Lifts you just suck at...

Overhead press.

I actually focused pretty damn hard on it for a while and it still never went anywhere. Been stuck at a max of between 120-130lbs for basically as long as I've been doing it.

Bench alternatively went from 190ish to 245ish and that's from a relatively good (over body weight) starting number.

I'm hoping to get the dip strength carry over to OHP which apparently happens at 100+lbs added... I'm a long ass way from that, but at least my dips improve so one day...
For a long time, my squat has been sub-par, but that was mostly due to me not dedicating myself to them as much as I should have. Since I've made them more a priority, and cleaned up my technique, it's climbing pretty steadily.

But my overhead press, (which I typically have always done seated- I didn't even know about SOHP until I started hitting up this forum, seriously), has always been a rather weak point for me. I do okay on it, but not as much as people would probably think I should. At a bodyweight of about 235, I'm doing maybe 275 (with decent form). And like I said, that's seated. I'm sure it would be significantly less standing.

A lot of guys who are serious about strength training and have been doing it for a decent amount of time can perform a BW press.

Yeah, maybe you should read over what I wrote again...
Lol to be completely and utterly honest... my benchpress, my press, and my snatch strength our not exceptionally great right now. With time I will be much stronger, but it's right now they are not pretty.
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Bench Press. My Push Press isn't far behind my bench. I'm finally getting Bench to move up, but it takes me benching at least twice a week.
Pull-ups/chin-ups. I don't know if I suck at them because I hate them or I hate them because I suck at them.

Either way I both hate and suck at basically anything involving the upper back.
all the olympic lifts, including front squats.
Back squats isnt my best friend, either. But we're trying to square things up
Lifts I suck at:
Bench, Back squat, Front squat, SOHP, Bent Rows, pull ups.
Lifts I'm slightly better at:
Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

This is me absolutely, although I would add cleans to the shit list.
all my lifts suck, I have been concentrating on conditioning/dieting for the last 6 months and all lifts are suffering like a malnourished child in Ghana
Bench Press is my Kryptonite lift.:mad::icon_sad:

Not that my Squat, Deadlift or Military Press are spectacular either; just not completely embarrassing.
What are you getting at?

What I said does not change.

So am I wrong in saying that not many people will be able to press much more than their BW? When was the last time you saw a 1.5xBW SOHP?
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My Deadlift sucks balls!!! I can squat more then i can deadlift thats how bad it is.....
So am I wrong in saying that not many people will be able to press much more than their BW? When was the last time you saw a 1.5xBW SOHP?

I never said anything about a 1.5 BW press.

I was talking about a BW/BW plus a little bit. Hence only quoting that part.

Lots of people press there BW/a little bit more.
For a long time, my squat has been sub-par, but that was mostly due to me not dedicating myself to them as much as I should have. Since I've made them more a priority, and cleaned up my technique, it's climbing pretty steadily.

But my overhead press, (which I typically have always done seated- I didn't even know about SOHP until I started hitting up this forum, seriously), has always been a rather weak point for me. I do okay on it, but not as much as people would probably think I should. At a bodyweight of about 235, I'm doing maybe 275 (with decent form). And like I said, that's seated. I'm sure it would be significantly less standing.

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