
Originally posted by Zeke1222
I study Kyusho-Jitsu. I am a member of D.K.I. under 9th dan George Dillman. I teach along with 4th dan Mark Syck and 3rd dan Becky Haworth.
As for billshido blackbeltnow, you have no idea what true effective fighting is. When you study with nerve, bone, and muscle specialists in order to make your style of fighting effective, the you may speak. Until such a time you are just as ignorant as all the arts you keep bashing. Most of them I may agree with you on, but wrestling, boxing, muay thai and bjj are far from perfect forms of fighting. They are good, but they could be much better, and that's what our organization is doing.

9th dan really? :rolleyes: Don't tell me about nerve bone or wahtever specialist. What makes you think I"m not one? Waht makes you think I know nothing? Why shoudl I believe your "science'? becuase you have a balckbelt. I have a blackbel in TKD! the guy next to me has a blackbelt. the guy behind me has a blackbelt. the guy in front of me teaches the little kids class.

ps, why do ppl flame me when i bash a TMA? (Maybe my screen name is obvious? ) I'm never the only one who states that opinion on how crappy nonkyokushin karate is. It shoudn't be hard, Just ask the balckbelt next to you...
Ask any fighter about blocking. The only block you need to know is to cover your head or parry. None of this fancy blocking kicks. Espeically blocking to hurt someone! thats bull! i dare you to block (or "attack") a low kick, cuz thats a kickboxers (or fighters) dream to see the skull wide open to kick.

Dillman was talking about how a Pressure point expert could walk though the competition back in the early UFC's. The result was them allowing him to try, One of his top students, Ryan Parker entered UFC 7 and was Choked out in the first round by Remco Pardoe, why was he unable to apply any of these techniques in a fight?

honestly im really asking, I have talked to some people who speak of the usefullness of this kind of stuff but i have never seen it work in a fight.
George Dillman sounds familiar. I don't know why. After readig TJS's post I guess I dont' have to look him up.
Its not the style! Its the Martial Artist! People say if its not Kyokushin its not effective the only thing that seperates Kyokushin from other styles e.t.c.. is the way they train 'Full Contact' Kyokushin is a blend of Goju Ryu and Shotokan, with low kicks and knees throwin in the mix.. You can come from any style of Karate its all how you train, I'am a 3rd Dan in Wado Kai karate but I Spar Bare Knuckle with low kicks and knees, and I also train BJJ and boxing to round everything out.. People only see what is on the surface the 'stances, blocks, katas, e.t.c. and think thats how a Karateka is supposed to fight..lol all that stuff is for basic conditioning and learning of tecniques e.t.c..
I agree with SpiritualShotgun, but anyway youll probably find alot more good fighters in Kyokushin etc than in Shotokan just because kyokushin is trained the way it is,even though the teqnicues are rather similar.
Originally posted by SpiritualShogun
Its not the style! Its the Martial Artist!

tell me one evidence this is truth? liek that time the TKD guy won in the last 5 years in UFC cuz of his "heart"? or are you referring to that kungfu guy who fought in Pride last 10 yaers and beat the crap of that wrestler cuz the kungfu guy was stronger and faster? which ONE match confirms what u said? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by BlackBeltNow
tell me one evidence this is truth? liek that time the TKD guy won in the last 5 years in UFC cuz of his "heart"? or are you referring to that kungfu guy who fought in Pride last 10 yaers and beat the crap of that wrestler cuz the kungfu guy was stronger and faster? which ONE match confirms what u said? :rolleyes:

Isn't Bas Rutten a second Dan in Kyokushin 'Karate'...? what about the late Andy Hug and F.Filho they are K-! fighters there both Karatekas and have defeated Thai Boxers.. also 'Sakurai' I beleive also has a Kyokushin Karate background as well? I'am not referring to TKD and Kung Fu I'am talking about Karate, if you watch alot of the fights theres alot of Karate style tecniques thrown K.Sakuraba does spin kicks and 'lands' them he also does 'shuto' strikes 'watch the Royce vs Sak match' e.t.c..I beleive also Guy Mezger cam from a Karate background as well as Vernon White who started in TKD also, they just learned submissions to round out there craft thats all..
Originally posted by SpiritualShogun
Isn't Bas Rutten a second Dan in Kyokushin 'Karate'...? what about the late Andy Hug and F.Filho they are K-! fighters there both Karatekas and have defeated Thai Boxers.. also 'Sakurai' I beleive also has a Kyokushin Karate background as well? I'am not referring to TKD and Kung Fu I'am talking about Karate, if you watch alot of the fights theres alot of Karate style tecniques thrown K.Sakuraba does spin kicks and 'lands' them he also does 'shuto' strikes 'watch the Royce vs Sak match' e.t.c..I beleive also Guy Mezger cam from a Karate background as well as Vernon White who started in TKD also, they just learned submissions to round out there craft thats all..

i'm referring to nonkyokushin karate. read my earlier posts. i have nothing against kyokushin or its derivatives. plus, how am i suposed to know u meant karate when u said "its not the MA, but hte fighter?"

and sak doing backkicks...err..and vitor doesn WC for his chain punching against silva.

all those MMAers such as rutten and mezger, QUIT karate to do MMA. same for lidell cept he's cursed w/ that kenpo tatoo! i remeember bas rutten even comented in sherdog.net about how ineffetive TKD is and why he switched to MT or whatever he did the following.
Dillman is that fat crazy looking iron claw guy in the back of all the Blackbelt mags! He's all theory. Sure on paper Dim Mak rules. But try that against someone actually swinging at you. "Wait... let me put my finger riiiight there please."
Ryan Parker's flaw was that back then D.K.I. was going through too much political crap due to D.S.I. Also at that time we had combined kyusho with Small Circle Jujitsu and Modern Arnis as well as some other Japanese arts. Now we have plenty of other styles, including MANY black belts, such as Jeff Delaney, in Brazilian Jiujitsu. Jeff is also 8th or 9th dan and one of the inheriters of modern arnis under Remey Presas. Chris Mitter has a black belt in Small Circle Jujitsu, Modern Arnis, Ryukyu kempo, and Brazilian Jiujitsu. Shihan Evan Pantazi is yet another. He's a 7th dan which combines grappling into everything. I cross train in a BJJ school here in Az. The key is adding in all of the D.K.I. knowledge into that existing style. You are right that it is the fighter and not the style. We were talking to Leon Jay just a few weeks ago and he was telling us how he used to come home from school everyday and his dad and Bruce Lee were training in the back yard. I know you guys have faith in Bruce. Wally was one of his greatest influences. Ryan didn't train enough in full contact bare knuckle sparring. This is one of the things I stress when it comes to kyusho or Dim Mak as Iron Chef calls it. Also we have had so many breakthroughs in the last ten years that what Ryan knew back then doesn't even measure up to what we know now. In about five or six years hopefully I'll be ready to fight and then you guys will either see what I'm talking about or you guys can laugh your asses off and say "I told you you're master's full of shit!".

Oh yeah, it'd be a good idea to look up Dillman. He's the guy who broke the 1,200 lbs of ice for Ripley's a few times. He also is more qualified than any other martial artist in America.
Iron Chef, look at it this way. If you know that you want to hit someone in the face or in the chest then why not know exactly where or how to hit them there so that it'll due the most damage? Even if you miss the actual point you've still hit them in the face or the chest just as hard as you would've if you wouldn't have aimed for the point. You've just hit them with the correct angle, direction, and polarity so that way if you do hit the point the affect will be much worse for your opponent. The only places that pain can enter your opponent is on nerves. If you hit them in the arm then the nerves in that area pick up the pain and tell your brain that you've been hit. Your muscle helps to protect that nerve. If you strike the nerve directly then much more pain shall be sent into their system. If you attack their sympathetic nervous system then you can cause direct damage to their internal organs. This is something that was still developing during Ryan Parkers time. We now shutdown peoples internal organs all the time. What do you think would do more damage? Would it be attacking someones muscles, nerves, or internal organs?

As Blackbeltnow said, "Why should I believe you? How do you know that I'm not a nerve, bone, or specialist?". If you don't believe it really doesn't matter. Go look it up for yourself. If you were a specialist then you'd already know that I'm right.
are u talking about this guy, jeff bJJ guy

MANCHESTER, NH - Jeff Delaney, Successor to Grandmaster Remy Presas, will teach a seminar on Modern Arnis, April 5 & 6,2002. Advanced Tapi-Tapi will be covered. For more information contact Lisa McManus, 21 Pine Street, Newport, NH 03773, Ph:603-863-6678, or email Lisa at [email protected] or visit or visit our web site at www.professorpresas.com

chris mitter

are these them? i see nothing of BJJ here.
Originally posted by Zeke1222
If you attack their sympathetic nervous system then you can cause direct damage to their internal organs.

As Blackbeltnow said, "Why should I believe you? How do you know that I'm not a nerve, bone, or specialist?". If you don't believe it really doesn't matter. Go look it up for yourself. If you were a specialist then you'd already know that I'm right.

BLEh!!! bleh bleh bleh shit tastes nasty how do you do that?

i coudl be wrong. i never herad of sympathetic nervous system, only sympathetic nevous system. Only CNS (central) and PNS (peripheral). i think u are referring to sympathetic division, whih is the fight or flight response, which is part of autonomic nervous system, a part of PNS. i don't now how u can talk about attacking this b/c its the whole body.
neurons, or nerve cells, have around 3 main parts i wanna talka bout. The dendrites, the axons, the cell body. The dendrites receive an input signal. An axon sends. Cell body is just there to have normal cell stuff such as ER, which stores Ca2+, which does signaling intracellularly.

sounds like a lot of stuff for a cell, but its does only little. All it does are 0 and 1s; neurons are only on or off. thats it. If you attack a nerve cell for pain, it HURTS. its 1: tell brain ouch.
Originally posted by DennisP
Yeah,It is kyokushin based.Here is the official website. http://www.ashihara.com/

BTW,Semmy Schilt has a Ashihara background.

You are right, he has a background in Ashihara, Kyokushin and a few more full-contact karate styles
Originally posted by Zeke1222
Iron Chef, look at it this way. If you know that you want to hit someone in the face or in the chest then why not know exactly where or how to hit them there so that it'll due the most damage? Even if you miss the actual point you've still hit them in the face or the chest just as hard as you would've if you wouldn't have aimed for the point. You've just hit them with the correct angle, direction, and polarity so that way if you do hit the point the affect will be much worse for your opponent. The only places that pain can enter your opponent is on nerves. If you hit them in the arm then the nerves in that area pick up the pain and tell your brain that you've been hit. Your muscle helps to protect that nerve. If you strike the nerve directly then much more pain shall be sent into their system. If you attack their sympathetic nervous system then you can cause direct damage to their internal organs. This is something that was still developing during Ryan Parkers time. We now shutdown peoples internal organs all the time. What do you think would do more damage? Would it be attacking someones muscles, nerves, or internal organs?

As Blackbeltnow said, "Why should I believe you? How do you know that I'm not a nerve, bone, or specialist?". If you don't believe it really doesn't matter. Go look it up for yourself. If you were a specialist then you'd already know that I'm right.

That tastes like, sounds like and smells like bullshido.com
Originally posted by Zeke1222
We now shutdown peoples internal organs all the time. What do you think would do more damage? Would it be attacking someones muscles, nerves, or internal organs?

You shut down internal organs in practice? you got a waiver for that I hope.

It is one thing to KNOW what little area to hit. To actually hit it is another. Fighting is about percentages (i.e. I am going to throw the technique that has the highest percentage hit rate). If you spend your time worrying about hitting a little spot, you're going to get clocked by the guy who throws his fist in the general direction of your head. I really doubt you guys practice this pressure point internal organ stuff with full resistance. If you did, you'd see what I'm talking about. I'm sure in theory, this stuff has some basis of fact. However, if you spend an hour learning about where to strike vs hitting the bag for an hour, you will be much better equipped and prepared for a fight if you hit the bag.
o woops in my explanation i forgot to mention why i said thaat stuff. my point is neurons can either be on or off, they cannot "tell" soemthing to do something, including "tricking an organ to collapse".
the brain howerver can do thatr. the brain can tell which neurons to go "1". i can only think of noe example, and i got this from bjj.net. if u choke and by chance u choke a lil too hihg on the neck, u push on this pressure detector, and one thing leads to another, and ur heart stops pumping. I never heard this happen, so i only see it as theory.
What is San Da exactly anyway? Someone told me it is just western boxing with some kicks and throws.

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