MacRea's Amateur Fight Training (Boxing, conditioning, lifting)

March 25th:

jump-rope warm-up
3 rounds shadowboxing
10 rounds technical sparring (about 75% intensity)
4 rounds heavybag work

5 minutes core work (med ball situps, russian twists, planks, side planks)

5 minutes bodyweight exercises (pistols, med push-ups, etc)
March 28th:

Been out sick for the last couple of days. Took my girlfriend out for dinner at Red Lobster and it didn't sit well with me, I guess. I'm really proud of just how clean my diet is, and after I had some of that crap (though I just had a steak, rice, and veggies, I'm sure it was coated in butter and sauce. also had a biscuit blaah) then tried to train that night, it stirred something up and I've been hugging the bowl for the last couple of days. If I'm feeling better tonight I might train but otherwise it'll be another shitty week
Ginger bro. It's magical.
March 28th:

MacRae vs. Food Poisoning...

2 mile hill run - moving forwards, backwards, shuffling, etc

3 rounds shadowboxing
6 rounds heavybag
3 rounds double-end bag

medicine ball plyometric circuit:
twisting side throw x8 per side
jab x8 per side
cross x8 per side
slams x8
chest pass x8

repeat x3

core circuit:
weighted situps x15
russian twists x15 per side
plank x30 sec
side plank x30 sec per side
back extensions x10

repeat x3

1 minute dumbbell hold + 1 minute shadowboxing

KK, THANK YOU for that suggestion. I felt some grumbling halfway through my heavybag work and popped a ginger candy in. Tasted like soapy death but it really helped.
March 29th:

2 mile hill run - moving forwards, backwards, etc
10 x 40m hill sprints (jogging back to start, no rest)

stretching and shadowboxing
3 rounds double-end bag

pushpress 3 X 5
db snatch 3 X 5 per side (6 sets total)
db swing 3 X 5 per side (6 sets total)
weighted pull-ups 3 X 8

Weather is beautiful, I love being outside.
lol@you training with Food Poisoning, or at the tail-end of it. You're getting honorable mention in The Infirmary over on BWBS for that.
Hah, 'ppreciate it, KK. Can't have a name like Patch if you're gonna pussy out because of a little tummy ache

Active recovery day:

warm-up/light stretch
3 rounds shadowboxing
6 rounds double-end bag

50 push-ups
50 pull-ups
50 dips

10 minutes thorough stretching

Hitting it hard tommorow and then to the boxing gym on saturday. Thinking I might get some pictures of my training room up for you to check out, KK, if you're curious
jump-rope/shadowboxing warm-up

6 rounds heavybag work (conditioning emphasis)
4 rounds sparring
3 rounds speedbag

Looks like nothing on paper, but sparring after conditioning is super taxing (and not advised, should be fresh for skill work, but that's the only way I could fit both in today)
shadowboxing/burpees/jog warm-up
2 mile run (uphill, moving forwards and backwards)

6 x 75m hill sprints (active rest jog to bottom)

4 rounds shadowboxing
6 rounds heavybag work (conditioning drills interspersed)
4 rounds double-end bag (working alot of head movement as well as KK's recent suggestions)

weighted situps x20
russian twists x20 per side
weighted back extensions x10
1 minute plank
30 seconds left/right plank
repeat x2

cooled down playing with some thickbar one-arm deadhangs

Tommorow I think some running or sled dragging, some light skill work and some bodyweight strength stuff to keep me fresh for tuesday's heavier workload. I finally got my new running shoes tonight and they are saaaweet, coupled with some focused stretching I don't see soreness or shin splits being a problem anymore. Also, need to adjust my double-end bag, it's about 3-4 inches to low. Finally, getting some new wraps and new headgear tommorow night.
light shadowboxing
handstand practice
one-arm wall handstands
light double-end bag work

Hardly anything worth mentioning, I just wanting to play around today
April 4th:

Put up a new list of short-term goals in my training room today, as I've blown all of my old ones out of the water. Improvement just feels good. Got my new headgear ohh baby is it ever snug. I'll be posting some pictures of my training room and gear later tonight.

15 minutes jump-rope warm-up
thorough stretching and push-ups (15 fingertip, 15 close-grip, 15 normal - no rest)
core work (leg lifts, flutter kicks, chinnies, static holds - no rest)
2 minutes squat-kicks conditioning to end warm-up

4 rounds shadowboxing

6 rounds heavybag work

3 rounds speedbag

3 rounds sparring

6 x 50m hill sprints

Tommorow some sandbag training and other conditioning madness
Nevermind the gear, what I want to know is. Are you Irish-white? Like white as Ricky Hatton? I got a picture somewhere and that dude is whiter than the tape on his gloves. Burst into flame on the beach white.
Whiter then Mr. Bean bustin' a rhyme, KK. I didn't get any of myself this time but I'll get some tommorow during training if you wanna see who the man behind the name is hah.


100 lb. Sandbag, weighted backpack, 12 lb. med ball (red), 5 lb. med ball (purple) for certain plyometric stuff...


extra weight, wraps hangin' out to dry, extra sand for weighted backpack, axe for levering and intervals...


Long-range shot of everything. Looks like I don't have much room to dance around the heavybag, but there is, that double-end bag is just really close to me


This is my dip-station, KK, remember? L-sit dips are fun to work with


Ahh beautiful new headgear, and my cheap replacement gloves (12oz top contender bag gloves, ouch I know) because my decent reyes got stolen


Those are some quotes on my walls, ya can't read them because my camera isn't too great, but they say "Tommorow's battle is won during today's practice" and "The path of the Warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path". on the far left there above the light switches is my list of goals. Helps having them right at my pull-up bar when I have to force out the last few reps and start bawling about mastering the warrior's path hahah

So thats my home-gym. I train here when I can't make it to Motorcity, which I make on Tuesdays, Thursdays and saturday mornings for sparring/padwork/etc. I'd like to get some pictures of my shoes, sledge and tire, weighted sled and my runners too. I'll put those in the batch with the shot of me

KK, I'll get you some training pictures of myself tommorow if you want.
Yeah, I'd be interested in taking a look at ya. Not for homoerotic reasons like you're probably thinking, but because if I plan on mentioning you to Wayne I gotta be able to say you LOOK like a fighter. Heh heh.

Your space actually looks a big bigger than mine. And cleaner. Mine is festering with dirt and shit to snag an elbow on. Plus you couldn't see in my pics but my double-end bag is RIGHT next to my havybag. And my speed-bag is between them both, just higher. lol If I'm working my speed-bag and someone else is working either one of my other two bags, there's a good chance I'll get punched in the gut or balls depending.

It's alright though, I'm a fan of training in tight spaces. Makes for being more accustomed to being put under pressure.

And what are you doing with headgear. Isn't that for girls and Amateurs who hit like them? lol Just kidding. I need to get some of my own. But the funny thing is my boy Aaron Pryor never wore it even in the Ammy's, but then he had an Afro that was cushioning enough back then. That and is iron jaw made for an impenetrable head-fortress.
Hah, Aaron Pryor was a scary, scary man who tried to kill people with his hands. He made mexican fighters quit, that's saying something, ha. P.s. you'll be wishing you'd worn your headgear once we get our spar on. I hear canvas can leave nasty burns on the face...

I couldn't get that picture taken today so I'm going to get it for you tommorow, KK


stretch stretch stretch
2 mile fartlek run (roughly 6-8 total sustained sprints)

3 rounds shadowboxing

6 rounds heavybag work

6 rounds 10 x 10 drill

3 rounds double-end bag

3 sledgehammer intervals

push-up pyramid (100 total - alternating fingertip/knuckle push-ups)

stretching outside with my dogs
april 7th:

loaded my sandbag up as heavy as I could handle and beat myself into the ground with some strength and conditioning

shouldering and punching:

burpee sandbag shouldering x10 (switching sides each rep)
shadowboxing x1 minute (focusing on full-power punches)
rest 1 minute. Repeat for 4 rounds.

push, pull, jump:

sandbag pushpress x6
lateral jumps over sandbag x10
sandbag rows x10
rest 1 minute. Repeat for 4 rounds.

carrying and crawling (each style for a minute and a half, no rest until all have been completed):

-shoulder carry
-bearhug carry
-zercher carry


Up early tommorow to head to the boxing gym. Grip is shot tonight, god I love that sandbag. I cut the metal buckles off of it, so I can't snatch it as easily anymore, but now when I shoulder it I won't get metal buckles digging into my back so thats a bonus.
april 8th:


few rounds jump-rope warm-up

stretching for 5-10 minutes

3 rounds shadowboxing

6 rounds heavybag work (skill work emphasis)

3 rounds speedbag

4 rounds focus mitts (freestyle body work rounds at the pace of a gruelling fight, lots of footwork and countering - my attack downstairs is polishing up nicely)

5 minutes core work (planks, side planks, 16lb. medicine ball twisting sit-ups)

stretching and cool-down

May be fighting in 10 days. Will keep you posted. Please keep my opponent in your prayers and wish him a speedy recovery
May be fighting in 10 days. Will keep you posted. Please keep my opponent in your prayers and wish him a speedy recovery

That was...coooooooooold blooooded-uh. BANG BANG!!!

April 9th:


April 10th:

2 mile run (mostly uphill)
hill sprint finisher

2 rounds light shadowboxing

Heavybag Rounds 101

4 rounds 10 x 10 punch-out drill

4 rounds double-end bag

burpee pyramid (2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2) as fast as possible


sandbag overhead carry to failure

Taking it easy on the legs today because I'm going to the boxing gym tommorow, but this was still a very taxing workout. KK, I highly recommend what I've done here ending each heavybag 101 round with a circuit of the 10x10 drill, which is a 10 punch combination (1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2) throw 10 times, with about a second to reset your stance between combinations, but no more then that. Each punch should be full speed and power. Seemed to squeeze whatever what left out of you at the end of each round.

By the way, anyone reading this who HASN'T tried KK's heavybag routine, DO IT. I highly recommend it for beginners and intermediate fighters regularily, and for advanced fighters its great to go back to and work single punches for a training session once a week. Atleast once I week I'm going to go back to this because it's a great way to mix up my heavybag routine and pay super close attention to my form and feet