LSG outed.

Originally posted by shidokanartist
There is nothing here that a good round of dry anal won't solve.
I always look for advice from my wise elders and this is a fine example. Stay strong, Shitcan!
Originally posted by JSC
I must admit I'm quite eager to see you form a complete sentence with no grammatical errors, but I feel that's just an unattainable dream.
you understand 80% of what i say, moron.
to dream of me improving my grammar proves you have no ambitions, :eek::eek::eek:.
Originally posted by JSC
I always look for advice from my wise elders and this is a fine example. Stay strong, Shitcan! meant "dry anal for KB and ISG.
Originally posted by shidokanartist meant "dry anal for KB and ISG.

Will they be giving or receiving the "dry anal"?
Originally posted by shidokanartist meant "dry anal for KB and ISG.

wouldnt that be uncomfortable for you as well?.....have you ever tried to manuever around a polyp with no lube?
Originally posted by TwIsTeD&BrOkEn
This could be a hunch, but Im going to go out on a limb and say youre not really new.

I dont appreciate KB, I never did.....but then, there were a lot of bandwagons I never jumped on.....personally, I thought she was pretty tasteless, and in the thread that asked "would you hit it" I answered no.
i understand if you're a very uptight clean buttercup, but come on a few beers would change that perspective.
you answered no?
did you answer no to when asked ''would you hit it'' being ''bighead'' the receiver.
Originally posted by HUM4N R4C3
you understand 80% of what i say, moron.
to dream of me improving my grammar proves you have no ambitions, :eek::eek::eek:.
80% comprehension is good?
Originally posted by HUM4N R4C3
i understand if you're a very uptight clean buttercup, but come on a few beers would change that perspective.
you answered no?
did you answer no to when asked ''would you hit it'' being ''bighead'' the receiver.
bighead is prettier than KB.
Originally posted by TwIsTeD&BrOkEn
wouldnt that be uncomfortable for you as well?.....have you ever tried to manuever around a polyp with no lube?
No, sadly I'm all talk.
your homo erotic feeling toward ''bighead'' is understandable.
give me a few beers and Id probably fuck a burn victim, so thats really a non-issue.

I made no comment on the bighead thread, matter of fact, I didnt realize there was one....had I known, I also wouldve answered no....he reminds me too much of Tom Hanks, and I think he would be a very selfish lover......I like to be pampered.....tell me Im pretty.
Well he does have a penis, not that i am one to investigate, but clearly he can answer this for us.
However, bighead pic in I.L is very manly metero, so you're very gay and indeedly you love the cock.
But i am not shocked to see you post romoality.
Originally posted by TwIsTeD&BrOkEn
give me a few beers and Id probably fuck a burn victim, so thats really a non-issue.

I made no comment on the bighead thread, matter of fact, I didnt realize there was one....had I known, I also wouldve answered no....he reminds me too much of Tom Hanks, and I think he would be a very selfish lover......I like to be pampered.....tell me Im pretty.
Are you gay?
Originally posted by HUM4N R4C3
you understand 80% of what i say, moron.
to dream of me improving my grammar proves you have no ambitions, :eek::eek::eek:.
While this may be true, at least my ambitions far exceed your apparent ambition of trying to find out what the real lsg looks like.
Originally posted by JSC
While this may be true, at least my ambitions far exceed your apparent ambition of trying to find out what the real lsg looks like.
I have never stress it to the point that it becomes an ambition, butthole surfer.
Originally posted by HUM4N R4C3
Well he does have a penis, not that i am one to investigate, but clearly he can answer this for us.
However, bighead pic in I.L is very manly metero, so you're very gay and indeedly you love the cock.
But i am not shocked to see you post romoality.
me? gay? Why doesn't anybody ever tell me this shit?
Originally posted by HUM4N R4C3
I have never stress it to the point that it becomes an ambition, butthole surfer.
Possibly not, but I do see that in every one of your inane ramblings you stress the fact everyone else is a homo which makes it blatantly obvious your gaydar is beeping at full volume. Now I'm not saying you're gay, just that everyone else does.