Low Bar Squats - Is this just an ego squat?


My Mom's stronger than you belt
Jun 1, 2008
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Does performing the low bar squat as your main lift for strength provide less of a transfer over to athletic performance?

Or is that simply another case of your skills coach takes that strength and makes something of it?

Background. Dude on FB bad mouthing the low bar squat. Says it has no "transfer to anything athletic."
I bet this "Dude" has weak hamstrings.

he's an oly lifter and High Bar squats...

He;s been ragging on Rip (which is fine) but he said his athlete's problem stems from LB squatting...
Dude on FB is an idiot.

People will argue that HB squat is better for Oly lifting than LB but only an idiot would say it has no transfer to anything athletic.
Did he also tell you that everything you know about fitness is a lie?
Yes. Moving the bar one inch down your back for a squat is going to make the lift a complete waste of time if you're an aspiring athlete. We of the low-bar community have tried our best to hide the world from this truth for years, but alas, word has finally gotten out.
You can carry more weight
WLers, or wanna be ones, really need to stop embarrassing us.
This has been discussed at length before.

I can't believe you even made this thread. I saw your thread title and actually said "what????" out loud.
dude: "So it's the farthest thing from a front squat or upright position which is used in oly lifting etc ... I don't see its function, its almost more like a good morning..."
Is he your typical recreational Olympic lifter with a weak squat and even weaker snatch/c&j?

I see a few of them at my gym. They're all weak and never really seem to progress.
This has been discussed at length before.

I can't believe you even made this thread. I saw your thread title and actually said "what????" out loud.

Then why are you here?
Is he your typical recreational Olympic lifter with a weak squat and even weaker snatch/c&j?

I see a few of them at my gym. They're all weak and never really seem to progress.

He competes, and I know little of his abilities, other than he said he wanted a 1300 total at 155lbs BW
Is he your typical recreational Olympic lifter with a weak squat and even weaker snatch/c&j?

I see a few of them at my gym. They're all weak and never really seem to progress.

This X's a million. These dudes really irritate me.

Obviously I want the sport to grow but these guys are always eager to run their suckholes. Silly elitist attitude based on less than nothing.

Feel free to add me on the ol FB nurse and I'll happily tell him why his clean sucks, because I'll bet money it does, to calm him down
IMO it's definitely easier to move heavier weight with a low bar squat, but that doesn't change the fact it's a highly functional exercise. If you can squat 500lbs+ low bar or high bar, you're fucking strong.
It's a silly thing to say. Moving from HB to LB means shortening the ROM a little, being a bit less upright and using your glutes and hams a bit more to come up. And being able to us more weight. Why would these things mean that suddenly what you were doing has no athletic applications?
Yes, making your glutes, hamstrings and lower back stronger has no purpose for any athletic endeavour. Clearly your FB friend is a genius.
It's a silly thing to say. Moving from HB to LB means shortening the ROM a little, being a bit less upright and using your glutes and hams a bit more to come up. And being able to us more weight. Why would these things mean that suddenly what you were doing has no athletic applications?

I would think it would have more application, especially for fighting. How often are you coming out of a deep, full squat in any athletic activity? Personally, I use a lower bar position and prefer it for my particular athletic activity (BJJ), because I'm most concerned with posterior chain strength and the ability to explode very quickly from a wide based but less deep squatting position. When you lift a person to throw them, you never have a narrow stance and a full squat. Wider base, low bar + a lot of deadlifting has helped me more than high bar ever did.
To post.

I just figured you'd been around long to know better than to make a thread like this.

I know... I have been and shame on me! srs...

It was a knee-jerk reaction...