MacRea's Amateur Fight Training (Boxing, conditioning, lifting)

Hey, if you fight be sure and post about it in the Amateur Fighter Events thread in the Ask The Fighters forum.
Will do, KK

Tonight I focused heavily on skill work above anything else

10 minutes jump-rope warm-up
3 minute round of HIT skipping (alternating 30 seconds moderate pace and 30 seconds sprint paced, also some bodyweight exercise thrown in randomly by my trainer)

alternating 30 seconds fast shoulder cirlces/25 push-ups for 3 circuits

3 rounds shadowboxing

6 rounds heavybag work

3 rounds speedbag

3 rounds sparring

Piece 'a cake. Defense is sharpening up. I'm waiting for the word on thursday if my fight is happening or not. I'm getting those pictures tommorow, KK. Stay tuned
April 12th:

active recovery work

shadowboxing warm-up
15 minutes of stretching
animal movements, light bodyweight work (pull-ups, push-ups), planche pushups, light double-end bag work

Worked all of the soreness out of my legs. Nobody was around to take those pictures tonight but soon, dammnit

Sparring tommorow.
April 13th:

Don Nelson (head coach) wasn't in tonight so sparring was not available (he carries the headgear in his truck for all of the kids who haven't bought there own). Instead, the few of us who showed up were closely monitored for some very thorough footwork and defense work. Invaluable stuff from Coach Joe, who's had 80+ amateur fights and I think 8-9 pro fights?

10 minutes jump-rope warm-up

thorough stretching

3 rounds shadowboxing

15 minutes technical sparring (rounds were a little unstructured, but basically working on each of the 12 defenses and counters of the jab that we've been taught over the years)

6 x 3 minute rounds heavybag (I led some partener punch-out drills, alternating 10 seconds of max-effort punch-outs with the partener holding the bag, also mixing in uppercut drills and body work punch outs - very demanding, nobody was exactly shaking my hand and thanking me for it, bruhuhaha)

15 minutes technical sparring (again, rounds were unstructured, but the emphasis here was footwork; sidestepping, pivoting, and pivoting while stepping into a liver punch)

Fights on, baby - wish me luck all. Today was a little lighter then I'd hoped it would be, alot of greenhorns I wanted to work with. Good group. Tommorow I'll beat my ass into the group to make up for it though, maybe some 10x10/sandbag work/sprints... yeaaah sounds good.
You better slaughter that mofo. Like Rachid, out-point him so much they call the fight. lol

Don't forget the Amatuer Fighters thread.
i really enjoy your log, how many fights do you have so far? I imagine your taller than alot of people in your weight class too...
Hey True2KungFu, thanks alot, I'm a big fan of your log as well. Those burpee/shadowboxing rounds are definitetly worth their weight in gold, eh? Keep at it!

I've had 9 amateur fights and 6 exhibitions, and yeah, I've only fought one guy taller then myself. I'm sort of a lankster I guess, hah. In spite of that, though, I think my inside work and body punching are one of my strongest points, which I think most trainers don't expect when they see "6'0 tall welterweight" on paper, so maybe its throwing guys off their gameplans or something. I'm currently 8-1 with 5 of my fights not having gone the distance (including the one I lost - damn outclass rule)


Trainer called me up and said "take the night off" because they want some rigorous pad/bodybelt work done tommorow, but I wasn't having any of that - is my opponent going to slow down if I'm feeling a bit sore? No, he fucking isn't

2 mile run (cross-country, lots of hills)
4 x 100m hill sprints (jogging back to the bottom, no rest)

3 rounds shadowboxing

4 rounds heavybag work

3 rounds double-end bag

conditioning circuit (pull):
dumbbell snatch x5 (each side)
dumbbell swing x5 (each side)
weighted pull-ups x6
rest 1 minute. Repeat x3

sandbag overhead carry finisher

Short, sweet, intense.

By the way, here's some pictures:


Pulling a stupid face while workin' the bag


Digging a hook at shoulder-height. This is what I throw if they're jerks and use a style similar to KK's. 6-8 of these over a couple of rounds and they lose alot behind their lead hand, and bring it back a bit lower, too.


Workin' the double-end bag


Right hand upstairs, about to dig a hook into the liver ohhh money punch


shouldering the sandbag


Can ya picture this mug plastered all around madison sq garden striking fear into the hearts of welterweight contenders? eh? eh? neither
Wow, you can do planche pushups? That is pretty sweet!

Any tips on how to train up to those?
Thanks, chia. I actually got alot of help from this article at

I did alot of light planche work (frog stance and so on) 3x a week, it took me just under 2 years, but I'm sure with more consistent/focused practice you could nail it alot quicker

keep in mind I'm also a pretty light guy!

good luck and train hard
Ha ha ha!! LOVE the mutton-chops man. Irish cats with sideburns kick ass. You got that lanky build but usually guys like that hit like freakin' trucks. I'd spend the whole fight staying inside your reach and trying to bully you, but I'd bet any money your Irish blood would kick-in and you'd go John Duddy on me.

I told Graham (Happy Boy) over on BWBS when he invited me to Ireland that I couldn't live with myself as the Grandson of an Irishman if I didn't get drunk in a Pub and get into fights, puke, then end up singing with whomever I fought. Sound like fun?\

Oh yeah, and nice shoes.
Hah you should've seen 'em before work made me clean them up. I don't mess around with my mutton chops heh

Thanks, I love my tyguns.


jump-rope warm-up

3 rounds shadowboxing

6 rounds heavybag work (end every round with a 30 seconds punch-out or flurrying inside)

3 rounds speedbag

4 x 2 minute burpee/shadowboxing intervals

5 minutes non-weighted core work (sit-ups, russian twists, planks, side planks)

5 minutes medicine ball strength practice (pistols, OAPU, etc)

5 minues weighted core work (weighted situps, weighted russian twists, weighted side bends, etc)

shadowboxing cooldown

G'day it was
Brandon MacRea said:
Thanks, chia. I actually got alot of help from this article at

I did alot of light planche work (frog stance and so on) 3x a week, it took me just under 2 years, but I'm sure with more consistent/focused practice you could nail it alot quicker

keep in mind I'm also a pretty light guy!

good luck and train hard

Thanks for that link.
Took the last 2 days off. Fight is tommorow, and I'm mentally prepared to be the gaiscioch!
Moida 'im Patch!!
KK, Frodo, Ferrolent, thanks alot for your support!

Took the morning off, had a nice bowl of oatmeal and eggs with a glass and OJ and just relaxed. Some fife and pipe music firing me up, I visualised everything on the drive there.

Warmed up in a room too cramped to jump-rope.

Tentative first round, trading jabs. He seemed a little shocked when I started jabbing to the body, and I was scoring well with it. Think I was up on points by the end of the first. Smelled blood coming out into the second and my opponent was given two more 8-counts and the fight was halted by outclass. Hats off to Salim, my opponent, who was a game fighter and a great competitor.

NOW... I wanted 3 rounds, the gaiscioch inside of me was not pleased, so I headed to the gym and did the following:

jump-rope warm-up
shoulder circles conditioning
thorough stretching
push-ups (the "Famous 45"; 15 fingertip, 15 diamond, 15 normal, no rest)
plyo pushup finisher

3 rounds shadowboxing
4 rounds heavybag work
4 rounds sparring

heh, couldn't help it. Back to the grind tommorow, thanks again for the comments guys it means alot to em!
That's the way. Glad to see all your hard work paid off in the ring
Thanks again ferrolent, do you compete?

April 19th:

Took it easy today. Active rest. Did some light shadowboxing and sandbag lifting (shouldering, pressing, etc). Did some thorough stretching.
Did someone forget about the Amateur Fighter thread? lol

It's alright. Seems like this fight came out of nowhere. Good win either way.

Man Rachid must be on a long business trip. The Gym on BWBS is DEAD.

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