have to find a way to run their businesses without exploiting an underclass of illegals. Thats terrible.
Your egg prices will triple...lol...you ready for that trauma?

Trump will fix it!
60 Minutes had a great segment on this exact issue last night.

One estimate is that it'd cost $88 billion to deport 1 million per year. So multiply that by 20 or 30 or whatever massive number right wingers think are in the country and you got your figure.

TL/DW: It's 10,000% not happening. Republicans are running on a proposal that isn't even halfway feasible.

So what you're saying it would cost over a Trillion to repair the damage done by the Biden/Harris Admin neglecting the border for almost 4 years?

Secure the border, criminalize and prosecute employers who hire illegals, make giving housing and welfare for illegals illegal. Problem would sort itself out fairly quickly.
The quiet part they don't like to say out loud is that they're also against all those categories of immigrants as well.

Sure buddy... lets just let anyone in who claims asylum. Not vetting

What could go wrong?

The asylum loophole needs to be slammed shut first and foremost. It's allowed millions flow in with little oversight.

You think these criminals are going to show up for their hearings? Why would they care? They're here and basically no one is monitoring them

And there's Sanctuary Cities ignoring ICE retainers when they do get caught.

Although there's some cities that have changed their policies because of out of control crime

Some Democratic cities have quietly begun cooperating with ICE, director says​

Some sanctuary cities that wouldn’t tell ICE when they released undocumented immigrants from jail are now doing so because of public concern about crime, said P.J. Lechleitner.
Sure buddy... lets just let anyone in who claims asylum. Not vetting

What could go wrong?

The asylum loophole needs to be slammed shut first and foremost. It's allowed millions flow in with little oversight.

You think these criminals are going to show up for their hearings? Why would they care? They're here and basically no one is monitoring them

And there's Sanctuary Cities ignoring ICE retainers when they do get caught.

Although there's some cities that have changed their policies because of out of control crime

Some Democratic cities have quietly begun cooperating with ICE, director says​

Some sanctuary cities that wouldn’t tell ICE when they released undocumented immigrants from jail are now doing so because of public concern about crime, said P.J. Lechleitner.

The bipartisan border bill addressed the asylum issue by making it harder for asylum seekers to stay in the country while their claims are being processed, expediting the process of granting or not granting asylum, and limited the amount of review any one case can get if denied. But because it would hurt Trump's election chances he killed the bill that would reform the asylum process.
You've never worked in construction before have you?

I have... 25 years

Illegal immigration has definitely undercut US citizens who would do the same work. However, there's a wide discrepancy between the skilled labor positions and the unskilled positions. The illegal immigrants are almost exclusively unskilled labor or at best, basic carpenters.

And if you're a contractor who has to do competitive bids, you're forced to play along or risk never landing projects.

You don't see immigrants as much in Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, etc.... except as a basic labor.

But on the flip side, the grinding unskilled trades like rebar installation is almost all immigrants. It's brutal, tough work, especially mid-summer.

Funny how you clowns cry "Minimum Wage" but turn a blind eye when it's inconvenient.

I have zero issues with these workers. This isn't their issue. They work hard and rarely complain. Something that most US born workers definitely don't do... lol

It's crazy our government hasn't streamlined the Visa process for high demand workers such as construction.

Even with E-Verify implemented, there's a huge number of workers who aren't legal. My company has to do Certified Payroll because of government contracts. Doesn't matter. No one cares or checks. As long as the paperwork doesn't raise red flags. Everyone turns a blind eye. Red or Blue...

I'm sure there's lots of residential and commercial construction companies who pay under the table and the illegal workers are getting screwed. No one pays the slightest attention in the construction projects.

But these are the type of immigrants the US wants and needs. Why isn't there a some kind of sponsorship program where as long as a company can verify a worker is employed, that they can extend their visa and expedite the citizen process? I know there is one technically... but it's garbage and ineffective.

Rationalizing having 10 million+ illegals by saying it keeps products and housing cheaper because these workers undercut US workers? Don't you think that's fucked?

The system is fucked and needs to be scrapped and start over. Like most of the bloated inefficient agencies of the Federal Government.
How about we mass deport all the whites back to Europe? Whites stay over there and live in whites only countries, blacks and browns can stay over here and enjoy the vibrant diversity and cultural enrichment it brings.